Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars


Tournament info is up on go-pokemon. No guarantees guys/gals, but wouldn't it be great to have a double day up here as well? We're working on it!
Garret: That would be totally insane! It would definitely be worthy of a Double CC Madness headliner lol.

Just to give an idea for spring BRs, would it be possible for a CRAZY-INSANE-POKEMON-MADNESS-3-TOURNAMENT-JAMBOREE??? We start off at Barrie at 8:00AM on a Saturday (or even 7:00AM), hit up Cookstown at 1:00PM, and then head to Thornton/Angus for 6:00PM or 7:00PM. It would be one heck of a crazy day but, it would attract every competitive Ontario player and it would most likely attract some Quebec/Amercain players too. It would be the best Pokemon day ever. For BR#2 (at 1:00PM) the winner of tournament#1 (if he/she arrives at tourney#2) should be beat the champ (but, there should be three), and the same goes with tournament#3 (the Beat the champ for tourney#1 should again be all 3 players from each age category and if they win another tourney that day, they continue to become Beat the Champ). Because their would be 9 Beat the Champ Players throughout the day, there should be 3 Grand Prizes for a Beat the Champ Finale (or however many Grand Prizes/Swag/Packs/etc. there are) and they would be raffled off. Every time a person beats a champ (a possibility of 9 raffle tickets) they get entered into a hat (because of so many raffle tickets, the chances are slim but, the more beat the champs challenges you win, the more chances you get. The Beat the Champs themselves will get a raffle ticket for being the champ and can win up to 3 more raffle tickets per tournament (a max of 4 per tournament). You could also sell raffle tickets for 5$ a piece but, not to people who have 5 or more (to avoid buying out the competitors). That would be the most epic tournament series ever (even more so if food was sold/given out for free along with refreshments). There could also be Movie Screenings (or the Pokemon TV show), Pokemon Book Readings for the Kids, DS battles, Wii tournaments, Coloring Contests (and Pokemon Drawing Contests), Door Prizes, and SOTG awards (also what about the most creative deck played in the tournament or the best battle played, etc.). I know this may seem like a long list but, if this were to be put in the works now (via ideas, volunteers, donations, etc.) I know it could be achieved. Well, even though this is our CC thread, what would you guys think about this if it were to happen?
Woah slow down there Zach - you're hyperventilating buddy! LOL.

Ok, some of that has a definite possibility of happening, but this is not the thread to consider it. Let's discuss this on a separate thread in the BR forum for use in the spring. For now, let's concentrate on the CC's at hand.

By the way .... like I mentioned to you in a pm, I noticed you were trying to hype London's event. I realize you want to try to gain some players for a new venue - especially since you have some relatives nearby, but chances are that Marvin will do nothing different in that event than he has done at any other event. There is nothing that will distinguish it as any different than any other event that he runs. However Barrie (which will be the first CC event held here in Canada) will have both a Beat the Champ, and a possible side event. Not only that, but so will Orangeville, and so will Cookstown, and maybe even another undisclosed event location up here. Value for value, sure, Marvin's events are closer to most of the players here in Ontario (London doesn't even have that going for it), but you will get a bigger bang for your buck at our events up here. Now don't think I'm trying to disourage anyone from going to Marvin's events - far from it. Please go to his events as well, if you can! However, just consider that so far as what is offered, we have a lot more for the players. If you can do all of these events, then you'll definitely have a great opportunity to get lots of ratings points, AND have lots of fun doing it. Good luck to you players.
Garret: Not to sound like a jerk or to even get into any trouble but, I believe I should speak up for what is right. You Pm'ed me asking me why I said London was so "special" and I think I gave you the fairest response I could give. Now (to me) it looks like you are trying to distract everyone from a mere saying to attract them to your events. Even though that you said you are not taking away from Marvin, you are taking away from what I wanted the overall feel of this thread to be. I was just hyping up a single event and now that is kind of being taken away. Even though I go to your events and advertise them (which I do through word of mouth), I just wanted to give it that special feel (even though as I have stated that there is nothing that makes it "greater" than you events). If you want to put your own messages in my post please feel free to do so (like the times, dates, locations, Beat the champ, side events, etc.). I hope nobody will get offended by this post (especially you Garret) but, I thought I would just post my opinion on how your post looks from where I am standing. I am not saying your post is wrong, nor am I saying it is right but, the presence of your post in this thread to be feels weird (in terms of -mine is better but, I am not saying that-). Again, no offense.
None taken Zach. Nor am I trying to detract from his events. If people want to go to anyone's events - Marvin's, Ted's, John's, Steve's, or even our newest PTO's events (sorry, I forgot his name) in Quebec, by all means go to them! As far as I know, there are no events coinciding with each other at this point (overlapping) - at least here in Ontario. EDIT: It looks like I was wrong. Hamilton and London are the same day. That's a bonus! Players can attend all of them without any worry of not being able to attend all ratings generating events possible. However, I'm just trying to say, not all events are created equal. If you can only make choices as to your attendance, all I ask is that you choose wisely. If that does not coincide with the way you wanted the "feel" of this thread to go, I apologize. However, I'm hoping that MY hyping isn't considered any less appropriate. Hey, Marvin, Ted and any other TO has just as much right to hype their events here too right?
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Go Z Go! :thumb: You should not be afraid to voice your opinion and you have nothing to apologize for.

