Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Pink Tee Takes NATS! (Now with PICTURES!)


New Member
http://s81.photobucket.com/albums/j219/kyleomarmalechot/Nats 2006/

My mom comes home from work and we hit the road, go pick up twitchy at a denny's, and head to my sisters place to stay the night. We tested this dumb Typhlosion deck against Lunasol, and the typh thing owned so sweet. I crash on a chair.

We hit the road early, stop for breakfast at this Hardee's. Well actually I ended up eating Dorito's and a vanilla Pepsi for breakfast. O well, we playtested in the car alot because we figured out how to actually PLAY in the car. We stopped in central Tennessee, I got this AWESOME steak at Ruby Tuesday's, then go to bed.

Wake up, get on the road, play some pokemans, and idk we got to the convention around 5:30. We saw a couple people there, matt mike elissa etc, BT wasnt there because he stopped at some redneck Cracker Barrel or something, but we went back to the room since everyone left and played some LBS vs. Lunasol, and I could NOT beat the stupid Lunasol. Oh well, went to bed on the floor yay.

Head over to the convention, sign up for the modified. I'm playing this n00b ludi, I went 4-2 somehow, I'm a cutie with that deck. I beat the BANETTE <3 Matt ate some pokeman cards and we hang out with the usuals, n00b some stuff, be a n00b, idr. I didn't go test with kyle and aaron cuz I felt like getting sleep. We see a hooker getting busted outside McDonald's. Later it turns out that the reynolds car saw the SAME THING, OMG. I wasn't sure what to play, so I played some games vs LBS with random decks and got wrongly touched, so I'm like Screw you guys, I'm playing LBS.

I get there, clean in my Pink Tee, and try to find a freaking Latias. Before that though we film me capturing Kyle with a pokeball, pwnage baby. Aaron says I can use his japanese one but I need to find a translation, so I'm freakin out cuz the Rolls have this book of translations and I couldn't get it because they left it at home. RANDY IS A GOD he got me the carddex printout so I can finally get in the huge line. So we're standing there watching a movie with Matt eating a Surskit, so yummy. Tati had someones Sierra Mist and forgot whos it was, and I'm thirsty so I'm like, I'll take it. I LOVE that junk, es mucho delicioso. I get the pwnage XXXXXXXXL or w/e Nats Shirt. Then I go in the place by the wall and playtest with the PINK TEES + Mike Stephens. Then we run over to the exibit hall and got some hawt pink dice FTW, then the thing actually starts. NOTE Im not going to even try for the names if I don't know the person.

Round 1 vs. Patrick T. (Metro)
This game was ew, I get Holon BUTTCHEEKS start, he gets the t2 trode murdering me. I have EVERYTHING in my hand, all I need is the mentor... I get the squirtle instead -_- I retrievered to put castform on my bench. Needless to say I lost. 0-1

I head over to the table and sit down, Mrs. Miller is like you're done already? I was crying on the inside for my poor castform start. Then Elissa comes over, she got donked too. Then Tati, then Mike, then like EVERYONE, same story. Twitchy and Jim won at least <3.

I think it was about this time when Demon Baby attacked. Demon Baby is this INSANE little kid that ran up and whacked Matt in the face and then like chased him the whole way across the convention. This isn't the last of the legendary DEMON BABY

Round 2 vs. Mike Stephens (BT)
I'm like LOLWTFBBQ, I can't believe we're playing each other. He got a horrible start, mine was alright. I have Onix I think and draw. He gets nothing, I attack waters for two turns, then next turn play the tree and admin. I draw god, Jirachi DX Pidgey Squirtle Candy, then I retreat the onix, that's right RETREAT the onix and pull the candy bird, I can tell Mike is crying on the inside. So I got everything and I pwnpwn. At the end I have one prize, he smokescreened the Steelix, it's rooted and he has one koffing on the bench. So I drop the energy on LATIAS, warp and pwn the jumping jesus on a pogo stick out of him. GG 1-1

Round 3 vs. T2 Dark Slowking
I get Lugia start, and we flip and I see slowpoke and I'm like NOOOOOOOOOOO. But I'm going first and he has nothing, so I transciever on a topdeck and get all set up. I take down the first dark king with Steelix but ruins and one attack owned my steelix, so the kid exp. alls and evolves into slowking UF, searches for the Root, attaches, and KOs steelix. I stall for awhile and get my stuff, just own it from there. GG 2-1

