Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

NW Regionals 4th Place Report. Seniors.

The Ralts

New Member
So we make the drive down to Oregon at about 2:30 or so, after walking this person's dogs. I end up there at about 7:30 or so, and tested a gengar list all night, since I thought I might end up playing that. I had go with my special Dialga G in the end, and after saying 'night to everyone I made a bunch of changes, like dropping to 1 lookers, upping bebe's to 4, adding premier ball (bad choice) and stuff like that. The purpose was an attempt to make the deck more consistent without using powers, since both Steven and Zane were using palkia.

We get to the place at about 8 AM, and I make a beeline for the table with Alex and Zane. That table gathers up Wyatt, Amelia -who both stayed true to their word and went emo on us- and Steven as they arrive and I get my lucky duct tape rose from Amelia which i had her make for me since I was too lazy to learn how myself. >.<
I fill out the team charter, and finally make the descision for the name. We go with Team We Beat Oregon, since we all knew how awesome it would be when they announce that we won. Only problem was that if we got second, it would kind of suck.
I guess we would just have to win then. ;)

And since I've been too lazy to take notes at every event I go to, I can't remember a whole lot about the matches. If I forget someone or misplace an event, please correct meh. >.>
On to the report!

Round 1: ?? with castform.
A castform deck with no supporters.


Round 2: Joseph L. with Machamp
In order for me to lose to macheap, (besides a trash hand or something) a nearly exact sequence of things has to happen: I need to start with unown G. He gets t1 macheap and kills it. Then I need to have horrible luck getting out my toxicroaks/skuntank and stadiums. Then I also need to not draw into my night maintenance until he's at one prize.
Guess what happened. =\


I'm not feeling completely extatic with a 1-1 record, and another hour and a half to wait with my nerves all a-tingly. I try to eat some food and know that my next few roudns are going to be spent making up points.

Round 3: ?? with gengar
I have t1 deafen lock in hand, and go first of course. She flips over ghastly and baltoy and I start feeling worried, but she uses ghastly's second attack to do 20 to my toxicroak instead of using pitch-dark. From that I knew she was mostly a beginner, and felt more relaxed about the whole match. I deafen her, and then when I get out dialga X she doesn't use claydol for several turns. I couldn't figure out why, but I never asked her. When I finally poketurn'd dialga for a new one and didn't level up, she said that she was glad my dialga X was finally gone, and she could finally use cosmic power again. >.<
I never thought that that might be why she didn't use cosmic, so I correct her and apologize. And we continue. I just sweep up a few things from there.


Round 4: Chris S. with Dialga
I start with toxicroak, and have the t1 deafen but go first. Luckily I draw into call and get baltoy and dialga. he started with baltoy, so he just kept that up there and couldn't get a t1 lock. I go, bronzong the energy from toxicroak to dialga, poketurn, get claydol, do some stuff, and begin deafening. From there he stalled with his baltoy until I finally killed it for a lead in prizes. Then we started trading blows, exchanging poketurns and things. he never drew into a power spray the whole game either, so i ahd an advantage there, and he made a misplay at one point where he should have switched an energy with bronzong over to a new dialga and used poketurn, but didn't, allowing me to kill a dialga X. he also flipped tails both times he used remove lost, which would have been disastrous had he gotten heads.


Round 5/6: Gage R. with porygon (this might be round 6, IDK)
I thought he was playing machamp (though after he flipped his pokemon, i remembered hearing he was playing porygon earlier) so I had the choice to start with dialga, with t1 deafen in hand, or toxicroak, incase I go first and he gets t1 macheap on me. I end up starting with dialga, and go first (again) and worry for about 10 minutes while they give away door prizes. We finally start and he flips over porygon, and I breath an inward sigh of relief. I attach, and he plays 2 TMs and uses calculate or whatever porygon's attack is. i start using deafen and never let up. I take 3 prizes before he finally starts attacking, and then I just cycle through poketurns and wait for deafen plus poison to finally kill him. Only being able to do 80 max the entire match, and I always had at least 2 metals on a dialga, then attaching a third the next turn, making every dialga be able to take 2 hits, then i just use bronzong, and poketurn to send up a fresh one.


Round 5/6: kattelynne D. with macheap (could be round 5, IDk)
This is how machamp is supposed to go. I go first with t1 deafen in hand, and wait out her turn worrying that she's gonna get the t1 on me. She whiffs and i start deafening, and she evolves all her machamps with HQ out, causing an static 40 damage by the time they try to hit me. Once she finally starts doing something, i retreat Dialga X so she can't level up, and just sweep with toxicroak.


