Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

North Texas~Battle Roads

bravo to the best tournament in the U.S.A with around 48 to 50 people in attendance with some of the top notch players in Texas Hooray yeah. Thanks Rob for one of the best tournaments ever ran.
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not exactly, it was too crouded... it was fun though

You may say that but I am very appreciative of the store and so were others. We had the chance to allow more than the 48 to play and I heard no one complain about room while I was there. It was announced early on that it would be crowded. It was stated before Saturday and then at the tournament that room was tight. I think everyone did a great job and the day went well. Very little to detract from being able to play Pokemon.
So. . . .with Plano ends our North Texas Battle Road Run. I've prepared a short collection of semi-interesting statistics about our first pass at this series.

Total North Texas Battle Road Tournaments - 7
5/25/2007 - Fort Worth - 41 Total (8/16/17)
5/26/2007 - Garland - 34 Total (8/9/17)
5/27/2007 - Lewisville - 27 Total (7/6/14)
5/28/2007 - Mesquite - 33 Total (10/9/14)
6/02/2007 - Dallas - 25 Total (3/5/17)
6/09/2007 - Tom Bean - 22 Total (8/6/8)
6/16/2007 - Plano - 53 Total (20/14/19)

Average - 33.5 Total (9.1/9.2/15.1)

Juniors - 7 Victory medals won by 2 unique players (4 for Travis B., 3 for David M.)
Seniors - 7 Victory medals won by 5 unique players (2 for Robby W. and Andy M., 1 for Trevyn S., Alec N., and Cameron H.)
Masters - 7 Victory medals won by 4 unique players (4 for Johnny K., 1 for Philip G., Adrian P., and Devondrick J.)

What do I like about these numbers?
I really like the total attendance numbers. I think by and large, they are on, if not higher than, the high side of what I was expecting to see. I think I understand what PUI/POP was trying to accomplish with this series, which was to (a)provide a series of OP events at a time of year when traditionally nothing else was going on and (b)provide a sort of last-ditch opportunity for folks on the bubble to add to their Premier rating. I think they accidentally OVER-emphasized these events by giving them such a high k-value relative to the other tournaments in the OP year, making them equal in significance to cities. In response to that, I think they tried to compensate by lowering the prize support. I'm betting that in the fall, we will see this reversed, with the k-value being less than that of cities, but the prize support being upped a bit. This is just Spotter-speculation - I have no evidence to back this up (similar to my thoughts that next year's format would be DS-on; boy was I wrong!).

What do I NOT like about these numbers?
The attendance in the Junior age group. Don't get me wrong, I love that it is obvious that the Pokes ain't just for kids, and I'd really love to see all the numbers grow over the next year, but particularly the juniors. Any suggestions or ideas on how to make that happen would be welcome. Oh, yeah, and the fact that Johnny K.'s got a '4' by his name while my name is conspicuously absent from the list :tongue:

So, all you out there in Poke-land, what did YOU think? What did you like? What didn't you like? Your erstwhile Professors want to hear from you!

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What I think?
Overall the tournaments didn't have enough motivation for people to go. Like Cities did. But they were well run.

What did I like?
They were just minimal point boosters to just get the clinch.

What didn't I like?
Attendance numbers. Bleh. I mean in the Seniors and Juniors it was just aweful. The top 2 cuts that were so abundant in lower age groups were also something I disliked along with the attendance numbers. It gave even less of a chance for people to get the Victory Medal.
What do I like/dislike about these numbers?

I think they're a sign that the 15+ was definitely into this latter portion of the tournament season. You had the hardcores like myself trying to up their premier ratings, and then you had the not-so hardcores like Adrian who just showed to have a good time (and did well in the process). As far as our age group goes, these tournies stayed in the scope of cities...generally. Attendance was also quite solid at each venue with an active league.

I also thought that the Memorial Day weekend thing was an excellent move. Fort Worth's attendance was pretty solid, and the other three also did well. The only downside to that is you give players a very liberal "pick-and-choose" option with their battle roads...I don't think anyone past the staff, their immediate relatives, Clay/George and Billy hit up all four.

