Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Ralts' Senior 2nd Place Worlds Report.

The Ralts

New Member
First of all, a disclaimer; I went into worlds not expecting to do well enough to warrant recording my matches very well, since I thought I wouldn't even make the cut. Therefor I did nothing to help me remember any of my matches, and with my fail memory this report is going to be pretty quick and bland in the matches. >_< Also, I'd greatly appreciate any elaboration on our games, or even posting your name if you were one of my swiss opponents. I mean no disrespect to anyone, but my memory really is baaaaad.

Anyway, I flew into worlds on tuesday with a few decks like Luxape, Palkia, and Gengar mainly. Each one had a list I felt ok with, but I really didn't like any of them a whole lot. So I began testing my flygon/weavile I had happened to bring along. It just seemed to be missing something, as it didn't always want to set up very well, and seemed lacking in the options department.

I'd seen Tyler N. playing this flygon/palkia thing at league and such, and Zane N. seemed to want to try it out, so I said screw it and on wednesday night Zane decided to build a list. I built mine thursday morning just for giggles to try it out and after a few games I realized I actually really liked the concept. I threw in a few more techs, took some more techs out, and decided to try to play it since it was kinda fun. Zane and I tested the crap out of it for the rest of the day, trying to make it consistent enough to use.

About mid-day after we check in and get our goody bags we realize we need memory berries, since Trevor W. only has 3. So we madly open our foreign PL packs hoping to nab some. Thankfully we pull plenty. xD

I just thought it was one of Tyler's deck ideas, and I played it mainly for fun. We didn't realize it was being played by all of Team XF. So I sincerely apologize to all of them for using the deck. =/
All credit goes to them for the concept, obviously.

The morning of I made a snap descision to take out my cynthias and a couple other cards for pokedrawers, since I never seemed to be using the cynthias much and I wanted more ways to grab claydol. Looking back the supporters probably would have been a better practical choice, but the drawers ended up helping me immensely.

So the list I ended up using was:
4-2-3-1 Flygon RR
2-2 claydol
1-0-1 nidoqueen
1-1 palkia
1-1 mewtwo
2 unown G
1 uxie
1 azelf

4 bebe
4 Roseanne's
4 Rare candy
4 pokedrawer
3 memory berry
2 luxury ball
2 premier ball
1 NM

3 fighting
3 psychic
1 water
1 upper
4 call

And I must give MAJOR thanks to Trevor W. for allowing Zane and I to borrow so many cards to complete our decks.

My friend Amelia makes it through the grinders with Gengar, but then proceeds to go 2-5 the next day. But you got the goody bag at least, right? :p

So Steven R. goes into worlds with Palkia and makes T16, and Zane gets T32. I'd say being 3/32 of T32 and 1/8th of T16 is a pretty good job for WA.
And now that that's all out of the way, on to the rather saddening report!

Round 1: Mitchel S. (Thanks!) W/Gengar
When he flipped over a ghastly I thought it was a pretty good start to the day, as it's extremely hard for gengar to ever win against this deck. He also didn't know how to play against it, so he played his bench full of 2 gengars, a claydol, uxie, azelf, and mesprit. No unown Gs. He was able to shadow room a couple pokemon but couldn't quite kill them before I got nidoqueen out and healed it all off. I brought up a claydol and decked him. Never took a prize. GG. He was cool though.


Round 2: (Japanese guy, but I can never remember their names. >.> I get mixed up) W/Luxray/techs
I foolishly for some reason assumed he didn't run Banette, even though I'd seen him play it the day before in the grinders. So I got out mewtwo and tried to stall after he killed my claydol. After he killed off most of my bench he played down Shuppet, and I kind of woke up from my previous misplaying stupor and was like 'Oh shi-' I couldn't ever really set up again and he just took prize after prize with luxray tricks. GG.

being 1-1 for lunch really does not do good things to your appetite. But I gathered up my mob and we still walked to the pizza place where I managed to scarf enough down.

Round 3: ?? Eleki R. W/Gallade 4. Can't believe I forgot this match. >_<
Well...I get a pretty good set up and get nidoqueen out relatively fast. He really can't do anything. At one point he dropped bronzong and attached + poketurn + 2 Galactic switches to get a ditto out to KO my flygon X, but I killed it the turn after and just overwhelmed his board. GG.