I am scheduled to be the Head Judge at that City Championship in London. I expect that it will be a very well run tournament and everybody in attendance wil have a lot of fun. This is a chance for us to meet new players and spread the Pokemon love farther across Ontario. Zach, I look forward to seeing you and all of your relatives on January 10.

I would also invite all of my Pokemon playing friends to join us that day and show the people of London what the Pokemon TCG is all about.:biggrin:
I agree. He has nothing to apologize for. And knowing that Paul will be judge there is enough for me to know it'll be run well (if anyone ever thought I meant otherwise). That wasn't the issue. Never was. To quote Zach, he said, "It may be a bit of a drive but, it is definitely going to be worth it." So from the info I have (or had at the time of the post), I was wondering what he thought was so special. Ok, semantics aside that is. I have family in London and the surrounding area as well. I may end up down in the area for that day. However I have no illusions regarding what will happen there. Sure, it will be well run. Will it be any more special than any of Marvin's other events? Perhaps Paul and Zach have info that I don't. Perhaps he plans on offering more to the players than the usual. That's what I've been looking for. I hope your attendance there is great, and it opens up more of Ontario for pokemon players. The unfortunate part is that Hamilton is the same day. Of course Hamilton has it's own problems of space from what I've heard.

Hey, if i'm considered the bad guy for pointing out the obvious flaws in logic, I guess I've had worse things said of me.
Paul: I'm glad that you are judging that tournament because that is the thing I was most worried about, no judge lol. I hope some people are planning to go though (that may however be a problem with Hamilton being run on the same day).
What else do we need to offer? We will have a well run tournament, where players can battle with their friends, meet new friends, earn ranking points, win prizes, all while playing a game of skill which they obviously enjoy. In all the tournaments I have run over the last few years, I have never had anyone approach me and ask for any extras or even suggest that they would like us to add any side events. The excellent point Zach was making was that he was disappointed that you chose to disparage other TOs as a part of your hype for your own events and in your followup post, where you claim you did not do this, you proceed to put down 2 TOs and their events.
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@Zack: I don't know if I should have done a separate thread for our CC, but here it is! In the future, you could name the thread Ontario and Quebec CCs. :thumb:

December 13th, 2009

; said:
Tournament Name: Montreal City Championships
Date: 12/13/2009
Registration Time: 10:00AM to 10:55AM
Start Time: 11:00AM
Organizer Name: Éric Tremblay (I'm not sure if it's him, but he is the store manager)
Organizer Phone: (514) 286-9099
Location: Carta Magica
Address: 6360 St-Hubert Street
City: Montreal
Province: Quebec
Postal Code: H2S 2M2
Country: Canada
Admission: Free!
Details: Please register as soon as you arrive. The sooner the better!
Website: http://www.cartamagica.com
Email: [email protected]
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Time Zero: Ya, sorry about that. I'll definitely add up all surrounding Provinces/States for our tournies.

Paul: Thats exactly what I meant by my posts.

Garret: Paul posted the exact way I feel.
You're judging London!? What about Hamilton!!! And why do they have to be on the same day.. I thought I could make it to both, but I guess not haha.
Looks like Marvin put up another City Championship:biggrin: And it is another new venue:biggrin::biggrin: lol. Ill add it up a bit later.