Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Pokémon Battle Chess heading to Italy

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Front Page News Editor
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Pokemon Battaglia di Scacchi
Le regole sono semplici e la sfida senza fine!
Si profila all’orizzonte una nuova battaglia epica con il gioco Battaglia di scacchi Pokemon! Per vincere, dovrai usare la testa, ma anche la fortuna avrà la sua importanza!
Usa le pedine Pokemon per sfidare quelle del tuo avversario in qualunque punto del tabellone di gioco, crea tu stesso le tue strategie e brandisci con forza l’infinito potere dei Pokemon leggendari. Sbaraglia gli avversari in questo nuovo incredibile gioco dedicato a tutti i fan dei Pokemon!

Approximate translation said:
The rules are simple for this never-ending challenge!
An epic new battle looms on the horizon with the game of Pokemon Battle Chess! To win, you have to use your head, but luck always plays a factor!
Use the pieces to challenge Pokemon against your opponent anywhere on the game board to create your own strategies and wield power with the infinite power of the legendary Pokemon. Be ahead of your opponents in this amazing new game for all fans of Pokemon!

Releasing March 31.
It's a fun game. I wonder if they'll only be getting one set or something akin to the double collection.
Here's hoping the rest of the world gets it, too. It really is a fantastic game and would make another great alternative activity for league.
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