Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Pokemon Cards VS Magic Cards:


New Member
Which smell better?

I'm going to have to go with Pokemon cards.

when I hold up a fresh common to my nose and inhale deeply, my head swims with nostalgia as I travel back in time to when I was a wee lad, freaking out about Base Set Charizard and having japanese cards from many sets ahead.

Magic cards smell quite good, too. They smell like the ancient textbooks of magi long dead. Like spiderwebs and sizzling air. But it just isn't as familiar or as pleasing as the smell of a Pokemon card.

This may seem like a weird topic, (well, it is) but if you have not smelled your cards, you should!!
I've never smelled any Magic cards, but yeah I know exactly what you're talking about man! Fresh Pokemon cards smell sooo good! They reek of nostalgia.
I've never smelled Magic cards.

Either the smells have changed since Base Set, or they start to smell different with age. Either way, I love the smells. At a prerelease, when the TO yells "you may now open your packs" all the little kids start tearing them open and shrieking about Suicune or Charizard, and there I am reading the back of the pack , then carefully opening it, then smelling the cards.

Do they make them smell like that, or is it natural?
I think fresh Pokemon cards smell a bit like a brand new book.

I have smelled Magic cards and I don't like that smell... I can't put a finger on it why I don't like it tho.
Pokemon cards almost have this sweet smell about them; it's so bizarre! it's just cardboard and ink, essentially, yet on top of that earth, dusty aroma, there is a hint of sweet! I love it!

I'm glad you guys know what I'm talkin about! =D
Wierdest question on the gym. I have never smelled Magic cards, but the smell of a freshly opened pack/box is kinda cool.. I'd say the smell is natural.
Its kind of an unspoken pleasure among Pokemon players...it really is exactly like smelling a new book for those of us geekish to actually admit we can relate to this topic. And of course, just like licking the bowl after eating, you have to love that crinkly wrapper goodness.....oh yeah.:biggrin:
No, it was a figure of speech. I may be a geek, but not THAT much of a geek. Just the sound it makes when squeezed. Wow did I just say that?
"You lick the pack? Lol weirdo ;D"

Kind of like licking a yogurt wrapper.

" ...all of you stay away from me... "

Yeah, but sometimes people open their booster packs with their teeth, don't they?
I was laughing all the way through this thread. Wow, this is some pretty funny stuff. I want to recommend this for the front page. And, yeah, I do like the smell of the pokemon cards. They manage to retain the smell for a long time too. I have some Yugioh cards lying around from a few years ago, and they smell awful. Oh, and this reminds of an old Footlocker commercial I remember where they had this huge industrial size fan placed in front of a Footlocker so they could pump out the new-shoe smell. I think they should do that in front of the card stores or even the place where the cards are printed.
How have you never smelled cards?!?

They must have nicotine in them. That is why Pokemon was so unpopular for a few years. In the past couple of years when it has started to soar in popularity again, it is because they decided to add nicotine to the cardstock. Duh. You just wanna keep buyin' em when you smell them.

Has anybody smelled a Lv. X here? I bet they smell different. I'm usually too excited that I pulled a Lv. X to think of smelling it.
How have you never smelled cards?!?

They must have nicotine in them. That is why Pokemon was so unpopular for a few years. In the past couple of years when it has started to soar in popularity again, it is because they decided to add nicotine to the cardstock. Duh. You just wanna keep buyin' em when you smell them.

Has anybody smelled a Lv. X here? I bet they smell different. I'm usually too excited that I pulled a Lv. X to think of smelling it.


i <3 the smell. It's like a brand new book