Round 4 vs. Lunasol
I get a sexy start, with the Jirachi HL but can't pull the squirtle. So I end up retrievering for the Jirachi and using it to get the Wartortle. I just smash turn FTW from there, not much to it. GG 3-1

Round 5 vs. Hairy Momma
OK NOW I REMEMBER, i got to play against Omar's regionals deck. he starts with Vulpix and uses the attack to get Tails. I see it and mentor for my latias ans get him ready while building my stoise. I win after a tough game, since my deck plays very little draw and he had my pidgeot lunalocked. GG 4-1

So we go hang out with the ppl from before, Dan's telling me all about how he's getting n00bed and I have to win for him. I'm pretty sure Demon Baby attacked again, idr but I'm confident going into round 6.

Round 6 vs. Alex DeLisle (T2 Dark Slowking)
I have god start, except for the whole having both Squirtle prized AGAIN thing. So I'm making way without it and it looks like I'm going to win. I attack with Steelix alot while powering the Lugias on the bench. Then I admin for one and he pulls the tool, GG 4-2

Ugh, I have to win to get in, so I'm nervous as a norris, here goes.

Round 7 vs. Dustox/Lunasol
I see the wurmple and I'm like OMG <3 then he drops a Lunatone, I CRIED on the inside... but I still got the setup, unfortunately something I need I think Latias is prized, *slice.* But I got the stoise out and owned him with multiple jirachis. At one point he brings up wurmple and miracle thing to special condition the steelix. I topdeck the stadium, YOU'RE STILL MY ISLAND CAVE! So I snipe the lunas on the bench, then later I finally draw the latias and own. It comes down to a one turn game, he has 2 prizes. I clutch a Dustox and he has just enough left to survive another one, I bring up steelix and snipe the solrock for the win. GG 5-2

So I'm like YAY I can still get in, I was 20th and I have hawt resistance. So we're all standing at the pairings board trying to figure it out. So it turns out I get in 15th seed FTW!

Seeding looks like this:
1st- Jeff V. (RockLock)
2nd- Wes B. (Dragtrode)
3rd- Clint A. (LBS)
4th- Zane N. (Lunasol)
5th- Blaine D. (Dragtrode)
6th- Patrick T. (Metro)
7th- Melody A. (QueenD)
8th- Pam C. (Ludicargo)
9th- Pablo K. (Queendom)
10th- Dylan L. (Polistall)
11th- Ben S. (RockLock)
12th- Andy M. (Liability)
13th- Santiago R. (LBS)
14th- Johnathan B. (Flariados)
15th- Bobby M. (LBS)
16th- Matt L. (Crapidos)

so theres:
2 Dragtrode
2 Flariados
2 RockLock
2 Queen/D
1 Polistall
1 Lunasol
1 Metro
1 Liability
1 Ludi

My first round is Wes B. with dragtrode, and since I play vs blane at about every event and I've actually tested it before I know I can win. Me BT Elissa Tati Dan Matt, sometimes Jeff were walking around being gangster, then kyle is like OMG GUYZ, my room for playtesting. So me and twitchy head up there, we decide to stay the night with kyle and the rolls. We get Aaron's LBS and kyles draggy and test like two games, by then its midnight and we're hungry, so we head down to Subway. We took the stairs, we were jumping down whole flights of stairs and it was LOUD. And awesome. So we get some so so yummy sandwiches and a delicious milkshake. Then we went to the hall and get them to give us the standings for the 15+, kyle's 6th seed against Michael K or someone, then go upstairs and hit the sack.


Wake up call for 7 AM, we get dressed, I smell like a fruity monkey but I still got the PINK TEE. Go downstairs and talk to everyone before top cut. Cut to the matches because I'm freakin' sweet.

Top 16 vs. Wes B. (Dragtrode w/ Mew)
Game 1- My opening hand is Castform and nothing. So many castform starts :( I lose on turn three or something.

Game 2- He gets something decent I think, I got a solid start. I mentor and guess what, steelix and latias are both prized. So I'm pretty sure I'm screwed. He has a Sneasel up with three energy, I'm like OK I have nothing else, lugia for 200. I pull the steelix THANK GOD, he comes up and moves the holon, clutches for the KO. I mentor, Onix Candy Steelix Rain+Trode, hit the bench sneasel with two darks. I get the latias, and he has no answer. GG

Game 3- I get an amazing start, he gets lone Dratini. I have EVERYTHING set up, by turn three I steelix the Dark Dragonair for the win. Sorry =/ but you got your TRIP :D

I go over to everyone and I'm like OMGPWN, peter is freaking out because we're gangsters like that. Then they call us over so I sit down, I'm like OK awesome, I'm trying to figure out if I beat QueenD, why did you make that deck vergel ;x

Top 8 vs. Melody (QueenD)
Game 1- We both get solid starts, I get the FAST steelix and take out her bench pidgeottos before she can evolve them. It helps that I've tested against Queen for 6 months. She gets the Pidgeot D out eventually and queen, she ends up attacking me with the pidgeot because my pow touched her energy. So I take it out with Jirachi for 50, she can't get another one. I finally win on prizes after about 40 minutes.