Round 7: Robin H. with tyranitar
I have the t1 deafen in hand, and of course go first AGAIN. I just attach call to my active azelf and get dialga and baltoy. He plays a couple cards and starts using sableye to set up. I get out claydol, level up, and start using deafen. We sit like that for the next 4 turns while he keeps pitching darkness to the discard with felicitys and such, but can never get them back since I've been locking his body. So he finally gets out weavile and charges up his only tyranitar (only 1 pupitar) and I take another 3 prizes from deafen while he's trying to set stuff up. he never gets a chance to play an energy gain on any other pokemon besides his tyranitar from when i broke the lock for a turn to kill a weavile. So he has like 7 energy on one tyranitar, which I play crobat, and poketurn twice and remove lost plus poison to one hit it. He has like no energy left, and I just sweep up a couple tyranitars for game.


Team We Beat Oregon wins seniors, but Amelia and Wyatt both dropped, so they didn't get cool peices of paper for winning. Won't be so eager to forsake us now, will you! (Kidding, I know both of you were just tired of playing and such...)
They both forsake us and go to Olive Garded, where they apparently met a famous speaker waiter, and pester him the entire time with random stuff. While leaving all of us behind to play pokemon. =(

So I make top cut at 5th, and get to play kingdra. Wewt.

Top 16: ??. with kingdra. ( I played Jonathan H. in either top 16 or top 8. And I can't remember the other guy's name, ugh.)
game 1: I get a t1 deafen in hand, and guess what? Go first. He gets t1 kingdra, and I struggle for a couple turns as I expected while getting set up, but a few turns in my dialgas just start walling him with special metals and poketurns. he concedes after about 30 minutes.

game 2: he gets a horrible draw, and draw passes for like 8 turns while I just kill stuff. He finally gets a claydol which I power spray a few times before I take my last prize. Sorry man =(


Top 8: ?? with Kingdra. (See above >.<)
Cool guy, It's fun playing him. =)
game 1: I get my possible t1 deafen, but go first anyway, and just call for some stuff. The game continues as normal with him doing some damage, but then starts dwindling when more special metals hit the field.

game 2: I get a pretty bad start, and never draw any special metals really. I decide to make him take all 6 prizes instead of conceding, as I decided that with my ability to choose to go second, and I could finally get t1 deafen and just stall like that while taking a few prizes from basics and be ahead in prizes when time is called.

game 3: I'm confident i have this easily...and get a bronzong G start. I decide to go second incase I topdeck something and end up just calling for stuff. I think he whiffs on t1 kingdra and I get deafen up and he concedes after a while or something. I don't remember this that well, too many kingdra games to remember. =\


Top 4: Quinn W. with macheap
game 1: Normal macheap game, I go second and can't deafen lock, but he whiffs t1 macheap and I deafen stall stuff until he's evolved everything to have damage, then retreat dialga X and start sweeping with toxicroak. I also had a regular dialga G on the bench with unown G and 4 special metals by then time he scoops.

game 2: I get utter crap, and just play it out incase I magically get something.

game 3: I think I got this since I can finally get t1 deafen with the auto-second rule. my hand: Dialga, 2 E-gain, 2 poketurn, 1 power spray, and an azelf. I grown, set out dialga and go second. I topdeck night maintenance, timewalk for a baltoy, and pass. It's another 2 turns before I hot energy, but he has almost as bad a start as me and doesn't get can't get out machampo until t4 or so. The game just goes downhill from there as I get horrible luck with everything, never get anything out, forget exactly where which prizes are, and things like that. At one point I can knock out a machamp with 4 energy, and then he has almost nothing as I can spray claydol. I need to somehiow get an energy, dialga X, and unown G. Since crobat was prized I couldn't just get crobat plus unown and second strike for KO. I end up grabbing the energy and unown with roseanne's, and use cosmic power for crap, then uxie for...crap. I concede shortly after.

Sometime during those matches he tries to use take out on toxicroak, not knowing what it's body did. That's the guy I lost to. Spiffy.

So Quinn manages to beat Eleki in top 16 with hurricane hax, flipping heads twice and 3 heads twice, then faces a random in top 8, and then I get terrible hands in top 4 to get him into top 2 against Zane. Who doesn't get a crappy hand and promptly beats him.

I was looking foward to facing Zane or Steven in the top cut at some time. And not getting such crappy luck against Quinn would have netted me 750 bucks, and a match against Zane which I'm sure would have been fun. Even if I lost I wouldn't have lost many points, and everyone would be happy.

