Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars


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New Member
[2-2] Garchomp C Lv.X
[2-1] Uxie Lv.X
[1-1] Honchkrow
[2] Honchcrow G
[2] Crobat G
[1] Ampibom G
[1] Chatot G
[1] Giratina
[1] Unown Q
[4] Sableye
[4] Cyrus' Conspiracy
[3] Pokemon Collector
[2] Judge
[2] Cyrus' Initiative
[1] Aaron's Collection
[4] Poketurn
[4] Power Spray
[3] Energy Gain
[2] SP Radar
[2] Super Scoop Up
[1] Luxury Ball
[1] Night Maintenance
[4] Double Colourless Energy
[4] Special Dark Energy
[2] Darkness Energy

Nationals isn't far off and I've been having trouble getting a hold of a few cards so for the time being this is my default Option.

I'm still struggling to define some options such as the use of Judge and Uxie Lv.X. Both good cards but i'm doubtful of the compatibility.

I am tempted to play Toxicroak G Promo in the build and slot in a Psychic energy but again, unsure on this.

Mewtwo, is not a problem for this deck, a counter to it is never needed in sabelock, causse if your deck does its job and kills their setup, they will never git it out/have it live.
My local area has taken to running a 2-1 Mewtwo Lv.X so I need to make the allowance and as a result it's become a staple.
If you think about it, after Honchkrow pulls up a basic with Darkness Restore, it Riot for 100 damage without Expert Belt to Mewtwo X as long as your bench is full.
The 1-1 Honchkrow is far from useless in this deck. Not being able to get it out today cost me the game. Keep it.

Edit: And as a personal rule of thumb, I never include less than 4 basic energies in a SP deck. They're searchable and retrievable.
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Mewtwo, is not a problem for this deck, a counter to it is never needed in sabelock, causse if your deck does its job and kills their setup, they will never git it out/have it live.

I guess you never played sable lock b4,the object is to ruin your oppents set up in the first 3 turns,if you dont start sbaleye,you abadon all hope and start your set and then use sableye late game. honchrow is needed cause it can take 2 pirzes just like that<and its good for mewtwo and mr.mime. also i would take out the chatot g and 2 superscoop ups for a promo frog and 2 purple energys,will help against luxchomp.also i would take out girtina and nightmaintence for either bebes,another sprader and/or permier ball, i would go sp rader and one of the other two, so u can have someting to quicksearch your honckrow.

---------- Post added 06/06/2010 at 02:23 AM ----------

It allows you to pull up allready deceased targets with Darkness Restore and then snipe them over and over.

yep,so you can put uxie,or magikarps,or usless azelf back on the bench and hurt your oppents bench space.
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