Game 2- I get a HORRIBLE start... she mulligans once and I draw nothing, she goes first and gets candy queen grass. I topdeck the TRANSCIEVER! Get my basics and get the setup, I lugia the queen. She gets Pidgeotto with GL and I draw, she hints that she has a pidgeot but I'm not sure which one. I take the chance and admin, she shows me it was the D. So she really doesn't get anything after that, I don't have alot though so it comes down to 3-3 prizes, I end up winning on time. Good games

Break time, I go get a drink from the water fountain, peter comes up and assures me that I have the win guarenteed. Me and Blaine were talking to Jim Elissa and Dan about matchups and trying to figure out how to beat queen with drag. Me and blaine missed the call for t4 so they yelled over the speaker for us, lawl. I sit down expecting to play vs metro but it turns out that they lost, YUM!

Top 4 vs. Johnathon (Flariados)
Game 1- I Dominated, got the stoise and just completely smothered his pokemans, he couldn't keep the conditions on because I got the switches, and I had everything even if he could.

Game 2- I got a HORRIBLE start, it would have been decent but I couldnt pull an energy until around turn 10. He spider trapped jirachis and squirtles and took 4 prizes on me, me taking none. The game turns around when I play a power tree and admin him to one, giving me FINALLY an energy and let me get the HL rachi active. He had let on earlier that he didn't play admin so I stockpiled my switch cards and sacrificed the jirachi to get cards. He couldn't get the BF to stick, and I made my way down to 3 prizes left to his one. His field was Flareon and Ariados, each with one grass energy. I Pow! the energy on to flareon and warp it active, free retreat and do 200 to the Flareon. He can't pull an energy or any draw, so I take my last prize next turn. Great game

As soon as I get out of the area, I hear Jim yelling to me that my finals match is against "Queendom with Professor Cozmo" and my heart SWELLED WITH JOY. I get to play the deck I've been testing nonstop since worlds :D and Peter is going crazy, I get hugs from EVERYONE and wait for the match to begin.

Finals vs. Pablo K. (Queendom)
Game 1- I draw my hand and my jaw drops... I FINALLY got the t1 bird. After hearing Kyle talk about getting it every round I FINALLY pull it. He gets his around t3 but by then I'm sniping it with steelix. I think he pulls the queen and KOs steelix, ok, Pow! owns his bench and he can't draw anything. I win in under 10, good game

Game 2- This time its the t1 stoise. I pull it and mentor, next turn admin and by third turn I'm one card short of Lugia for the win. He plays a basic so it takes me a couple minutes to power up the steelix. For the first time in the tournament the deck put itself together and performed like it does every game in practice. It was a massacre, I got everything out so fast there was no answer. I win, GG

So I stand up and I get peter mike tom everyone screaming DOES IT! then I get the hug mob. It was so weird to actually beat queen since jim wins every game in practice ;/ From there I see my beautiful prizes, the cute LCD screen <3 then I get matt to n00b me a pretzel, and we're like OMG WE CAN SIGN UP FOR MODIFIED so we did, I played sallygross and went 3-1, the loss being to the classic t9 bagon.

During the modified we see the return of Demon Baby. We're sitting there, well actually some of us are walking around, and demon baby comes over and like jumps on TJ's back. Vernola comes over and steals the kids hat and they run around that section of the hall, then Matt goes in and does some sick passing of the hat. That's about when Aaron shows up with the foam sword. The little kid is already going crazy and we convince aaron to give him the sword. He gets it but Jeff stole it and ran, so what does the kid do? He takes a PIZZA BOX and smashes it over his face, then chases down jeff and gets the sword. Soon after he threw it in jeffs face, followed by throwing the pizza box. Then the kids dad came over and yelled at vernola about sandals. So yeah, best little kid eva.