Round 4: ?? W/ Palkia/luxray
I started with mewtwo and a premier ball in hand, so I said screw it and went for the T2 Lv. X. I still set up my bench a tad though, but he did some luxray/other stuff and eventually killed off my bench of like claydol, azelf, and flygon.We draw passed for like 10 minutes after that, me waiting for a psychic, and him just sitting there, I finally drew one and started attacking. He played the Downer Material Azelf though, which meant that I had to get a completely new energy after every Giga Burn in order to re-stock from my discard pile.

I didn't know how much time had passed, which was why I wanted to keep one shotting stuff. After I evened up the prizes though I just kept doing 60 while kept stuff from dieing through retreating crobats/poketurns. But eventually he ran out of tricks and I took my last couple prizes. Bad beat, sorry. =\ GG


I believed that a few 4-3s would make it in, so i thought that if I won my next game I would be in no matter what, since my resistance was pretty good.

Round 5: Christian H. W/DPL
I had a semi-ok start, but it included the potential for T2 mewtwo. After seeing so many other Palkia lists forsakingn dialga I went for the sole mewtwo-on-my-field option. he killed off my claydol, and then laid down Dialga while I was topdecking. And I knew he had like 3 power sprays stored in his hand, so he could easily just spray my next claydol before eventually killing it. So I tried to mount a sudden attack by setting up a flygon, but it...didn't work out so well, lol. Was my own fault I lost, but both these losses taught me a lot about how to play the deck, and I made fewer misplays after that. GG.
You were also an amazing dude to meet. =D


So now I knew I had to win my next match, but I still thought I could lose my final round and make it in. I guess I'm just fortunate I didn't turn my mind off and lose the next two. =x

Round 6: ?? W/Luxape
He flipped over luxray and ape and I was like FINALLY. A luxape. >.>
I can't remember the details, but he only had calls to attach for the first few turns, so I kept watch of what energies were on his field for bronzonging, and just restructured up various threats before they could do anything. By the time I was done with that I was at three prizes, so I decided to just take my last 3 instead of decking him. 3-4 turns later was game. GG


Round 7: Jonathan B. W/Gengar
He knew he had pretty much lost when I flipped over the trapinch. =\
I set up relatively fast, and he never could really do any damage. I also got insane luck with Wind erosion on him. Discarding like 3 scoop ups, 3 baltoys, and then energy whenever he needed it. Since he never really had anything on his field I could sand-tomb, I just kept killing various things. I took my last prize shortly before he would have decked. GG.
Sorry dude. I had been so sure that some 4-3s would make it and tried to make him confident about it. I felt bad when i saw that only one 4-3 made it in. =\


So I end up being very happy that Zane, Steven, and I all managed to make top 32 by going 5-2. We wait around for a while and then get seated for our top 32 matches.

Top 32: Tord R. W/Gengar
Game 1: I was quite relieved when he flipped over ghastly, as I thought I would have to play against something else. I managed to get out a T2 claydol with unown G, but through a series of attacks and a warp point I can't remember, my claydol somehow ended up active with 3 trainers in my hand. >.> I decided that if I didn't topdeck into an uxie/claydol before my active flygon was killed from 30 a turn I'd scoop. Fortunately after a couple turns I topdecked the claydol and called for the baltoy. He was only able to do 30 to it, so I evolved and got an unown G on it that turn. From there I was able to set up and even though he still killed my flygon I had another. I began decking him and he scooped after I evened up the prizes. GG.

Game 2: The first game he never played down claydol, since he knew I could use it to stall. But this game I he got him out, so he could always keep a steady string of gengars on me. But I got set up relatively quick with unown G on palkia and claydol, and just began decking him. he couldn't do anything really. =\ GG.
I'm sorry for the bad beats. If I was playing pretty much any other deck you probably would have beaten me, but it's just nearly impossible for gengar to beat this deck.

So Steven and I win our top 32 matches, but Zane loses to Miskaa's Luxape. Oh well, we still have 2 seniors left in the top 16.

