Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Player's Attitudes


New Member
First off, I don't know if something like this belongs on the RTC, so please forgive me if its out of place.
Now that that is out of the way, here is my problem.

I know this player that seems to disrespect many of the people who help him get to Pokemon tournaments. My friends family and I have taken him to many tournaments, along with other people. My friends Mom volunteered to be his guardian when he won a Worlds trip, since it seems that he did not want to take his mother. As it turned out, he took a person who live in Florida as his guardian, when he lives in New England.

...edited this out. Identifies the person too clearly. -Pop...

This doesn't seem to be an isolated incident, however. Throughout the years, I have seen many players that are ungrateful, not only to the judges, but to store owners, and their own parents. It seems that this game has gotten, not only too competitive, but alittle disrespectful. When kids watch the matches of the older kids, and see how well certain ones do, they tend to try to become just like them, in every consievable way. So if a child sees someone in the Masters Division, who normally does well, bad mouth an opponent or judge, that child might try to do that same thing and mimic that very behavior.

That is just what I think, based on what I have seen and heard. Please leave comments.
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Whats so bad about him taking a person from FL as his guardian, instead of your friends mom??
Its his business lol.
As long as he knows the person its all good.
He knew the persons son. He took that kids mom. My point is that he does nothing to repay everything that people do for him. Also, he never met the kids mom, but he has known my friends mom for years. I don't know if it changes your opinion on the matter, but sorry I forgot that part in the original post.
lol, maybe there is a special reason he didnt want to go with your friends mom?
I think you need to question the guy further before saying stuff?
If he did not want to take my friends mom, thats one thing. But the guy didn't take his own mom, or even the person that took him to Nats. You have to admit that's pretty messed up.
I say rather than launch a veiled attack on the player, why don't you confront him directly about it? If this is really more than just a "why didn't such and such take my mom/me to worlds as payment" gripe, then you wouldn't even have to be coming onto pokegym.

Now, onto the topic of disrespect...it's a given that there will be unpleasant people in each game, and in Pokemon TCG there's definitely a lot of it. However, you have two types of people...

There are the good-hearted people who just act stupid occasionally, and then there's the blatant trash in the game-people you don't want to be around, and people POP would love to ban in an instant, but can't because they aren't doing anything "too" terrible. However, in relation to virtually every other competitive activity out there, Pokemon is likely the most tame.

Compare us to BOXING! How many players have you seen bite off ears?!
players who aren't grateful for the help they get, and instead show disrespect for those who have helped them in the past, deserve to be cut off from any such future help, IMHO. which is no different than how i'd treat my OWN kids.

expecting a ride to that out of town tourney next month, but decide to talk trash about me? guess what, it's not going to happen...the saying is 'you've made your bed, now lie in it'. in other words, consequences...or karma...

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I've been at similar situations like this. I was promised by people who used to be friends when Premier events first started in 2004. Then they told me they weren't going, so I decided to find an alternate route, and when I've made it there, I found out they were already there. Since then, I stopped trusting people who choose to take others instead of those who they promised to events. Now if I've asked someone and they say they have no room, and they keep their word, then I respect that. However, lying to me is going to ruin a lot of things.

As for the ungrateful players situation, not only I wouldn't take them to any more events after they bathmouth me or anyone I'm with, I'm also going to stop talking to them alltogether, since they're a) Not a true friend, and b) using me to get to events just to win.
people need to tell when other people are having fun.
I know a lot of people who would get mad if it was said
"wow a loss?" thing
or "wow you beat this person"

I mean come on its a game
Who cares who beats who 1 time --;
I just can't stand liars who don't keep their word, and then make some excuse on their lie. As in, saying not going to an event, then show up all of a sudden.

Not a nice thing to do, you know. Some "friend" that person will turn up to be.
Yeah, I definitely agree with ST.

Hiding decks is one thing. Hiding techs is also another thing. However, thinking you're so good that you'll HIDE the fact that your'e going to a given tourney is ludicrous. While I don't view it as backstabbing the way MK does, I view it as insulting and ridiculous.
re-reading this: as i understand the concept of having a 'guardian' on a trip like this if one is underage, that person is not only responsible for the underage player, but is supposed to be supervising them...which is why a parent/guardian + player duo only get one hotel room.

if the 'other player's mom' was supposed to be supervising player X, where was she staying? with the player she was supposed to be supervising, or with her own family member(s) who it sounds like were also at worlds? and if the latter is true, then who was 'supervising' said minor player in the room overnight?

I will clearify the situation a little more, and sorry for not doing so in the first place. She was going to stay in the room with said player, but she was also going to bring her son to play in the LCQ. If her son did not make the cut, they still would have cheered on him, and the rest of our friends participating in Worlds.
I totally agree with u there. There is no excuse for that kind of thing. I wish someone would try to do that with me. That would be a suckerpunch they would never forget!!
When kids watch the matches of the older kids, and see how well certain ones do, they tend to try to become just like them, in every consievable way. So if a child sees someone in the Masters Division, who normally does well, bad mouth an opponent or judge, that child might try to do that same thing and mimic that very behavior.

That is just what I think, based on what I have seen and heard. Please leave comments.

Players should use that to become fantastic role models.
First off, I don't know if something like this belongs on the RTC, so please forgive me if its out of place.
Now that that is out of the way, here is my problem.

I know this player that seems to disrespect many of the people who help him get to Pokemon tournaments. My friends family and I have taken him to many tournaments, along with other people. My friends Mom volunteered to be his guardian when he won a Worlds trip, since it seems that he did not want to take his mother. As it turned out, he took a person who live in Florida as his guardian, when he lives in New England.

...edited this out. Identifies the person too clearly. -Pop...

This doesn't seem to be an isolated incident, however. Throughout the years, I have seen many players that are ungrateful, not only to the judges, but to store owners, and their own parents. It seems that this game has gotten, not only too competitive, but alittle disrespectful. When kids watch the matches of the older kids, and see how well certain ones do, they tend to try to become just like them, in every consievable way. So if a child sees someone in the Masters Division, who normally does well, bad mouth an opponent or judge, that child might try to do that same thing and mimic that very behavior.

That is just what I think, based on what I have seen and heard. Please leave comments.

Man, tell me about it!

Some pokemon players (mostly 10- players) can be so annoying!

This year at my nationals (I was playing 11-14) I played this annoying kid first round. I was playing a rogue nidoqueen d, meganium d, holon pokemon energy deck with a splash of cloyster d sceptile ex d (It sounds random, i know, but it got me fourth, and thats good enough for me!) He was playing flariados. When I mentored for a shellder, a nidoran and a chikorita, he said. "I know this deck! It's really easy to beat!"
Well, this kid really got on my nerves, but I didn't care. Later, I was behind in prizes (the point of the deck. To pump up nidoqueens attack and to suprise him with a scramble) He said, "I told you your deck was easy to beat! I'm gonna win!" At this point, I told him if he intimidated me one more time, I would call a judge. He shut his yap. Later, he tried to spider trap one of my benched pokemon while I had a cloyster d on the bench. I told him he couldn't. He whipped his hand up and screamed JUDGE! When the judge told him he couldn't, He got really annoyed. Then the next turn, he tried to play flareon ex on his active to take his last prize. I had a sceptile ex d on the bench, so his power didn't work, and he couldn't attack or retreat. He nearly cried. I OHKOed his flareon and took the game.

Later that day when I was going 5-0, I noticed his name on the list going 0-5............