Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Pokémon CaC Contest!

Shiny Noctowl

New Member
I've decided to make a CaC contest. In each round, I will post the guidelines for the card. Contestants will have 3 days to submit the card here. At the end of that time, I will score the cards and the top half (rounded up) will move on to the next round, until there is a single winner. Cards will be scored as follows:

Picture (10 points)
5 - Description (Is the description of the card's picture satisfactory to visualize the illustration?)
5 - Relevance (Is the picture of a situation that the Pokémon could reasonably be expected to be in?)

Stats (25 points)
5 - HP (Is the HP an amount that is reasonable for the Pokémon's evolutionary stage and general strength?)
10 - Weakness/Resistance (Are the Weakness/Resistance to types that the Pokémon should be weak to/resist? Is damage increased/decreased by a reasonable amount?)
5 - Retreat Cost (Is the Retreat Cost reasonable for the Pokémon's size/weight and Speed stat?)
5 - Flavor text (Is the flavor text relevant? Is it a similar length to the flavor text on real cards?)

Poké-Power/Poké-Body (15 points)
5 - Relevance (Is the Poké-Power/Poké-Body an ability that the Pokémon could reasonably be expected to have?)
10 - Fairness (Is the Poké-Power/Poké-Body good enough, without being so good as to break the game?)

10 - Relevance (Could it be reasonably expected that the Pokémon would use the attacks on the card?)
20 - Fairness (Are the attacks good enough, without being so good as to break the game?

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

To join, simply post a card for this first set of guidelines.

Round 1: Rotom
  • It can be any of Rotom's 6 forms.
  • It can't be LV.X.
  • Its name can't have any prefixes or suffixes (For example, "Charon's Rotom" or "Rotom G" aren't allowed).
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With 15 points for Poké-Power/Body, does that mean the card must have that quality? Or may we make cards with only attacks? Also, is it 30 points per attack or split amongst the number of attacks used? Lastly, what is the deadline for the Rotom?
With 15 points for Poké-Power/Body, does that mean the card must have that quality? Or may we make cards with only attacks? Also, is it 30 points per attack or split amongst the number of attacks used?

The Pokémon must have a Poké-Power or Poké-Body. If the card has 1 attack, up to 30 points are given for that attack. If the Pokémon has 2 attacks, 15 points are given for each attack.
60 HP {P}
Basic Pokémon

Poké-POWER Appliance Switch
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may search your deck for another Rotom and switch it with Rotom. (Any cards attached to this Pokémon, damage counters, Special Conditions, and effects on it are now on the new Pokémon.) If you do, put Rotom on top of your deck. Shuffle your deck afterward. You can't use more than 1 Appliance Switch Poké-POWER each turn.
{P}{C} Shadow Particle Choose 1 of your opponent's Pokémon in play and put a damage counter on it.

Weakness: {D} (x2)
Resistance: {F} -30
Retreat Cost: {C}
Rotom is a Pokémon known to possess appliances. Six documented forms are known; however, it's unknown just how many different forms a Rotom can take. Lv. 18 #479
Picture: We see Rotom (its original form) standing right next to a hair dryer in a dark bathroom. Rotom appears to be in a pose in which it's about to possess the hair dryer.

Just for the record, the {P} type represents the fact that Rotom is part-Ghost-type in the video games.
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Rotom Lv 30 -80HP- [L]
Basic Pokemon
Picture: In a moonlit woods, Rotom (original form) glows to illuminate the region in a ghostly light. Its partial reflection shines in a number of puddles that are on the ground from a recent rain. The Old Chateau is in the distance.

[Poké-Body] Illuminate
At the beginning of your turn (before you draw), look at the top card of your deck. You may choose to place that card at the bottom of your deck.

[L][L] Plasma Burn 40
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Burned and Paralyzed. If tails, Rotom can't attack during your next turn.

Rotom's body is made of bright, hot plasma. This can be inconvenient when it wants to hide.

W- [D]+20
R- [C]-20
RC- [C]
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Frost Rotom Lv. 30 90 HP [P]
Basic Pokémon

Pic : In a Bright room, Frost Rotom has one of it's door open and cool air can be seen coming out of Frost Rotom. A dark building can be seen through a glass window near Frost Rotom.

