Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

OREGON City Championships

Flaming_Spinach said:
Yeah, you guys that came did great today. I Pwnd ALL of you!! Bwahahahaha!! That'll teach you to talk bad about Oregon players. :tongue:
i don’t think we learned anything i just got bad starts against bad matches and then just didn’t care after that. and you are the worst rocklock player I’ve ever seen. in the top2 you just sit there and let her kill your whole bench instead of retreating ur jirachi. you made all the worst plays like benching slugma against t2. what where you thinking. Did you think that she just wouldn’t get up a medi.
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Hey, its not like he got a god start game 3 with a turn 1 pidgeot, and jirachi starting

And who could stall shawn out? That mans way to loveable. I mean if I stalled shawn out, it would be just as bad as punching a kitten in the face! You just dont do stuff like that.

Shawn Ghettys, fighting the good fight for oregon :p

Way to protect oregons CC viriginity!
keebler said:
i don’t think we learned anything i just got bad starts against bad matches and then just didn’t care after that. and you are the worst rocklock player I’ve ever seen. in the top2 you just sit there and let her kill your whole bench instead of retreating ur jirachi. you made all the worst plays like benching slugma against t2. what where you thinking. Did you think that she just wouldn’t get up a medi.

Rock-Lock is not the same as Pow-Block. They are two completely different decks and strategies. I don't play Sandy TTar, or Dark Ampharos, and I only have 1 ATM. THEY'RE NOT THE SAME!!

BTW...Were you even paying attention to my match? My Jirachi was asleep for 4 CONSECUTIVE turns. I flipped just as many tails as APT did. What I was TRYING to do was power up TTar to use Bite Off, then I could OHKO a Medi, and hopefully she wouldn't be able to get another in play (like what happened in game 2). However, my Jirachi woke up 1 turn late. By that time, she had just gotten up her 2nd Medicham, so even IF I COULD retreat, I could only attack for 80, and my Tyranitar has 100 damage on it, so she could just use Pure Power to KO Tyranitar, then I'd have no energy in play. I concidered all my options and just gave up at that point, but finished the game for the heck of it.

Oh yeah, as for Slugma, he hit my bench for two reasons: a) She did not play any Pow!s or Reversals in the first two games, so I was not scared of her locking it. b) The only reason I won Game 2 was because she ran out of Meditites in her deck and in play, allowing me to use Quick Search and KO her Espeons, if the same thing happened Game 3, Quick Search + Smooth Over would mean an automatic win. Why NOT play Slugma?

keebler said:
and you are the worst rocklock player I’ve ever seen.

I feel I have to highlight this sentance. Why so negative? Don't you think someone of your calliber would at least be able to phrase this better?
Hmmm, I definitely should have come along. Looks like you guys had some fun, better than my weekend :frown:.

I dunno, I find it funny that you get a early pidgeot and still lose to medicham. I think your biggest mistake was running jirachi AT ALL.
Bad list. Doesn't Pow Block play HEAL ENERGY??? Come on, there is no excuse when you can get a turn1 Pidgeot. Also, Medicham has an attack called Pure Power. Yeah bye Slugma.
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Pidgeotto Trainer - It's kind of a fusion of Plusle/Tyranitar and Pow!-Block. I could give you the list if you want to talk strategy.

APT - I got an awesom start on turn1, but stalled out for the rest of the game, and as I said, if I HAD drawn a Heal Energy, the best I could do would be Grind for 80 before she OHKOs me with Pure Power or Sky Kick.
Yeah. She went first, Wishing Star with Jirachi, attach energy, pass. So I go, Wishing Star and find PIDGEY! Just what I needed!! Anyway, I play Pidgey, Slugma, and Larvitar, Rare Candy a Pidgeot, Put an Energy on Larvitar, and Use CCat for 5. I draw 3 Energy (no Heal), 1 TTar, and a Pow!, so I QS for Rare Candy so I can get TTar out. She gets Medicham next turn and starts hitting TTar...etc. etc. Read the rest in my tournie report, coming later today.
Flaming_Spinach said:
Yeah. She went first, Wishing Star with Jirachi, attach energy, pass. So I go, Wishing Star and find PIDGEY! Just what I needed!! Anyway, I play Pidgey, Slugma, and Larvitar, Rare Candy a Pidgeot, Put an Energy on Larvitar, and Use CCat for 5. I draw 3 Energy (no Heal), 1 TTar, and a Pow!, so I QS for Rare Candy so I can get TTar out. She gets Medicham next turn and starts hitting TTar...etc. etc. Read the rest in my tournie report, coming later today.
dont bother posting a tourny report because your just going to lie.
your starting hand was Rachi, pidgy, rc, pidgeot, larvitar, slugma, cc.
i then said god hand and you said no i should be better.
you played your hand then cc into brineys, dark scramble, admin, random card.
you where stupid eough to admin away the brineys and the scramble.
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Guys stop picking on Spinach. The Official Pokemon TCG Washington-Oregon Battle For Northwest Superiority Not Sanctioned By Nintendo (or OPTWOBFNSNSBN)'s Official rulebook says on page 3 section 2.3 Paragraph 2:
"Online bickering, taunting, insult-slinging and other forms of verbal warfare between Washington and Oregon players must not be cruel or seriously belittle a single players skill in specific terms especially in a past event. Insults should be more on the side of witty, and comically brilliant insults inspecific to specifics that would be taken seriously."
Examples are given on Page 4 relating to section 2.3 Paragraph 2:
Example of what not to do: "You are an idiot. You played Grumpig and expected to win. You didn't even know it was weak to Psychic. What a moron. Go play Yugioh."
Example of acceptable verbal warfare: "Ha Ha! Washington is bringing the ultimate secret deck to come and Pwn you Beaver worshipping fools!" or "Good things you guys are from WASHington cuz you won't look so clean after messing with us!" or more generically "You still lose to Gardy!"

Please follow the rules of the OPTWOBFNSNSBN rulebook as last edited during the Columbia River convention. You may now go back to your discussion. :cool:
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Pidgeotto Trainer - Thanks for the defense. Could you link me up with a copy of the OPTWOBFNSNSBN?

keebler - I don't know what you were looking at, but I NEVER had a Brineys in my hand. I may not be the best player; but I'm not that bad.

PS - Beaver Worshiping? :lol:
Well from what I read after your hadn was ttar, 3 energy and a pow, why did you get the rare candy? That seems like a terrible choice to quicksearch. I mean you know shes going to completely lock you out of powers the next turn. You pretty much are relying on the fact you can go all the way with those 3 energy, ttar and pidgeot because less of some amazing topdecking your not going to get much more in the game.

I would have gotten another admin or cc so you can try and refuel your hand.

In the match up you should attack with pidgeots as they do 80 on the average and really mess the cham players up. plus when you get the pows eventually you can bring up a jirachi or espeon and use the quick search. Pidgeot forces them to take prizes and activate your scrambles + pows so you can possibly use ttar for the ko later.

Never bench slugma against cham, its one of the biggest misplays you can do against them. Its just pow bait and dead space.
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Plus Slugma just gives them anotheer card for Steven. =/

Ross I SOSOSOSOSOSO want to see the OPTWOBFNSNSBN!!! Plze bring it to the next tourny or give me an online link. Thnx.

~That APT kid (who loves Levi)