Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Obama Wins! (Official)

But cloning Humans is unethical and is widely unaccepted by a majority of people's throughout the world and the gov't's that rule them. I'm 100% against cloning mainly because they would be only created for their organs and such, but like in the movies they would be self-aware and also they are human life, so killing them for their organs would be like murder and well just go see some movies and that is what you'll get. Secondly Oil is like coal in that it was once the remains of dead plants and animals. Over time the heat and pressure turn the remains into oil. So if you try and clone oil the only thing you would be able to get would be the remains of the organism(s) not the substance (oil). Oil isn't living.
I never said it was right/wrong, just that we can do it. I don't know if we can actually reproduce oil extensively (though matt chin says we can, and I trust his scientific knowledge), but I know the same said was said about being able to clone a living organism 30ish years ago...and we proved them wrong.

On the public school thing: Ugh, don't get me started about the pay for being a teacher. They are so horribly underpaided. I honestly hope Obama can increase thier salaries to give them a decent living. After all, they work ALOT of hours and don't get paid for them. Also, I found my public schooling experience...meh. I had some amazing teachers and I had some teachers that I think should be stuffed into a ditch. I did learn alot of facts and whatnot, but I don't think I was truely prepared for life or critical thinking, so I'm not sure if I can say my schooling was a success or failure. However, I will say it left an impression on me and I want to become a teacher to *hopefully* improve the lives of our kids.
I never said it was right/wrong, just that we can do it. I don't know if we can actually reproduce oil extensively (though matt chin says we can, and I trust his scientific knowledge), but I know the same said was said about being able to clone a living organism 30ish years ago...and we proved them wrong.

We were able to do that becuase of the DNA, Oil itself never lived thus it has no DNA, but it contains DNA of the remmenants of the dead orgainisms that make it up. So cloning oil would result in the coloning of the plant(s) and/or animal(s) that make it up.
I never said it was right/wrong, just that we can do it. I don't know if we can actually reproduce oil extensively (though matt chin says we can, and I trust his scientific knowledge), but I know the same said was said about being able to clone a living organism 30ish years ago...and we proved them wrong.
With cloning they're taking an egg from some animal and giving it the same DNA as another animal. They aren't creating something out of nothing. So "cloning" oil, if it is possible, would be completely different from cloning a living organism. For example, if you have a tree and you take a branch off of that tree and put it in water and it grows roots, you technically have a clone of the tree (because they would be genetically identical). Oil doesn't have DNA.
well I guess your reply made my post completely useless.
if you were being sarcastic I'm sorry!

The King Of Magikarps said:
Well say goodbye to the USA and all it stood for. Forget America I'm moving to Mexico as it will soon be better then where I live now. *packs bags*. People will start regretting they voted for him as soon as they see how much their taxes go up. The only reason he has been elected is because he is black. Any place will soon be better to live in then this country will. It was great while it lasted. See you guys in Mexico.

Is that a serious post?
Barack got elected because he was black? Seriously? McCain is white and so were the 43 presidents before him, shouldn't he have had "the edge"? Lolz. Geez. This country has so many different types of people and the MAJORITY chose Obama. He won the POPLAR vote. The electoral is what counts (and ha, he got that too) but he still easily got the pop vote. If McCain would have won I would have been disappointed but I wouldn't go out and say "it's because Barack is black!" Stop using race as a crutch... like already said, all 43 of America's presidents were white... because Barack is black has to be the reason he won huh?

Have fun in Mexico! I'm part Mexican and I don't ever want to live there. Sad, I know, but true. (And yes I've been there a # of times)
Damn...if I knew all those trees I've been cutting at work would be voting for Obama I would've thought twice...maybe GA would've went blue!

..but probably not!

I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!
I never said it was right/wrong, just that we can do it. I don't know if we can actually reproduce oil extensively (though matt chin says we can, and I trust his scientific knowledge), but I know the same said was said about being able to clone a living organism 30ish years ago...and we proved them wrong.
Okay, okay, we can't reproduce it extensively, it's just biofuel.

