Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Pokémon Tcg Unveils Never-before Released Forces With Secret Wonders

Since they have merged DP3 with DP4, i guess there will be more than 3 lv.X.
what do u think guys?

No... that's not actually what it is.

It's a somewhat common misconception that this is a merge.
It isn't.

What they're doing is taking some DP3 cards and some DP4 cards and putting them in SW. Then, the remaining DP3 and DP4 cards will go into our fourth DP set.
With our PC mentality in the USA, I can see why they changed Gallade's attack to psychic cut vs psycho cut!

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Remember when there were big arguments about whether Team Rocket Pokemon would be called "Evil"?
Not sure if you've seen this but Latios & Latias from DP4


I like the art :D
They look really cool. Is it just me, or do the attacks look as though they could be like the Ex versions from DR? Latias's second attack is more likely, but I'm not certain either way.
You're talking about DF, not DR right?

I put DR so what do you think I'm on about?
I say the Ex Dragon Ex's since they had those :fire::water::colorless and :grass::lightning:colorless attacks and had discarding effects, which the new Latias and Latios look as though they have.
The DF ones had mono typed attacks and were delta. Latias had a discarding effect, but Latios didn't.
I could be wrong though.
so, would psychic energy be called psycho energy in japan?

Gallade's attack name was written in English on the Japanese card, so it was literally called Psycho Cutter. Well, it was written in English using Japanese katakana characters.

The word for Psychic [Energy] is written in Japanese using the Japanese (well, technically Chinese) character chou, which basically means super-/ultra-/hyper- (often used as a slang word to exaggarate things). The Japanese word for ESP/psychic abilities is chou-nouryoku, which is a combination of the character chou and the characters for "abilities". So in short, the Japanese word for Psychic Energy is a short form of the word Psychic Abilities/ESP, but can in this short form also mean "hyper" and the like.

/end of Japanese language nerdiness