Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Post Your Best Jokes Here!


New Member
Post em all have fun!

No waiting once you find 1 post it!

Best 1 i got easy steps:

1. Call 1 of your relatives that lives at least 1,000 miles from you.

2. Say this: "Can you pick me and my parents up at the ariport?"

3. They will say: "is this an april fools trick?"

4. you say "no. Listen we have to go get our bags so pick us up at (the most local to that relative) airport. Call us when you get there."

5. They will call you like about 30 minutes-hour later saying "where are you im here and i don't see you."

6. DO NOT SAY APRIL FOOLS DAY. Say "What airport are you at?"

7. They will say: " (the one you picked) air port"

8. Then you say: "Oops not that one, the (next local airport close toy your relatives)"

9. Then they say: " okay i will be there" in a mad voice

10.You say: "call us back when you get there"

11.They call back saying: "we are there and we still dont see you"

12. Then you say Happy April Fools Day and hang up quick before the bad part starts.
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oxygen-filled balloons, dry ice, and a sealed cooler. You can fit something like a couple hundred balloons into the thing. Pick any random classroom, meeting room, or lunch room, and let the insanity begin.
In the busiest part of the day, yell "HEY BOSS, I QUIT!" Then when you see the surprised look on their face, yell "April Fools!" and then proceed to the unemployment line when it doesn't work out quite as planned.
I actually did that once. But my frind is planning to get an adult to talk to his mom and say he was caught with drugs in his locker
Sit wherever you want in class in an old teacher's class who doesn't realize something has changed for 20 minutes.
Also, while you are quietly taking notes or homework break the silence and recite the lint licker/cootie queen commercial to your partner(yell it).
My X Box has the Red Ring of Death, so one of my friends told me that Best Buy had a deal going on where you could give them your Red-Ringed 360 and twenty bucks and they'll give you a brand new 360 right on the spot. I believed him until I remembered what day it was.

Also, my girlfriend texted me early in the morning, saying she went to the doctor the night before and found out she was pregnant. After about twenty minutes of stressing on the phone with her, I remembered.

I'm gullible.

People at work were pointing at random places and telling other people to look there. lol. We all looked so dumb.
Go to Prank Dialer and hope they pick up the phone. My step-sister picked "Dad, is it you?" to use against her friend. Man that was funny. He was freaking out and my step-sister nearly fell off her bed fact, she was crying because she was laughing so hard.
The classic 500 Pokemon cards on the ceiling fan is fun.
Also, vasaline is fun to put on toilet seats, then glue the toilet paper together.Put a 3 ring binder in the cupboard, and close the door. Open the other door. Put many bottles/marbles/eggs/whatever on the binder and wait.

Those are 3 of my favorites.. >>
If there was a Telemarketers Convention going on, and all the Telemarketers were staying in the same hotel, I would stay one night in that hotel. At 3:00 in the morning, I'd start calling every room in the hotel...

Them: "Hello?"
Me: *in an overly cheerful voice* "Hello! Are you interested in buying some pills to relieve symptoms of insomnia?"

I wouldn't really do that, but I think that would be funny.
If there was a Telemarketers Convention going on, and all the Telemarketers were staying in the same hotel, I would stay one night in that hotel. At 3:00 in the morning, I'd start calling every room in the hotel...

Them: "Hello?"
Me: *in an overly cheerful voice* "Hello! Are you interested in buying some pills to relieve symptoms of insomnia?"

I wouldn't really do that, but I think that would be funny.

You just reminded me of quite possibly the best hotel prank EVER