Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League


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I'm getting rid of everything!!!
I'm getting rid of my leftover PokeMart inventory.

Everything I have listed here is for trade. What do I want?
Anything I can sell for money.

That means: video games, electronics, CDs, DVDs, and of course Pokemon Cards.
I'm looking for EXs (rotates is fine)--but they have to be mint or near-mint.
Rares with cool names (Mewtwo, Mew, Registeel, basically any legendary or "big name" pokes).
Sealed product (any set, any type).
I simply don't have time to list all the low value stuff I have...I want to trade lots for little, so that I can sell the little.

First up?
Foil energies.
2x WATER (Emerald/Matrix)
3x WATER (Holon Phantoms/Matrix)
11x WATER (Power Keepers/Matrix)
4x LIGHTNING (Emerald/Matrix)
9x LIGHTNING (Power Keepers/Matrix)
5x FIGHTING (Emerald/Matrix)
14x FIGHTING (Holon Phantoms/Matrix)
12x FIGHTING (Power Keepers/Matrix)
19x FIGHTING (WoTC League)
1x GRASS (Emerald/Matrix)
10x GRASS (Power Keepers/Matrix)
2x PSYCHIC (Emerald/Matrix)
3x PSYCHIC (Power Keepers/Matrix)
11x FIRE (Emerald/Matrix)
7x FIRE (Power Keepers/Matrix)
1x FIRE (WoTC League)
2x DARKNESS (Unseen Forces)
8x DARKNESS (Delta Species)
4x DARKNESS (Ruby/Sapphire)
2x DARKNESS (Aquapolis)
3x DARKNESS (Expedition)
1x METAL (Unseen Forces)
7x METAL -- WINNER STAMPED (Promo/Ruby Sapphire)
1x Dark Metal (Rocket Returns)
1x Multi (PROMO/Sandstorm)
8x Heal (Deoxys)
1x Holon FF (Delta Species)
1x BOOST (Aquapolis)
1x Warp (Unseen Forces)

------- PROFESSOR ENERGIES----ALL MINT!---------
6x Psychic
10x Fire
9x Grass
13 Lightning


---National Championships---
2x Machamp

---State Championships--
5x Charmeleon (Foil)
12x Machoke

---City Championships---
3x Squirtle
14x Machop
7x Whismur
9x Charmander (Foil)

---Gym Challenges---
4x Gengar
9x Beldum

3x Dark Gyarados
6x Grumpig
16x Wartortle
20x Swalot

6x Professor Elm (Foil)
2x Magmar 44
60x Dark Ivysaur
33x Dark Ivysaur -- WINNER STAMPED
24x Misdreavus 39

1x Treecko 016
8x Beldum 022
1x Chimeco 024
2x Chimeco -- WINNER STAMPED
1x Salamence -- WINNER STAMPED
1x Salamence FOIL
2x Flygon FOIL
10x Oran Berry -- WINNER STAMPED
13x Torchic FOIL #008
18x Mudkip FOIL #010
14x Treecko FOIL #003

More Promos in a bit...

PokeGym: 38 Unique (55 Total)
eBay: 1327 Unique (5693 Total)
Ref List can be viewed in the
Tribunal thread at:

:smile: You make the first offer, whenever possible, please.

:cool: I abide by the ref rule in almost every instance.

:biggrin: I really, really love totodile.

:eek: Please include your username in the package, or I might not know who sent me cards!

Let's Trade! I can always be contacted via the following:
1) This Thread (I hope the databse never crashes...)
2) PM
3) eMail at: [email protected] (only for Trading/Selling/Shop stuff, please)
4) AIM at: PhoenixSong777
About Me:
~ My name is Jim Malec.
~ I just graduated from college!
~ Bobby Malec is my brother.
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I made a mistake in my posting, I just pulled 3 Archies, they are not on my priority list any more. I have edited my list, thanks!
Hmm, I have Muk EX and Amphy EX

Im interested in

#13 Swampert
Swampert EX
and Reverse Rare Candy


Amphy for Gardy/Swampert

Muk for Swampert ex?

and a i think i got a couple extra nurse, ill get back to you on that.

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Hey Truk,

Thanks for the post!

How about: Amphy EX for W/call Swampert
and Muk EX for Gardvior (Reverse Holo)

That looks about fair to me. The Swampert EX is a bit more in-demand that the Amphy
I have:

Blaziken Firestarter
Pokemon Nurse (Quite a few)

I need:

Rare Candy x3

Can we work something out? Thanks!
Well, how many Nurse do you need? I have 6, and 2 of them are Reverse Holo. I'd be willing to trade the Reverse Holo ones and 1 more. I also have a Muk ex for trade if you're interested. Let me know...
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i have these:
rayquaza ex x2
pokemon nurse x2
archie (rh) x1

i need these:
* Swampert EX

* ALL FOUR TARGET PROMOS (AS MANY AS YOU NEED - have sealed as well)
* Kyogre EX (Nintendo) #001

* Rare Candy (rh)

* Pokemon Fan Club
* Professor Elm's Training Method (X 2)
* Rare Candy (X 3)

lmk, thanks
Hey D6291WAI;

Thanks for the reply.
I think we can definatly work something out.
I am willing to include the Swampert EX in the deal, whatever we decide upon.

Let's talk either here or by PM

~ Jim
Ok, how about:


3 Pokémon Nurse (2 Reverse Holo, 1 Regular)


3 Rare Candy

Let me know... Thanks!
My 2xAmphy Ex for your

* Team Aqua Conspirator
* Team Aqua Schemer (X 2)
* Team Magma Schemer
* Team Magma Conspirator (X 2)
* Team Magma Ball (X 2)
* Rare Candy x2 1 rh 1 reg
Hey, ive got a muk ex i dont need.

How about
My: Muk ex

RH Friend Ball
Rare Candies.


btw whatever happened about our other trade 3 Sealeo for TA Kyogre? I never recieved the Kyogre so was that never a deal or something? lmk
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