I head to bed at a relatively decent hour (12 AM :O) and awake at about 7:30. Walk around downstairs until more people show up and I try not to think about the day ahead too much. I had stealed myself to lose T16, since I was pretty happy to have made it that far. But I still wanted to see how much farther I could go.

They eventually get everyone seated, and to my surprise I had mis-calculated the standing the previous night. I thought I was playing a japanese guy, but instead was paired with Alexander M. and the mirror. Yech. Mirror with this deck makes me sad, since it's so luck based. =\

Top 16: Alexander M. W/Mirror
Game 1: As stated at the top, my memory is pretty bleak from all the games. I remember we both had palkia starts, but I got mine out T2 and his was stuck there for a few more turns before he could lvl it up finally. But by the time he did I think I had a flygon ready and leveled up to one-shot it. Then I discarded his switch with wind erosion a few turns later and he scooped. I remember I made sooo many obvious misplays though, like not attacking with uxie to knock out a flygon and instead leaving mine up there to get killed the next turn. :(

Game 2: This time he got a better start I think, but then after a couple turns he played azelf and showed me his prizes. Flygon X, his lone unown G, another flygon, and I think his palkia X which he grabbed. >.>
This game both of us got our palkias out relatively around the same time, so decking was pretty much out of the question. We began trading prizes, and I can't remember clearly, but even though he got ahead by a couple, I had a stronger field presence. Powered up flygons and such. I just out-resourced him, and when i had two prizes left I used energy typhoon to KO his nidoqueen, which was his last attacker. GG.

He seemed kind of upset, but he still handled it very well. It sucks that the mirror has to be decided by luck so much. Sorry. =(

In between rounds here, I allowed Wyatt to put eyeliner on me as I promised. Contrary to popular belief evidently, I'm not in fact emo. :p I put it on for prescisely the purpose it worked for. To creep people out in general.

Steven lost in top 16 to Miskaa as well, so i was the only Washingtonian left in seniors. QQ.
And now that I was in top 8 I was only one game away from an invite. Now I really did want to win. Having the ensured invite for my first year in masters was quite appealing to me.

Top 8: Edmund K. W/Palkia/Luxray
Game 1: I got a call/premier ball start, so decided to throw out mewtwo to see if he had an answer for it. I used azelf T2 when he didn't have 3 SP out yet to get mewtwo X. After a few turns of him just killing my uxie/azelf/claydol I realized he must not have played dialga, and I took a few prizes with mewtwo before he scooped. =x GG

Game 2: This game I got a pretty insane start with T2/T3 mewtwo/claydol/flygon/nidoqueen. >.< There was nothing he could really do. He did hydro shot my claydol, so we sat there for like an eternity with me waiting to draw my psychic. (One was prized) But once I did I started taking prizes and he couldn't really do anything. =\ Sorry. GG

So I got my invite and I was thrilled. I honestly didn't care if I went further, but I thought I may as well try my best to win MOAR PRIZES.

Top 4: Nicholas F. W/ Mirror
Neither of us were thrilled to be playing mirror, but oh well. =\
Game 1: I have a semi-decent start, but decide to go for 2 claydols to help me set up. But as I'm looking through my deck for the first time with call, I realize I have Azelf, Palkia X, and Flygon X prized. I also have 1 unown G prized as well, which I miss the first time through and lay down the second claydol. That pretty much was game right there, I play it out a bit and managed to take 1 prize with flygon, fortunately drawing azelf. I use it to get palkia X, but never manage to get it out. I scoop after a few turns on wind erosion on me. GG

Game 2: I get an above average start and he gets utter crap. :( I have palkia X and azelf prized again, but when i take my first prize I manage to grab azelf again. I set up everything and he still has literally nothing...GG.

Game 3: Sadly, this is a lot like game 2. Only this time I have nothing prized. Not really much to say, I got set up and he didn't. Really sorry man. =[

He was pretty upset after this, but he had every right to. He just got horrible luck against me and there was nothing he could do about it.

So now I felt pretty bad, and I rounded up Zane and Amelia as fast as I could with Wyatt in tow to leave the building and get some food. Giving everyone some time to cool off.

When we return it's almost time for the VGC playoffs. So we take some seats and watch the little pixelated battles. Even though I couldn't really understand much of what was happening, I could tell it was a pretty epic battle. And the two guys who won/placed second were pretty cool.