And guys, he's saying we have the technology to clone humans, he isn't advocating it
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I notice that you glossed over the "at least when Clinton lied, no one died" portion. When Dubya lied, many many americans died in Iraq! What is worse?


When Dubya "lied"?

Go ahead and back that up with a plethora of Downing Street Memo "evidence," but there have been no concerted attempts of congress to prove that he has lied.

And he has never lied under oath.

George W. Bush may have dragged us into a questionable (to say the least) war, but he has not disrupted the rule of law in an impeachable way. Bill Clinton did.
0. If the Democrats felt that he truly did something impeachable and criminal, then they would have gone after him two years ago.
Well say goodbye to the USA and all it stood for. Forget America I'm moving to Mexico as it will soon be better then where I live now. *packs bags*. People will start regretting they voted for him as soon as they see how much their taxes go up. The only reason he has been elected is because he is black. Any place will soon be better to live in then this country will. It was great while it lasted. See you guys in Mexico.


Get your Romney signs ready.

Go Mitt Romney!!!:thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb:

I think that the country has a 50/50 chance under obama but i see alot more that can go wrong than i can see go right
Everyone should have voted for Chuck Norris we had a mock election at my school and chuck norris came in 2end place only beat by John McCain
Hope, Change

Well, it may be difficult to deliver free healthcare for all with the current state of the economy, or even withdraw all troops from the Middle East as was discussed 1 year ago+, but I'm really hoping he can deliver on his Hope and Change campaigning.. That's what I really wanted anyway: Change and Hope!
Who DIDN'T expect Obama to win? Lol.

Honestly, I was very concerned for a while there. Don't get me wrong, I think McCain would make a decent president, but the thought of Sarah Palin holding a position of power greater than Village Idiot scared me more than any horror movie I've ever seen.
Have you heard the latest? That she thought Africa was one country and couldn't understand why the McCain aide teaching her was talking about South Africa like it was a country in and of itself?

This was from Fox, so you know it's true.
Have you heard the latest? That she thought Africa was one country and couldn't understand why the McCain aide teaching her was talking about South Africa like it was a country in and of itself?

This was from Fox, so you know it's true.

I'm hesitant to believe most of the stuff that is coming out from the McCain campaign regarding Palin's ignorance. I really dislike the woman, and she showed some true ignorance during the Couric interview, but I have a hard time believing that she's as dumb as some folks are making her out to be. Seems more like folks trying to paint her as the main source of failure for the campaign to save their own skins.
She worked out great for McCain, IMO. She may be dumb, but that might only be realized and cared about by a smaller portion than those who think her wholesome *wink* hockey mom appeal outweighs her possible ignorance- and wow, her responses are always very clean and without hesitation and emotional (she just recites whatever she's been taught to very well with that charm of hers). She helped the campaign, and I think if people try to say otherwise they're just ignoring the fact that it was still a pretty close election. 53-46 (percent population) is pretty close. A few more votes or a few shifted votes in a state or two could have really turned the count around.

51-49 Florida(27) OBAMA
50-49 North Carolina(15) OBAMA

51-47 Ohio(20) OBAMA
50-49 Indiana(11) OBAMA

50-49 Missouri(11) MCCAIN

He won only 4 out of the five major swing states (ten or more electoral), giving taking only 11 out of the possible 84 points there. ALL of those states were Republican states last election. Three out of four of the victories above for Obama were with a margin of 2% or less. That's not a huge difference at all. That's a slight majority.

Losing 4 other previously Republican states didn't help either.

This election was close. Very close. There were so many variables at play, and I really think that either candidate could have taken this had a few things not been how they were. They shouldn't blame Palin- she probably really helped the McCain campaign.
McCain lost by 6 points.
No offense, but Bush won by about 1 percent in 2004 and declared he had a mandate, which inexplicably the "liberal"
media were all to happy to parrot.

So if Bush's squeaker was a mandate, let Obama have his healthy win.
His electoral margins are impressive. Numbers we haven't seen in a generation.
He gained 6 or more points for democrats in each and every segment of the electorate except for the "65+" group.

He ran a great campaign. To try to minimize his win is useless.
The facts speak for themselves. There is nothing to spin.