Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

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BigChuck01 said:
Favorite Movie of all time - Baseketball

Least Favorite Movie of all time - In the Mix
Alex, you gotta see Orgazmo and Cannibal ASAP!! If Baseketball is your favorite movie, you'll love those two; they are made by the the same people, but even funnier! :D
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plaidlesspez said:
Alex, you gotta see Orgazmo and Cannibal ASAP!! If Baseketball your favorite movie, you'll love those two; they are made by the the same people, but even funnier! :D

Cannibal: The Musical FTW!

I got a copy from my sister for my birthday. Watched it (again. The first time I saw it was with my friends up in Minnesota around two years ago)...

Awsome and Funny
I'll rent those ASAP Adam :D.

Btw, how about ROUNDERS?! I actually used that "Eating the Cookie" tell at a heads up online $200/$400 holdem table last night, and dropped my KK preflop. He proceded to show his AA, and leave the table. I think the users name was Phil Hemuthe or something.
best movie of all time, wow...would seriously have to think about that and TOP 3 none the less...hmmmmmmmmm???

*but c'mon, TRON rocked!!! you want WORST of all time - I'll give you another one word title "SHOWGIRLS" or better yet "CATWOMAN" both films were pure GARBAGE, waste of $$$

ok, I gotta em and in ORDER (favs of all time):

1. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (original - Gene Wilder as Wonka)
2. Rebel without a Cause (James Dean - LEGEND)
3. Saving Private Ryan!!!

a high 4. that could of been my 3. is the Godfather Trilogy!!! but some of my other favs are: The Goonies, Spaceballs, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill vol. 1 & 2, LOTR trilogy, Poolhall Junkies, Road to Perdition, Willow, Legend, Topgun, ET...ahhh, on and on and on...LOL!! it's hard being a Movie Buff :biggrin:

must obtain Cannibal: the Musical, own orgazmo and basketball, AWESOME!!!!
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Some of my favorite movies:

Requiem for a Dream
Pulp Fiction
Fight Club
Reservoir Dogs
The Shawshank Redemption
Dead Poet's Society
Saving Private Ryan
American History X

My favorite on the list is close between Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, and Requiem for a Dream with the nod probably going to Pulp Fiction. The movie is great with the perfect dash of dialog, dark comedy, and interesting direction. I'm sure Seena would agree as well :D
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My favorite movies are:
Spider-Man 1 and 2 but I like 2 better IMO.
Star Wars Episodes 3, 4, 5 and 6. 1 sucks and I never seen 2.
The Shawshank Redemption
American History X
Harold & Kumar go to White castle
Freddy got Fingered
The Waterboy
The Wedding Singer
All 3 Austin Powers (2 and 3 are the best ones)
Street Fighter II: The Animate Movie

Worst Movie I have seen is...can't think of any.
best movie tie 40 year old virgin and waiting
worst movie also tie punch drunk love and grease
honorable mentions for best pulp fiction and the warriors.
honorable mention for worst the new king kong the old one was awsome though.
P.S. come on jessy the goonies?? that was horrible.
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^ Obviously didnt like The Goonies....LoL ^

OMG, I cant believe i FORGOT:

THE GOONIES <------my favorite movie ( Dang I cant believe I forgot it )

I feel sooooooooo ashamed. Will you ever forgive me "One Eyed Willy" ?
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Top 3

Wow... I can't believe movies like Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, Psycho, Shindler's List, Citizen Kane, and The Maltese Falcon aren't in the top 3! Personally, Silence of the Lambs is my favorite movie.
yankees rule said:
best movie tie 40 year old virgin and waiting
worst movie also tie punch drunk love and grease
honorable mentions for best pulp fiction and the warriors.
honorable mention for worst the new king kong the old one was awsome though.
P.S. come on jessy the goonies?? that was horrible.
ahhh, Chris...no way, The Goonies is "AWESOME" cause up there, it's there time - there time...down here is our time - OUR TIME, down here!!!!

and c'mon, "ruth baby, RUTH BABY" LOL :biggrin: and "choco-lateeeee"

Sloth and Chunk RULE (I mean Cpt Chunk :wink: )


"almost forgot to mention another great TRILOGY - Back to the Future!!! also in my favs"
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This is mostly anime movies :p
1. Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children (who wouldn't put it on the best list)
2. Pokemon First Movie

1. samurai x (omg this is like the worst movie. bad voices but at least they but blood but it really didn't look like it.)
2. (No 2 theres nonthing worst than samurai x)
The Bourne Identity has got to be my favorite movie, second is The Matrix ( but the sequals kinda lost it for me ) third has got to be The Last Samuri..... Worst ? I would have to say Star Wars Episode 1 ( I loved the origonals and this one just completly killed the series.. horrible story line, horrible choice of actors, not to mention horrible acting.. I think Lucas lost it after the origonals )
ok, heres mine

Matrix Revolutions
Star Wars III
Star Wars VI
Harry Potter & Goblet Of Fire

Star Wars V
Jack... (i think you know this one)
X-men 2
what about "the shining," or "2001: a space odyssey," or "one flew over the cuckoo's nest," or "scarface," or "goodfellas" or "taxi driver"?? there's so many good movies out there, it's kind of hard to narrow it down.
LOTR Trilogy
The Matrix (#1 and 2 only)
Kung-Pow! (why has no one else mentioned this!?!)

It's hard to name a universally worst movie, but I think nearly everyone can agree that the worst sequal to a good movie is Matrix: Revolutions. That movie sucked.
The thing about worst movies is, it's so hard to remember the ones that weren't meant to be blockbusters.

I'm not saying these three are the best movies ever, but they are my favourites, and all pretensions to the contrary, that's all that Channel 4 came up with themselves:

Jurassic Park
I was a huge dinosaur freak in the correct age category when this movie came out. The effects are still spot-on (okay, maybe the dilophosaur is starting to look like a puppet), the plot keeps the entertainment going, and the feel of the movie - the soundtrack, the Brachiosaurus scene - is still terrific. The second movie suffered from some terrible sequelitis (worst legecy of the eighties: sequels set in the big city), and the third movie isn't worth this half-a-sentence I'm devoting to it.

Kevin Smith took a break from straightforward gross-out buddie movies to make a gross-out buddie movie with depth. It doesn't criticise religion. It's one big swipe at the massive framework of rules and rituals that the church has built up around it. The only actor who's wasted is Chris Rock, who is one long black-guy-with-a-chip cliché who never really suits the tone of the movie, but otherwise the characters are perfect for their roles in the plot. It's funny and it does make you wonder about just what's important in your faith.

The Wicker Man
I have to admit, I like Pagan symbology. There's just something unsettling about it, it creeps me out, and this movie is stuffed with it. This movie has a raw, honest seventies feel that Hollywood can't even pretend to emulate. The simple folk music and cold Scottish scenery (the movie's set in summer but was filmed in winter) add to the authentic feel of a movie that has absolutely no pretensions about itself. The ending has one of the best plot twists ever.

Worst Movie vote: Battlefield Earth
Some movies are so unbelievable crap that you just have to sit back and enjoy them. Delta Force is one such movie. Hackers is another that has to be seen to be believed, and I recommend that everybody do just that. I do like a good bad movie now and then, but Battlefield Earth isn't one of those. It is unbelievably dull. I've tried to watch it on two occasions, but just couldn't stick with it. I dunno how it ends. I don't care. I can't just turn my brain off and watch like with those others. The movie won't let me. The movie demands my full attention even though it doesn't deserve it in the slightest. It's simply unforgivable useless.