Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Pokemon Checklists - Update 1-5-21!

Looks good man, I gave it a whirl and its fine on my PC for the Jungle list. Yeah you're solution is a lot tidier than my example formula I gave with 6 nested IFs lol.

It works on my phone as well almost perfect, though I think the little issues I do get with it are due to the app (Polaris or something) not supporting all features as it works fine on proper Excel. But it is readable on-the-go so you can take a quick peek while in the middle of a trade at an event or whatever.

I think you changed the Base Set list to Arial Unicode as well? Symbols look good.

Only minor thing I can think of but is probably a pain to change at this point is the order of the Base set list columns, Shadowless (2nd ed), 1st ed, 3rd then 4th? Order of rarity to obtain or just how your testing?

Nice work again on these dude, take your time on em if it gets boring. 55 sets...
Quick update. Finished up through Skyridge. Work and other things have delayed me. I'll probably have it ready in time for Plasma Freeze.
Got off of work today so I've been plowing through these. One thing before I release the set sheets. Would it be better for the column with the card names to be the same width for every set or have that column be fit per each individual set. It's really only a cosmetic difference, so just let me know. Otherwise I should have these up sometime tonight.

---------- Post added 04/18/2013 at 08:35 PM ----------


  • Updated all set workbooks with background items needed for other things, to change font/symbols for rarities and to remove lock on cells for cards that can't be that type (i.e. a RH EX)
  • Added new "000 Remaining Cards" workbook to show which cards are remaining per set
  • Updated "00 Totals" workbook to fix errors in "05 Team Rocket" pulls
  • Changed link in first post to new folder for updated workbooks (
  • Added 3rd and 4th edition cards to "01 Base Set" workbook

There's still a few additional things I might want to add to "000 Remaining Cards" and "00 Totals", but I'll include those in the Plasma Freeze update if I can get to it.
Nice one dude - missed this by like a week, just checkin them and they look great. Personally I think setting the same width might look a little silly on account of those HGSS double-named legend cards, or others pushing the column width out. I reckon they are fine as is, but I don't really mind - only cosmetic, whatever everyone wants!

The Remaining list is awesome - exactly what everyone has needed to check if they need said card or not. You couldn't make it any quicker!

Top man.
Small correction update

  • Made correction to "000 Remaining Cards" workbook. The Jungle 1st edition column was referencing the Jungle unlimited column, giving the wrong cards remaining.
  • Edited "00 Totals" workbook to fix issues with spelling of Noble Victories references
  • Fixed problem with "45 Undaunted" double counting Alph Lithograph 3 in the Unlimited percentage calculation
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This is awesome! Only thing I noticed is on the Boundaries Crossed spreadsheet Swanna is spelled Swamma. Other than that this is amazing! Thanks!
This is awesome! Only thing I noticed is on the Boundaries Crossed spreadsheet Swanna is spelled Swamma. Other than that this is amazing! Thanks!

Haha, thanks. There's probably a bunch more n to m misspellings somewhere in there, lol. I'll correct that with the Plasma Freeze update that should be done by the weekend.

  • Added new set "56 Plasma Freeze"
  • Edited "00 Totals" and "000 Remaining Cards" workbooks to include Plasma Freeze
  • Corrected spelling error on "54 Boundaries Crossed"
  • Corrected type error on "37 Legends Awakened"

I've also made a change to "000 Remaining Cards" to add colors based on the card rarity for HGSS-on only. Let me know what you guys think about it.
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  • Added promo sets "P2 Nintendo Promos", "P3 DP Promos", "P4 HGSS Promos", "P5 BW Promos"
  • Edited "P1 Wizards Promos" with new rarity font

The Nintendo Promos list isn't perfect yet. I know there are a couple cards that have multiple versions, I'm still figuring out how to go about putting them in there.
Going to start making some more. Should I continue with English cards (other promos, league cards, etc.) or begin the Japanese sets?

If anyone has a list of rarities for the Nintendo promos that would be great. I know some cards came both non holo and holo, I'm just not sure which ones.

Also, if anyone has any lists for league promos or random odds and ends promos or whatever I would like those too.
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Hi, I first would like to say great job with making the check-lists, I have one question. How are you suppose to "Check" the cards you already have?
In the normal or reverse holo column just place the number of each card you have, everything else will start updating on its own as long as they're all in the same folder.
I can't tell you how invaluable these lists are for me right now. Haven't been playing or collecting since 2007 and these are PERFECT to help me catch up. Thank you so much. :biggrin:

  • Added "57 Plasma Blast"
  • Updated "000 Remaining Cards" and "00 Totals" to include Plasma Blast
  • Updated "P5 BW Promos" to include promos through BW84
I'm lazy and have been busy with other things :p

I'll have the Legendary Treasures, an updated BW promo and the new XY promo checklists up after the prereleases next week.