Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Please, Teacher!

Gosh, it's been years since I've seen Please, Teacher! It was around the time I watched I My Me! Strawberry Eggs when I used to borrow DVDs from a friend.
I know. And they're a lot cheaper than shelling out what's probably going to amount to at least $100 to actually buy the DVDs.
Well, it's a short series (12 episodes, 4 DVDs) and an old one at that. I did a quick Froogle-. . . Google Product Search and the box set is less than $50 with prices as low as $30.
Well, it's a short series (12 episodes, 4 DVDs) and an old one at that. I did a quick Froogle-. . . Google Product Search and the box set is less than $50 with prices as low as $30.

Dag. I get gouged like crap, then. Of course, I live in Canada, which is the land of overpriced products despite dollar parity.
If you can't find a place to buy cheaply, then I would suggest check your friends if they have it and then check out renting it, but it not might be there because of how long ago it was released.
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Also, when I was Googling the show, I saw somebody had put the first part of the first episode on Youtube. Just search Please, Teacher on Youtube and you might find it.

This is actually advocating piracy, you know. Not that I've anything wrong with it, but just saying, mods get trigger-happy over "download/youtube it" or "copy a friend's DVDs" or "fly to China and buy it with Engrish subtitles in a crappy flea market."
This is actually advocating piracy, you know. Not that I've anything wrong with it, but just saying, mods get trigger-happy over "download/youtube it" or "copy a friend's DVDs" or "fly to China and buy it with Engrish subtitles in a crappy flea market."

Do not want!!!
I didn't say that you should copy your friends DVD. I said borrow. If I am advocating piracy, I will delete the part about YouTube.