Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

No reports from the first SC?

many decks showed up . I had alot of fun. blaze variants were plentiful and i saw an unsual amount of crobat variants and many exploud decks also. Willim hung was there . we couldn't believe he showed up . he built a exploud deck right before the tournament when he got there . he did very well im preety sure . see ya later :D :pokeball:
I will be posting a report soon, with the down time, I was unable to do it this morning while I was hyped up on caffine. We had to drive all the way back to MS, got home about 6:00 AM...We were planning on finding a hotel room about half way between...little do we know everywhere from Longview Texas to atleast Minden LA was booked completely....so...we're quite tired...but I will post a report...even though I din do well. ^^ It may just take some time.
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Reportt 101

OK, I am at the airport waiting to get my flight to mexico, gotta say we ran tha thing smooth, no majr problems occured,gotta assure you that, and Charles was as cool as ever (though I will never understand why h calls me Texmex, but I think it sound funny :) ) Vince was rushing, but hey, if not that wouldnt be vince... gotta say that I saw a bunch of blaze, having seen that the manectric ones didnt do as well as the pure ray variants, though a crobat variant got top honor on 15+ abd garde took it on 11
14, Dave was there to, he is just so nice not to despair having me around

anyway, Therewas an attendannceof just a few short for the 100, and I got to meet a bunch of cool eople,you now who I am talking about, and also the professors, they are always the ones who make my day, so say, was my accent ery bad or what?
Glad to hear it was smooth, lots of decks out and a good time. YOU ALL know we're waiting for your reports & standings on this board.
Great to hear it was a success! Let`s get those new threads rolling with some reports!
nice to hear the tournament week good...sounds like vince i must say. well congrats to all the winners and we will wait for all of the deck reports.
Im not POSITIVE but I heard a Gardy placed 1st, 2nd I forgot, 3rd Lanturn, 4th Salamence/Blaziken. Thats what I heard, sorry if any info is incorrect :p

This is incorrect info, Gengar. I just decided to leave, assuming the garde would win =///

1st: Crobyss
2nd: Garde
3rd: LSD
4th: Blazimence
5th-8th: Blazi variants, except 7th, as Shfitry. I got 6th ;x
Patriarch is ight about the top 8.. Not sure about 11-14.. And 10- I only know that Dale Played his Amphy Ex adn did well, I believe took 3rd and Earned his Trip ..... Way to go Lynch MOB!!!! You guys did Texas proud if we can still claim you!!.... Meches (Demetre my son) Took 2nd with Metagross/ Gorebyss.... Won a Trip as Well....;) wait.. that means I get to go to WORLDS TOO!!!!! Woohoo.. see you guys in the Grinder.. I made Top 8 with RAMBO just to lose to CroByss again.... Is a good deck and was well played... but everyone knows the REAL story ;)
Meg and Birch did a Great Job and kept things smoothe as silk!! Thanks for the Perk! Met some really awesome People as usual and caused some mischief.. but hey.. who doesn't!
William Hung was there and got Mobbed by the Catholic Convention going on there! Poor Guy.. He still was very polite to the Poke Fans though adn signed a few cards when he wasn't to busy! Great Guy and wish him the Best with everything!
South was as the South is.. Friendly and Fun.. Well gotta go.. Going to take some cards from Meches Deck an Frame them for him!
absolutely do we know the real story, and I must say you should give our next game your all.

But yeah, me and you made great showings, and, comparing our records into the T16, and the actual turnout of the elimination, we tied ^_^
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So we tied for 6th.. didn't know that! Woot!!

And next time IT'S GOIN' DOWN!! Oh Yeah!! Though Rambo is Greatness and should be Retired in the Deck Hall of Fame, bringing something NEW to the Table... DEMB!!! Working on it as we Speak!

Are you going to World's, Patriarch??
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I'm going to worlds either if I get an invite via rankings, or if my dad will let me play in the grinder (which I'll pwn at ;))
Then the SOUTH shall Rise again.. Spoken like a True Yankee! Kidding PPL....

CroByss is an awesome deck though PPL, Make no Bones about it.... It won the South and though lost a Couple of games, gave other Blaze Players Troubles as well.. Make Sure you have Counter gyms and they equal greater than 1 or Desert Ruins pwns chew!
Also up your Warp Points or Switches.... woulda helped me out a TON!
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