Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Rolla, MO CC


New Member
Report by: Rerisenphoenix
Deck: Dark Wing Duck
Event: City Championship, 12/15
Location: Rolla, MO
Format: Modified (HP-on)

Well, at first I wasn't sure I was gonna get to go, and, if I was using DWD, but, after all was confirmed, I stuck with it.

Round 1-Robby V (Rampardos/Breloom)
I open up with Absol, and a Murkow on my bench. After a couple Winds of the Baleful sort, my Absol gets KO'd, allowing me to bring up a fully stocked Krow, which I leveled up, and began to punish!
Win 1-0

Round 2-???(Sorry dude, forgot your name) (Garchomp/Delcatty)
I disrupt like crazy, turn 2 his Gible with an absol, and get a Krow stocked by T-4.
Win 2-0

Round 3-Keelan D(My brother) (Blisscatty)
He gets a Blissey up, but I take it down in 2 turns, and he can't recover due to my disruption.
Win 3-0

Round 4-Jake S (Feraligatr/Delcatty/Magneton)
I get a little disruption, but he pins me in a corner after he knocks out Lv. X.
Lose 3-1

So right now it's win, I'm in, Lose...well...I'm not.

Round 5-???(Forgot your name, too, sorry) (Blisscatty)
Not even close, he annihalates me!
Lose 3-2

Starting out 3-0
Ray, for an awesome tournament
Weather allowing me to go

Dropping my last 2
Weather SUCKING on the way back
nice effort but DWD is still a fun deck. I like how you are using different decks each time....I think u r(based on your reports)
I hope you make it to Sedalia the 5th.