Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Northeastern Regional Champion Report

Weasel Zero

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NE Regionals Report. 130 Masters 7 rounds top 16

Ok so friday night I take a nap in the afternoon before heading to Eric's house. Eric also invited Gino (aka Nats champ 2008) over to playtest/crash for the night so he could drive us to Philly in the wee hours of the morning. We grab some chinese food and discussed strategy and techs. Eric and Gino playtested a few games and I watched, since I felt really blah about the format and wasn't up to Pokemoning at that moment. Those BUMS (I love you guys) decided to leave at like 4-something in the am without any of us grabbing any Z's. (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII wanted to leave a little later, but I guess the 2009 NE Regional Champion's opinion doesn't matter XD) Once in Philly, we grab some McD's breakfast, find SUPER cheap parking, and crash at the venue before everyone else until people arrive.

[I apologize in advance for my terrible memory. I will not remember names or details since the lack of sleep blurred a lot that happened]

Round 1- ???- Galactic w/out Dialga
I set up a quick dialga G and keep my hand fresh with constant Cyrus'. Dialga G ran through his pokemon pretty well for the win. 1-0

Round 2- ???- Galactic w/out Dialga
I can't remember this match too well, but I believe it was similar to Round 1. Dialga G, constant Cyrus, rush for game. 2-0

Round 3- Edwin- Regigigas
Edwin is an awesome friend from NYC league before, so either win or lose I knew this was gonna be fun. We both start horribly and misplay like the "good" players we are lol. I kill a 'Gigas and he manages to revenge kill my Dialga G X. Unfortunately, my other 2 Dialga prized along with his constant Mesprit lock and Azelf's +1 attack cost body allowed him to get another 'Gigas up and he ran through me like a steamroller. It was fun and we had differences of opinions about the match-up, but I have no sour grapes about Edwin beating me. Better him than somebody IDK. Love you dude. 2-1

Round 4- ???- Galactic (no details about which version)
I believe it was the same as before. My Dialga runs through his pokemon while Cyrus keeps me up. 3-1

Round 5- Bolt- Gardy/Gallade with Weavile set-up
Another pokemon friend from NYC league. Awesome dude who's chill about everything, even when I annoy him to death. He got a dreadful start to my decent start and his next turns didn't help to change that. I got a Dialga and started hitting his ralts for ko's. Sorry Bolt. I <3 you. 4-1

Round 6- Jimmy- Manectric with Cress and Palkia
Jimmy is a fantastic player and an amazing guy. Polite and humble to boot. One of the best there is atm, so I knew I had my work cut out for me. I luck out and set up the fastest Dialga GX ever while his Manectric 40 me constantly while giving his Cress energies. We go blow for blow until my Dialga takes control. I misplay by benching a Toxicroak, which gives his Cress a possible 2 easy prizes. He finally gets Palkia X out and sure enough, my Croak gets restructured and destructured for 2 prizes. Despite that, time is called and we both have 1 prize each. I happen to get 'Krow out and snipe a hurt bench pkmn for the game. BEST GAME ALL DAY, JIMMY!!! Thank you for the incredible match. 5-1

Round 7- Dan- Galactic mirror w/Dialga
Dan is an amazing friend from NYC league and a very nice guy to be around. I start ideally with my 'Doom G against his Dialga G, but couldn't get my dark energies out. He gets better start and steamrolls through me before I can attempt a comeback. Nice game, Dan. 5-2

I top 16 and get ready for my match.

Top 16- MK- Galactic mirror w/ Dialga
MK is another great friend from NYC league who impresses me ever tourney. I had to play him in NY States in top 4 for the win and I hate having to face him again. This was a long battle consisting of back and forth Dialga killing with 'Doom G assistance from the both of us. He gets a crucial Pachi hit and that slows me down a bit, but by the end of it, he can't get another Dialga GX. I squeeze a win outta this one and the match was so long, he couldn't get a chance at a comeback. Sorry MK. I love you. <3 6-2

