Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Redshark Competition (Round 3 almost ended and final soon to begin!)

I am sorry I am asking to join so late, although I only just found the thread. I would love to join if you guys will accept me in the tournament, but can somebody please give me accurate instructions how to play somebody online, because I have no idea how it works.
Thank you,
Kiki Lava Apple Eruption xxx
:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::lol::wink: Fire Type Pokemon are awesome! I will show my passion and desire for this incredible type by incinerating you all.
I am sorry I am asking to join so late, although I only just found the thread. I would love to join if you guys will accept me in the tournament, but can somebody please give me accurate instructions how to play somebody online, because I have no idea how it works.
Thank you,
Kiki Lava Apple Eruption xxx
:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::lol::wink: Fire Type Pokemon are awesome! I will show my passion and desire for this incredible type by incinerating you all.

Good thing I was planning to run a:water: deck.:lol:
I did not mean that my deck is made up of Fire Pokemon, I was simply explaining that it is my favourite type of Pokemon. Thank you for allowing me to participate in this tournament, I am very excited about this! Do I need to give players my password for the network I have recently created, or do I just wait for further instructions. I am extremely nervous, because I do not know how to use the Redshark system very well.
Could somebody please help quickly. :eek::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:
Thank you so much,
Kiki Lava Apple Eruption xxx
I don't know how to use it well either. Hopefully we'll be paired first round.

Who are we supposed to give decklists to?
okay calm down..... no you don't need your network just go on mine on the first post which explains the rules.

If in dount on how to do something then ask your opponent. Or ask me ( on hamachi)

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NO decklists!!!!!!
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Yeah. 17171717171717

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Just because I don't want to give out false information. I am no longer running a water deck.
I was planning too, but this morning right before the tournament I decided to switch my deck.
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Right okay Rogue Archteype I will sign you up for the next one. It may be about a month or so 'til the next one but I reserve a space!

Time Zone problem

Don't want to ruin the fun but....

The time zone factor is a bit of a problem

My opponent, G-Dog, lives in LA while I live in Holland. There is an 9 hours difference between us!

This means, I'd either have to stay up until 3 or 4 AM (Local time, which obviously is ridicules) or I'd have to call in sick so I can get up around 6 AM. (Unless it's in the weekend of course).

Some time zones are doable, but this is a bit too much IMO. Anyone got ideas as how too overcome this?