Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Ontario Provincials??


New Member
So I was thinking about incorporating a road trip up to Toronto (I live in Chicago), and going to the Provincials tournament there this Saturday. However, I don't want it to be a small turn-out with like a 4 rounds top 2 cut. Does anyone from that area know what the average turnout is for an event as big as this? Thanks in advance.
So I was thinking about incorporating a road trip up to Toronto (I live in Chicago), and going to the Provincials tournament there this Saturday. However, I don't want it to be a small turn-out with like a 4 rounds top 2 cut. Does anyone from that area know what the average turnout is for an event as big as this? Thanks in advance.

Last year we had 7 rds with a top 16 cut, we should have at LEAST that this year. Hopefully I'll see you there :)
Based on emails I have received I am optimistic about a top 32 cut in Masters. We are a friendly group and would always welcome visitors
Unfortunately STP is capped at 16 so you can be optimistic but unless they changed something 32 wont happen :p. It just gets harder and harder to make cut after number increase past the top 16.
Oregon would of had that then the year I played there. Have you ever heard of a States report where someone played
through a top 32?...

It is capped at top 16 7 rounds. Which is why we ended with 2 undefeated player's that year.
dexter is correct
obviously we would like the rules to be changed for certain SPT's and Regionals to be 2-day events to acommodate more rounds.