Top 8- Michael- Blastcatty
I vaguely remember this guy from back in the day, but to be honest IDK him very well. He just returned to the game and in amazing fashion with already top 8'ing regionals. I luck out game 1 when his skitty start does take down and gets donked by my 'Krow G with 'Bat G assistance. Game 2 was long and arduous. Despite my sprays, he gets his 'Stoises out and his momentum going, taking my G-pkmn apart. Game 3 was a sudden death match with 6 prizes due to time and we both start bad. Luckily, I top deck a few times and am able to block his Claydol and 'Stoise with spray while using my Dialga G to take the winning prize. Awesome games, Michael!!! 7-2

Top 4- Ben- Galactic mirror w/Dialga
Ben is another amazing player who knocked me outta top in last year's regionals. I honestly thought he was gonna do the same this year. He starts better than I do and we go toe to toe for prizes. However, his deck runs better for mirror so he gains control. We go down to last prize each and I luck out by him decking out. The 1st game was so long that all we could do was start game 2 to see if he could donk me, but he couldn't and I showed him Rosy's for the win. GJ Ben and I'm sorry we had to end the match that way. 8-2

Finals- Greg- Machamp w/ Gengar
This match-up made me feel kinda uneasy, since both 'Champ and Gengar both have great attacks against Galactic. However, after my hands in both games, that uneasiness went away. Both games I had god starts to his mediocre hands. I power spray his uxie 3 times in game 1 and twice in game 2 while I spammed 'Croak G with 'Tank G/stadium assistance. I get plenty of ko's both games for the win. Congrats Greg. 9-2

So I win the Northeastern Regional Championship and take a bow for the judges and watchers still there. I collect my stuff and head home with the guys.

-Seeing my pokepeeps at the tourney.
-Eric's epic trading skills. I swear, he can get TSD's for the lint he finds in his pocket. Thanks for getting me every card I need. <3
-Brian's constant training for the big events. We playtest so much that I can face the matchups in my sleep. Thanks for hounding me all the time, dude. <3
-Gino for driving me to the venue and back, discussing list, techs, and strategy, and for giving me his list for this one. Underground, baby!! <3
-Sam for getting 4th. Playtest more, foo'!!! LOL na seriously, you did great and I am very impressed.
-Dan, MK, Edwin, Frankie and Gino top cutting. Great job you guys!!!

-Cards and stuff being stolen. I mean c'mon at POKEMANZ? Watch your stuff guys.
-No sleep making me crash like 50 bagillion times that day.
-Me having to face MK in top cut AGAIN!! Damn luck... <3 U MK!!
-Dumb time issue again. I thought we left that behind during the GnG era lol. It was in my favor, but still...
-My plastics breaking every round... I need new plastics lol
-Me having to use the bathroom every 5 mins... that was annoying lol...

Great event, judges. Well done, not many problems and quick rulings. Awesome work!!

Congrats on the win Darrell! I was rooting for either you or Ben in top 4. Represent with G :) O and check your email lol
only time i misplayed all day.....couldnt help it your so cute :p GRATZ BRO!!Props to Eric for getting a DSi for 20 buxs also LMAO Good times
Congratulations, and ya good game at the end I may have just been making a big deal out of nothing about not lvling up lol..., but ya that game was really close and gj and hope to see you at nationals.
CONGRATZ, and yeah i would have done better if brian didnt work 234762345637856374652369578346r789 hours a day and you could come over to test =p. if you could do this in your sleep, then get 297452945135241356246259 hours of sleep before nats =D
Madd props Darrell for the win! Real talk though after I lost w/ the deck in top 16 me, garcia, edwin, and eric we all looked at you cuz you were the last shot we had. We put everything in your hands and you didnt let us down. You came through and thats how a champion does things!!!

You know me and brian been talkin about it for a while of how you deserve a regional championship and you bagged it. I told u no sleep = Championships!!! Im glad you won but im hating on how I lose with my deck but you play the same exact thing and sweep with it. STUPID LUCK!!! :lol: Nah im just playin im madd souped u took it. Next we TAKING NATIONALS!!! Like KG baby ANYTHINNGGGG ISSSS POSSSIBLLLLLE!!!


get at that training ... i wish i didn't get pooped on by time yet again ... W.E.


i told u gino ... just sit back and relax son ... u got us the hotel at worlds and we got u a hotel at nats ... ^_-

i love our team its sooo sexy