Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars


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Heh I like your plan ahead technique, truth is I so far I have never used pidgeot in any deck I have built cuze I don have any and nor do I care to get some to use. Truth is I think its a waste of space and all decks I have used have had more than enough speed without it.

Also I looked over your list and it looked pretty good, but if you don't mind I suggesting this but I would make these small changes.

1 Copycat
1 warp point
1 scramble energy

1 Rocket's Tricky Gym
2 Rocket's Hideout

Anyways best of luck with this deck.
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Uhm, if you're playing Magcargo the point is to Steven's/TV the card you need and than get another card the next turn. sooo ;x
DarkJake said:
Uhm, if you're playing Magcargo the point is to Steven's/TV the card you need and than get another card the next turn. sooo ;x
Yeah but its not nessecary that I do that.The turn I get Magcargo I smooth over and pick it up on the next turn and repeat.So I get a topdecked card every turn after the first turn I get it out.

Anyone else?
Moltres: I ran rock-lock in NC states. I think you need to go with the Rockets Hideout as your gym (the extra 20 HP helps) instead of the Tricky Gym. You will either be using ATMR with the TTar or using its attacks straight out for more damage. I also ran only 3 sparce and it seemed to work out OK. I would change the deck this way. -1 Sparce, -1 R Tricky Gym, + 1 R's Hideout (I ran 2, but no Jirachi...i may look into Jirachi tho) and +1 Desert Ruins (hits their big EXs and is doubly effective w/ sand damage if the big EX is a basic ie Ray)

Good luck David

Why am I seing only the Sand Damage Dark T-tar? Both versions, especially with a Surprise! Time Machine combo marvellously. Once the bench damage racks up, that 20 (from Spinning Tail) all at once, especially since it hits Evolutions thought to be "safe". It also adds some other nice options. Desert Ruins is your friend. I find a 2/2 split between it and Hideout good. I like R Energy myself, sice it works with Dark Ampharos if it needs to attack in an emergncy, and can be used for quick set ups of both Dark T-tar (albeit it temporarily), and of coure gives a damage bonus. Not saying not to run DRE: it has its place too. Given the energy count seems to low for my taste (no, I am now doubting Big Chuck), but I probably rely on more attacking than others.
Lawman said:
Moltres: I ran rock-lock in NC states. I think you need to go with the Rockets Hideout as your gym (the extra 20 HP helps) instead of the Tricky Gym. You will either be using ATMR with the TTar or using its attacks straight out for more damage. I also ran only 3 sparce and it seemed to work out OK. I would change the deck this way. -1 Sparce, -1 R Tricky Gym, + 1 R's Hideout (I ran 2, but no Jirachi...i may look into Jirachi tho) and +1 Desert Ruins (hits their big EXs and is doubly effective w/ sand damage if the big EX is a basic ie Ray)

Good luck David


I too ran rock-lock in NC states, except I won the whole darn thing...and I did play Rocket's tricky gym. Found it very valuable, particularly against decks that tried to hide behind a dunsparce while my TTar had one energy attached. We have several players in our metagame that run shedinja and/or togetic as well. Rocket's tricky gym is a godsend against both, because with it and a single dark, you can ko an active shedinja, or put the hurt on a togetic which you otherwise couldn't touch without exposing your pidgeot.

I'm always wary of the HP-adding gyms, because while it does give you a little bit of cushion, I think it's a false cushion. You allow your opponent to knock out a pokemon without attacking, simply by putting an alternative gym down on the field. Imagine playing a low pressure system in a jumpluff deck- just not a good thing.

And of course, just because I'm using Keith's post as a straw-man for my suggestions doesn't mean his advice comes from left field. He was a exemplary player (and shifting to second person) it was great to meet you. Hope you had fun over here in NC, and good luck with your state championship, whether you're playing in it, judging it, or running it.


Jake: You make excellant reasoning w/ the tricky gym. I may even switch out 1 of my hideouts for it. (That is, if I stick with Rock Lock for regionals...I am known to go rogue most of the time) Congrats on your win in NC States (altho I did get ya in Swiss :) I was a pleasure to meet ya and I hope to battle you again in the future....possibly a regional if Jeff gets one! Back on topic tho...David, you have many options with this decks and the gyms to use with it. Good luck at States!

scarmble = ;x

I play heal vs scramble. Also play two lightning. You only need one fighting on ttar anyway. =\
Lawman- yeah the tricky gym is to help out vs Togetic. Will you be at TN states btw?
Otaku- I run 1 spinning tail.
D.Jake- Not sure on the lightning because the more I attack with Amphy the more energy I lose and I risk losing amphy.
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WOAH I didn't mean rely on amphy! All I meant is if you DO need to attack with amphy, atleast you're not wasting a DRE, which can help out later.
David: We will not be able to make TN states...too long of a drive (over 7 hrs) and my son has his Pinewood Derby friday night (Mar 11). Good luck and make sure the titles stay in TN!!! Fend off any invaders (except Vince...he has to run it lol)

Dendrobatida said:
I'm always wary of the HP-adding gyms, because while it does give you a little bit of cushion, I think it's a false cushion. You allow your opponent to knock out a pokemon without attacking, simply by putting an alternative gym down on the field. Imagine playing a low pressure system in a jumpluff deck- just not a good thing.