Poke-Body : Chilled
Prevent any effect of attack (including damage) done by your opponent's Pokémon to any of your Pokémon that has a Weakness to the attacking Pokémon.

[.] Frost Call
Search your deck for a [W] energy card an attach it to 1 of your Pokémon. Shuffle your deck afterward,

[W][W][C] Froze Wave
Put 2 damage counters on 3 of your opponent's Pokémon.

W - [D] +20
R - [C] -20
RC - [C][C][C]

Rotom body is made of plasma which make it special as it can possess electrical appliances. It scare people with this ability.
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Mow Rotom Lv.27 (G) 90 HP
Basic Pokemon
(Mow Rotom is moving quickly through a forest full of trees, pokemon like Ratatta and Pidgey can be seen running away. Grass and wood chips can be seen being mowed over by Rotom, flying in every direction.)
Poke-power: Clear Cut Path
Once during your turn, you may use this power. All of your Pokemon's Retreat Cost becomes (C) until the end of your turn and you may retreat your active Pokemon as often as you like during your turn.
(C)(C) Fury Cutter 10+
Flip three coins. If one is heads this attack does 10 plus 20 more damage. If two are heads this attack does 10 plus 30 more damage. If all three are heads this attack does 10 plus 70 more damage.
(G)(C)(C) Grass Blade Storm 60
Your opponent chooses one of their Pokemon. This attack does 40 damage to that Pokemon.
Weakness: (D) +30
Resistance: (C) -20
Retreat Cost: (C)(C)
Rotom are mischievous, apparently wreaking havoc on electrical appliances just for the fun of it.
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Rotom lv.35 - :psychic: - 60HP

Poke-Body: Levitate
Any damage done by your opponent's :fighting: type Pokemon to Rotom, is decreased by 30.

() Posses 20
Your opponent moves any Tool cards or TM cards attached to the Defending Pokemon to one of his or her Benched Pokemon. (Ignore this effect if your opponent has no Benched Pokemon.) If your opponent can't move a Pokemon Tool, your opponent discards it.

:psychic::lightning Fade and Escape 20x
Move as many Energy attached to your Pokemon and in your hand as you like. For each Energy you choose this attack does 20 damage. Then, return all the Energy you choose to your deck and Shuffle it afterward. Flip a coin. If heads, move all Energy attached to Rotom to 1 of your Benched Pokemon and return Rotom to your hand.

Weakness: :dark:+20
Resistance: :fighting:-20
Retreat: :colorless

Picture: Rotom zapping a Ghastly from a TV, clearly enjoying itself while doing it.
Dex Entry: It's body exists out of a strange kind of plasma. It has the ability to posses any kinds of electric device.
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Rotom LV.15 50HP [L]

Pic: Rotom can be seen in a TV screen. The TV is in a living room. white walls, wooden floor. Rotom is grinning evilly, ready to come out, with the TV antennae flashing lightning.

[Poké-POWER] Occupation
Once during your turn (before you attack), you may attach a Trainer card from your hand to Rotom. Rotom can use the effect of the Trainer card as its attack on any turn, for no Energy cost.

[L][C] Emergence Lightning 30
If Rotom was on your Bench at the beginning of your turn, flip a coin. If heads. the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

ROTOM enjoy inhabiting and possessing common appliances to utilize their functions for battle.

W - [P]+20
R - [F]-20
RC -
Rotom Lv. 43 70 HP
Basic [P] Pokemon

Picture: Our view is as if looking down a hallway. A Rotom is roaming through the halls of the Old Chateau, bored. You see a tattered painting on the wall to the left, severely damaged by time. A ragged piece of tapestry hangs across from it. Rotom looks as if he is admiring the painting.

PokePower: Type Shift
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may use this power. Plasma's Rotom's type is [L] until the end of the turn.

[P][L] Charge Beam 40
Flip a coin, If heads, the base damage of this attack is 60 until the end of your next turn.

Weakness: [D] +20
Resistance: [F] -30
Retreat Cost: [C]