Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Question about "bulk"


New Member
I just have a couple of questions regarding bulk trading here on the gym. I know trollandtoad buys bulk commons and uncommons. I assume any reference to "bulk" means the same thing? also what do most people value bulk on the trading post? I'm curious because I have a lot of it and want to start getting rid of it.
Yeah, bulk is just random commons/uncommons. And everyone has their own rates. Ask "what do you value your bulk at" and go by that.
I myself value bulk at $0.05/common

A lot of "resellers" value bulk a lot lower, but I think that is a fair price...

20 commons/uncommons for a $1 card?
Sounds pretty fair to myself...

My suggestion though is to trade your bulk for cool items, and don't try selling it...
I have like 26 Axew from Noble Victories, no idea what Im going to do with that many, as it seems impossible to get sales on singles like that XD