After the Juniors finals take place they set up the stage for the TCG battles. I honestly didn't expect to win, as I had next to no experience against these japanese SP decks. I didn't even know exactly what was in this kid's deck! After good lucks/congrats/whatevers, I went up to the stage for the final match.

Top 2: Takuto I. W/Luxray/honchkrow/techs
Game 1: Unown G start. I go first with no call against honchkrow, he donks meh. xD

Game 2: Well, you can watch the video and see what happens to get a lot better picture of the match then whatever words I can say, but basically I never really got anything out. Maybe if i had gone for two claydols at the start, instead of just one and leaving my baltoy sitting there the outcome woulda been different, since he wouldn't have been able to chain-spray me for a few turns before killing my poor little claydol. But oh well. GG.

I didn't mind the donk or the second game at all really, the kid definitely deserved the win, and I felt really happy for him. Not sad at all about second place, as that was a heck of a lot farther then i expected to go. :D So many congratulations to you!

He also gives me a gift at the end which contained one of those black giratina cardboard boxes, some promo cards including the japanese victory medal, a 30 card deck box, and these little folder things which i can't for the life of me figure out what they're for. I appreciate it! =]

Then there was the award ceremony, paper work, finally getting some food, and all the other good stuff that comes after worlds ends. All a lot of fun. Too lazy to go into many details, but it was one of the best weekends of my life. Thank you to all the Judges, players, and staff who made this happen!

Trapinch SW. =o
Trevor W. for lending Zane and I so many cards.
Eyeliner for my all my official pictures I'll be seen by. XD
Steven for getting Top 16.
Zane for getting Top 32.
Ian for going 4-3 in his first worlds. Making worlds in your first year is achievement enough, next year you'll def make Top cut. :D
Zane, Steven, Wyatt, Amelia, Greg, Patrick, Ian....everyone from Washington. And quite a few people from Oregon as well. Eleki, Chris S., and Olliver to name a few.
Prolly a whole lot of other things I can't remember right now, and I'll add in gradually.
The reader, if you actually read through that whole thing. No worries if you didn't though. =P

Mmmmm nothing really. Only things I didn't like were how my opponents got such bad luck in the mirrors. Other then that there's nothing I can think of that was negative about the event.
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Congrats on getting 2nd, David! Glad to hear you brought back 2nd place to Washington. It would've been awesome to have another senior's world champion from Washington!
Great job!!!!!

Great skills and spirit of the game!!!!

One of the best world's report i read!!!!!
GJ dude but against an awesome t2 set up and mewtwo x in t8 i just couldn't do anything besides my awesome 20 turns of splashing turn
Congrats on getting 2nd, David! Glad to hear you brought back 2nd place to Washington. It would've been awesome to have another senior's world champion from Washington!
Many thanks Paul. :D

GJ dude but against an awesome t2 set up and mewtwo x in t8 i just couldn't do anything besides my awesome 20 turns of splashing turn
I'll remember that game for forever probably. It was just so epic. xD Thanks.

Good job, I have a question about your 7th round opponent, did his last name start with a B.
Thanks, and ummmm I believe it did actually.

Thanks to everyone else as well!
I was watching the match and I saw Takuto hand you the gifts;a great show of sportsmanship indeed. Congratulations on a great performance yourself!Have fun in Hawaii!
-Brent S.
I firmly believe that the reason you made t2 was solely because of the eyeliner.

Jk, man, good job and I hope to see you win next year in masters. =D
Fantastic job at worlds..... You did awesome.

Only negative is that we are definatly not looking forward to your moving up to Masters next year. :wink:
Fantastic Job at worlds David. You can thank us for the concept. I'll see you sometime this season and welcome to the master's club. I'll be sure to pwn you sometime this season. J/K Love ya!
Eleki: xD thanks. Yeah, the eyeliner was pretty intense.

Spazcrackers: Thanks!

Wyatt: That's quite possibly true. Thanks. :p

Krazykevin: Thanks. It was cool talking to you.

Jeff: Thanks. I'll do my best to not waste your apprehensions.

Chris: YW. And thanks!

Michael: Thank you! I'm looking forward to it. =]