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Romney dropped!

McCain can win as long as he doesn't choose Jeb Bush as a running mate.

McCain is from Arizona and Shaq just moved there. Humm....

McCain/ O"Neil in 2008 Can you dig it!
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poke pop: lol (W)Bush has dumb a lot of stuff even a lot of conservatives don't like.
Besides the war issue which the war has become overly stupid now (and we are spending a lot of money on it)
Bush's border policy is stupid, trying to build a super highway is a bad idea (being that it goes right through my area makes me mad too) MC CAINs border policy is also shaky. Don't get me wrong I rather see MCCain win than Hilary or Obama.
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The thing that annoys me is that Bush has been incompetent since Day 1 of his administration, but it has only been in the last year that the blinders have dropped off of many of his supporters eyes and suddenly what has been clear all along is now also clear to all but 20-some percent of the populace.
PokePop: I am sorry I couldn't vote in 2000 when I lived in New Jersey :p
when it comes down to it, it is hard choosing 1 of two people. (when they both suck)
Gore and Kerry well I won't go into them right now >_>.
(most of the)The Democratic Party (far left ones) to me, I don't agree with their positions at all (platform basis)
I am not a Ultra Conservative I just lean right ie Moderate Conservative. There are some Moderate Democrats in
the Democratic Party I do like (it all goes on their platform if I like them or not)

2004 was a year that was like um who do I vote for?
Someone who is bad or someone I don't agree with? I donno.. I live in Texas anyway so I don't think it matters....

The Reason so many of his ex supporters are waking up now is that we never found any WMDs. The way it should have went is that the Iraqi government had nothing to hide so I donno why they gave the UN a hard time. I think Saddam wanted the United States think he still had some power ie weapons, but he really didn't (well that's what I think). Another reason may be the border and spending issues.

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The Reason so many of his ex supporters are waking up now is that we never found any WMDs. The way it should have went is that the Iraqi government had nothing to hide so I donno why they gave the UN a hard time. I think Saddam wanted the United States think he still had some power ie weapons, but he really didn't (well that's what I think). Another reason may be the border and spending issues.

Well, we're going a bit off topic, but...

Anyway, I recall at the time that the UN inspectors were in fact making headway.
Saddam had pushed them off for years. That is true. But they had gotten in and were looking around and they were reporting that they weren't finding anything.
That's what ticked Bush off. He was so sure that Saddam has WMDs, that he didn't want to hear anything that contradicted that, so he just discounted their reports and went in anyway.
The real shame of it all is that if we had concentrated on one task, stabilizing Afganistan and getting Al Quaida hiding in the border area with Pakistan, we probably would have succeeded at that.
Instead, Afganistan is sliding back and Al Quaida is not destabilizing Pakistan...

What a lost opportunity...
Saddam bluffed WMDs because he was afraid of Iran, plus he didn't think the US would actually attack. I guess he blew that one.
I don't trust Ron Paul, if he can't control the guys who were helping them run his campaign, how can you expect him to control a country.
Could you be more specific on controlling his campaign advisors?

And why would he control a country? He isn't a king or emporer.
I don't trust Ron Paul, if he can't control the guys who were helping them run his campaign, how can you expect him to control a country.

It fits in with his philosophy, though.
He really is a libertarian.
He should run as that instead of as a Republican.
He did run as libertarian in 1988. Now he is running as a republican because he says that the party as "lost its way".

Whether that is true or not is for the republicans to decide.
I'm referring to the newsletters that were under his name when he was a congressmen. There were some extremely racist remarks, not to mention that in his current campaign he's allied with some groups of some very ill repute. Maybe campaign wasn't the right word so much as the people under him.