But no, my deck craps out on me, and I miss a bunch of money and a big trophy.

Edit: They updated points, so my grapes are not quite so sour anymore. Turns out I only lost 23 points for losing to Quinn, and I gained 10 from nearly all my opponents I beat. But I also lost 25 for losing to Josepsh. So I lost 48 points total, but gained enough from the people I beat to push me up 27 points. Getting me up to 1890. Still plenty for a rating invite, as long as I don't bomb at nats.

But enough sour grapes, I had a fun time. And props to Zane for winning.
It was also cool to have them announce the winning team as 'We Beat Oregon,' so choosing that name paid off in the end. I don't know why they announced it during top 16 though, when no one was really paying attention to it. Kind of ruins the effect. =(
We whack a pinata the next morning before everyone leaves the hotel, and we make the drive back up to WA with Wyatt in tow, so he got to complain about how I was no good at conversation, while I made fun of his fashion choices. =)

I might have more crap to update with later. As I remember more stuff.

My little "Mob." <3
Zane for winning.
Steven for getting 3rd.
Zane's, Alex's, and my "Nerdy talk." Turns out conversing about video games is a great Emo-repellent.
Wyatt for providing (unintentional) comic relief.
WA for getting most of the trophys at regionals like we should. Juniors was all Oregon though as we only have like 2 competitive Juniors left now. =\
[DEL]Wyatt and Amelia for going emo.[/DEL] Wait nvm, that's a slop. =\
[DEL]Amelia for getting bored with the bad depth perception having her hair over one eye caused her, and then brushing it out and trying to wash some of the eyeliner off. Causing a racoon look which creeped out nearly everyone. [/DEL] Another misplace. This is slops too ;P
Bald PTOs =D

Wyatt and Amelia dropping before top cut, causing us to have to work harder at beating OR out of the top 4.
My deck for sucking in top 4.
Quinn's luck hax.
Emo kids.
Over with my last big local tournament as a senior.
BRs for not starting for another month, and only having a k rating of 4. Meaning that if I want to play, I'll be gaining like .5 points per win, and losing all 4 when I lose. Plus it gives me the feeling of having nothing really accomplished, when the entire points I could make over the course of 4 weeks could have been gained in a single nats round. Bring back 8 point BRs. =(
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First. 1717171717

Congrats. on top four. :) The second crossed out prop was pretty sad. Emos are cool. Jason>Top cut.
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@ Amelia: Why thank you for the congratulations, I know it is most heartfelt. =P

@ Wyatt: I'll be sure to take it out on you. :D
I actually hadn't finished that post yet but apparently you read it so whatever. I was a super genious and opened the PM thingy on the same window. -_- I'll edit it later. No I meant it, sorry if it didn't seem like it. No tone of voice/emotions on the internet is bad.
^ Lol, I'm never really serious on the internet. I know you were going to probably add something later, I just felt like countering your 'first,' and making it backfire. =P
(sorry if I confuzzled you)

Edit: @Wyatt below me: Yes, I know that's the reason she said it. I just decided to counter and make it backfire though. =D
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I thought it was funny because David's been saying "First" a lot and it's fun to make fun of that.

@David: so you been convinced to go emo for at least one BR yet?
Oh yes that was what the first was for. :p Making fun of David is awesome. I had written a bunch more stuff and I had actually thought you had magically read that stuff because I had actually said congrats. in the post. Basically, I thought the computer had glitched or something and you were able to read my edited first post. Yeahhh
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Great we have to worry about you too in Masters next year!! Good job on top 4. Sorry about the timing of the team announcement in top 16, but I scored the 28 teams as quickly as I could, most by myself as Pennny was off shaving David 's head. I had hoped to have it done before the T16 started but I was a few min. late.
And as there were many people who were not in the top cut but were waiting to hear the team results, I did not think it was fair to them to make them waite an hour till the 1st round of the playoffs were over.

Good luck at Battle Roads, Nationals and Worlds.
Great we have to worry about you too in Masters next year!! Good job on top 4. Sorry about the timing of the team announcement in top 16, but I scored the 28 teams as quickly as I could, most by myself as Pennny was off shaving David 's head. I had hoped to have it done before the T16 started but I was a few min. late.
And as there were many people who were not in the top cut but were waiting to hear the team results, I did not think it was fair to them to make them waite an hour till the 1st round of the playoffs were over.

Good luck at Battle Roads, Nationals and Worlds.
Thanks for the kind words. =)
=o didn't realize there were many people waiting to hear the results. As long as plenty of people got to hear it. =D