Now the criticisms of the BR concept...In relation to the Dallas Gym Challenge last year, which drew in 90-something players, these battle roads seem far less amazing. In relation to cities, I think they were, more or less, the same. Here I'll list locations where both a CC (left number) and a BR were held (right number):

Tom Bean: 28 (9-5-14) VS 22 (8-6-8)
Garland: 32 (8-7-17) VS 34 (8-9-17)
Lewisville: 47 (15-12-20) VS 27 (7-6-14)

I think the trend is that due to Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston having to cram in every event they can in the tight schedule, there wasn't an opportunity to work together like in CC's (as suggested by the Lewisville CC's drop when converted to a BR...the CC saw a nice crowd from all over, but the BR just saw our regulars).

POP's prize support needs to go up for the Autumn series. For anyone not interested in the intangible rating points (in other words, the best prize on the line...which is wrong, since intangibles should never be advertised as the "best" prize), the only thing to play for was the card, really! Receiving half a box was a pretty nice bounty for cities, and even further back in the day, full boxes made tournaments REALLY interesting! My point, though, is that most players make a cost-benefit analysis before attending an event: how much time, effort, and money they put forth on a single day, compared to the potential reward. We all love this game and generally do not play it for any personal profit, but less incentives ultimately lead to smaller turnout.

Also, Shane is right: either decrase the K value, increase it, or eliminate cities altogether and just have Fall/Spring battle roads. =P

What do I think about Battle Roads in general?

Good series overall, but corrections must be made in order for POP's attendance at these to rise. If anyone is a testament to the value of Battle Roads, I am. By not losing a single match in four tournaments, my rating is now just barely above Eric's, whereas had I not played at all, I would be 120 points below him! Andy is also in a great position, and several other players are now in range to capitalize on good nationals performances.
What I like about Numbers.

What I like about numbers, they count for me. The battle roads senior attendance was at a low, very low. The top 2 in the lower age groups on most of them was horrible. The fact that we had to mix age groups hurt some people. We came for the rating boost, not to play 40 games that didn't help or hurt the rating. I didn't like the small amount of prize offerings. The judges did a good job about handing out deck boxes and pencils. Other than that, everything was good except attendance.

What I liked about the Battle Roads.

I liked that there was a tourney between this and Nationals, but personally, I like the gym's way more. I'm sure there is alot of people who would rather win their trips than have to go to a million tourneys and do well with a rating. Though I think i gained 250 points from playing the them. So i'm pretty ok with them.

Other than that, See yall at Nats!

I offered it to you Spotter...
I enjoyed the Battle Roads and thank all the participants (TOs, staff, and players) for making them fun. I would have enjoyed seeing larger groups and having the age groups podded seperate but that is minor.

Point value for Battle Roads is something POP realized and announced would change for next tournament year early on. That is easy. I am not worried about it having larger prize support either. Since Battle Roads is suppose to be the introduction to Premier Tournaments then I don't think that the top cut should be dictated by POP. I don't mind guidance by them for what the top cut should be on these but as they are meant to be more a fun event than hardcore competition for points then allow as many people to play as long as possible. The PTOs and TOs could still limit it if needed for time. Personally I think a better point system would really improve participation as well.

I know that some that were big during City Championships were not around for the Battle Roads and that made the crowds smaller as well. This is one that it is summer and kids have other activities. Look at our PTO MP_Birch. He has 2 grandsons that did not play much because of summer sports. That is what happens and is fine. I don't think the K value or prize support was really a major point for everyone but was for part of the people who play and other things being done were for another part.
My little Abby picked up an unwanted bonus . She has Hand , Foot and mouth disease from this weekend's visit to plano. She had no contact with other children last week till Sat. She has been home sick since. It lasts about 4 to 6 days . Anyone else get it?
She got it from someone that was at the tournament.

Its cancelled our plans to go to BR's in La. and Miss, this weekend.

Just letting people know what it is in case their child has it too and they don't know what it is. But they did not get it from Abby cause it takes a couple of days to set in after contact with the host that has the virus.

This is one reason why I perfer to bow like the Japanese than to shake hands after a game.
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