Soon everyone finally leaves, me mom jim and twitchy are hauling my prizes and bag that I already had to the car, my back felt so broken but we got it all there. We decide to stay the extra night so after some Max & Erma's pretzel sticks we head to near the hotel and find a room at a motel next door. As we pull in who do we see but the great Feraligatr himself, turns out they were staying there the entire time ;x I shotgun the shower and go out by the pool, Matt finally gets in and freezes his skin off and sucks at volleyball, and we hung out in the fitness room and matt almost broke the treadmill. There were NO stations on that TV.

Then everyone ended up in my room where we were talking about stuff for three hours, some of the topics were ummmm mcdonalds hookers, stalling, necrofeliacs, KYLE SABELHAUS, and looking at n00by pics from nats day 1. omg pwnage baby, then we decided to do a sealed with my box of HP that I didn't open. I got crap, mike's pops won and I ended up with another mew ex, not the LM but close enough =/, that was about 30 minutes ago from when I'm posting this junk. ALMOST TIME FOR ME TO SLEEP.

-Kyle's "Crotch Technique"
-Aaron Curry for being sweet
-Chuck Norris
-The Retarded Burger King Song
-Robert Ector for being the first to play DELTA RAICHU :D
-Jim for endless testing against queen
-Matt's gorilla mask!!!!
-Kyle's changes to the LBS list, worked like a delta kingdra
-Elissa's hand signature, FTW
-OMG I'll post more when its not 230 AM

-Kyle losing to Delta Kingdra
-Twitchy losing to prized wartortle
-Mike losing... period.
-Jim missing cut
-Noshows in t32
-t9 Bagon
-Ryan Vergel, way to invent a deck that had a chance at beating me *slice* lulz jkjk
-Castform starts
-Delta Kingdra
-Everyone not making cut (Dan, Tati, Elissa, Mike, Everyone)
-OMG I'll post more when its not 230 AM
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I invented the deck that beat Kyle. OOPS.
If you remember GA states, me telling you, Aaron, and Kyle about Kingdra D+Pidgeot D...

Anyways, BOBBY TO WIN WORLDS. You're doing it, I'll give you a god deck and youll sack it! You're a phenomenal player, you made us all proud!

I make decks that hurt my own team =********(


Pink Tees 4 Life! GJ Bobby. I am still happy that you won. I told you that you are going to win nats, and you did!

Good Job! I knew some one from down here would win! Kingdra D WTF?!?!
Thanks for the Raichu props maybe someone will will believe I actually played it the week after it came out.
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DUDE, You did it. You won Nats for me<3lol. Great times with the demon baby(i gave him the pizza box)and on saturday night when like everyone was gone me and matt were talking and the demon baby hit Matt in the face with a frisbee. Our group was so great and so many quotes that i wish i could post but cant because of content=P Well good job and ill see you at worlds.

I think i wasted my pink tee pwnage at regionals and swiss...

im gonna go get like 5 more

ilu malec
Burninating_Torchic said:

GJ Bobby
I hope the demon baby is at worlds...
hes not cause his brother missed top cut with a 5-2 any return of the nats and worlds winner
(ok maybe not BUT still gj)

Plosers to people that didn't win Nats :clap: (any year)
He Bounces in NATS Pimpin' in his pink tee,
Rollin his pink die,
While the Florida boy holds Da Nats trophy and Pablo just despised!!!

Dat was Gangsta! Good Job Bobby I was the one sitting beside you in the last round that played Miranda when she had all of her Squirtles prized. Ouch! Oh well Great Job man!
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hey gj man. that dratini start w/ 6 energies kinda killed me, woulda been a good game if we both got setup :\ gratz on winning the whole thing though, cya @ worlds
GJ Bobby! When do you turn 15+? Sounds like you're good enuf and ready to play the big boys. :biggrin:

BTW, the kid you beat in the finals, PabloK, earned his trip to Nats by winning a 10-under Regionals. He turned 11 about 90 days ago, so it was a complete surprise he did so well after moving up to play you older guys. But then again, he was a Top8 Worlds 05 finisher. Lookout for PabloK at Worlds even tho he's just 11.

COngrats again Champ!
GJ on winning! Plasma TV's are cool :cool: =P (not to mention the title, and the packs, and the...)

hmmmm... I thought you top decked the Mentor itself? =P It doesn't mater. You got the basics.

Darn. If only I hadn't mulliganed. I would have won that secound game on turn 2! x.x
Bobby, congrats on the win, you did an awsome job(obviously, lol). I hope to see you at worlds, and see the real competition, lol. ;)