Actually, that only applies if you are looking at it the wrong way. HP increasing stadiums are about one thing: "stealing" extra turns of life for a Pokemon. How so? Simply put, they are played with the intent that you survive a hit that would otherwise have finished you off. Since your opponent tends to normally inflict damage on their turn, it's reasonably safe to assume this will give you time to get in one more attack or one more use of a good Poke-Power etc. There is a common misconception that you are hurting yourself doing this, since all you are doing is "delaying the inevitable" or "making it so I can KO a bunch of your guys with my Stadium". Both points tend to deserve a "d'uh" response. Why? Delaying a KO is very important in this game. As stated, you get to use Pokemon that should have been KO'd by now, and possibly stay in the game past the point when you should have lost already! So as long as you find it a better choice than the next best card, it is a good thing to run an HP increasing Stadium. Now, about your opponent's scoring several KO's just by using a Stadium. How many Stadiums do most people run? I think people have finally started listening to me and shooting for four, at least amongst my area, because, simply put, controlling the stadium in play tends to influence battles a lot more now. So for most decks, there are four cards that can get rid of an opponent's Stadium: the player's own Stadium. The only reason this is an issue is because of Pidgeot: before Pidgeot, you had to be pretty lucky or have very little left in your deck for it to be likely to draw into that Stadium right after I played it. This somewhat leads into my second point. When can you play that Stadium? There might be one or two Pokemon that can change out a Stadium during the other players turn (I know there are a few who can eliminate a stadium). As of yet, I don't see them commonly played, so it's more than likely that when someone plays an HP increasing Stadium, it either will end up being coutnered before anything is really dependant on it, or it will do its job and buy me extra use of my Pokemon while simultaneously denying you, at least for a turn, access to some prizes you'd have gotten.

Hmm, I am short on time, so let's try to use a very simple example of why using an HP increasing Stadium in the proper manner is going to help me more than hurt me: my deck has set up and I am scoring good damage against my opponent. They too have set up, and are scoring good damage against me. My LP increasing stadium, however, has helped one of my Pokemon stay alive an extra turn. During that turn I am able to begin powering up my next attacker while getting one more good whack out of my current active. DUring my opponent's turn, they get their stadium and play it. My active is KO'd, and I bring up probably whoever would have been promted anyway. What's the difference? Well, it's possible some other card could have saved me. That tends to hold true for any card in a deck: there is almost always something that, had you had a copy of it right then, you'd have been better off. So I don't feel that should be held against the Stadium, especially since it would likely have been another Stadium to run. However, that one card let me get another attack out of my active. Let's say that was a fully powered Dark Tyranitar, Spinning Tail version. I probably just either KO'd your active, seriously wounded it to the point I stand a decent chance of KOing it the next turn, and robbed you of some planning time with the prize you just pulled. Now, let's say you didn't get a counter Stadium. Now I just made you waste another attack, which if I hadn't ko'd your big nasty on my turn, means that HP increasin Stadium may have effectively canceled out some 80 damage I would have had to take to the would-be new active. I also made you wait two turns for your Prize. Hm,m,. more complex than I thought.
Those hp increasing gyms really depend what's being played heavily in your area. Most decks where amphy has a bad matchup the rocket gym won't matter. True, there are some situations where the gym will give you a turn of extra attacking, but it's incredibly situational.
Not to mention that even though you delay that KO and the knock you out with their countergym, you have to bring out a new active. And their turn isn't even over, they still get to attack. So assuming they have something that can do a decent amount of damage, like Dark Dragonite, they'll either KO the kamikaze Dunsparce you bring out or put damage on something else. That 50 damage not only weakens the Pokémon but makes you vunerable to ATM Rock.

What's the matter if your opponent draws 2 prizes in the same turn instead of drawing them in two diferent turns? Delay is always good. Extract all the juice you can from your Pokemon before they get knocked out.
I agree with you Otaku. Hey, Remember me fron MSN? I'm Mauro :p

I think every deck should play at least 3 stadium cards in this case 1/2 Hideout 2/1 Tricky.


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