Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Salamence EX d

40 and 40 to bench is actually pretty good. Its a pricey split bomb that can hit the active for 80 if nessicary and can hit alot of pokes for weakness. With the DX one and DS for anti-exs, it could be a pretty nice card.
it's not bad, it have a build-in fire AND water type, which is great, and if u got crystal shard running, thats 3 type overall!
and the second reason why i liked salamence so much is because it have 2 resist : fire and fighting, the powerful types!

plus with the DX and DS ones, this pokemon can really be a beast:thumb:
Kenshin's Garde said:
by then, the damage has already been done. oops. =/
Your going to have to elaborate...shutting down sally gives you the game?? Its power isn't going to change most matchs. By then, what do you mean?? The turn or two that it remains in play??? Are you referring to rayquaza d's body?? The one which kills shard?? Thats really not huge when you can't even shard the poke that has Censation crystal attached. Are you talking about shutting down the likely combo with the DX one? That doesn't even give this sally free retreat anyways, so I don't see why you would be talking about that. Are you talking about shutting down the likely combo with alteria ex d or flygon d? Thats just a question of speed then. And since the decks that can run CC are limited/the decks the use cards to get out CC are nearly non-existant, the odds are that you'll have your censsation crystal won't be out for more then 2 turns. That damage won't be even noticable to this card.
yeah, energy droppers are huge for this card to even hope working. do you plan on actually attacking? yes? then you need to charge. what stops you? crystal. how easy is it for delta to get out? really easy.
Kenshin's Garde said:
yeah, energy droppers are huge for this card to even hope working. do you plan on actually attacking? yes? then you need to charge. what stops you? crystal. how easy is it for delta to get out? really easy.
Umm, okay then. First off, yes, this card will more then likely need an energy attacher. Howerver, your CC won't be in play quick enough on a poke without a removal by windstorm/early sally attack on it, so its really about your second one. Don't tell me your going to run castaway for it...Your last statement makes no sence...Are you saying sally will get out very fast because of a fearow or something?
. . . .ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE KNOWS WHAT DELTA IS?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!! ok, its raieggs (ewwwwwwww . . . ).
Kenshin's Garde said:
. . . .ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE KNOWS WHAT DELTA IS?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!! ok, its raieggs (ewwwwwwww . . . ).
Okay, that makes a little bit more sence...but you do realize that its easy to get out any delta-based deck, don't you? So your saying this card is unplayable because of 1 card in 1 deck that your going to get out soo much faster then I'm going to draw a windstorm, even with options like crush-draw and cargo, right? Thats pretty bad. I guess mew is unplayable because of rai-eggs then, right? And metanite, ludi, anything with flygon d, or any other deck in general with a power or body, right?? Obviously, since you know everything about Censation crystal in rai-eggs beating up on this new and more-then-likely untested sally, I'll believe you are right. =/
So your saying this card is unplayable because of 1 card in 1 deck that your going to get out soo much faster then I'm going to draw a windstorm
ic how you delta draw sooooooooooo much faster than delta can. =/
even with options like crush-draw and cargo, right?
o, i forgot crystal doesn't affect hose. my bad. =/
its easy to get out any delta-based deck, don't you?
shinanigans! alright, if any delta deck is easy to get out quick, why does metanite set up around t3-5? ic how thats the same as delta's t2-3. =/
I guess mew is unplayable because of rai-eggs then, right?
yup. mewtric didn't even beat it in the first place, its not going to now.
Obviously, since you know everything about Censation crystal in rai-eggs beating up on this new and more-then-likely untested sally, I'll believe you are right. =/
yes, i am right. =)
on more serious topics, i just don't see how sally can match the power of speed of other decks and pokemon in this format. since it relies on poke-power energy droppers more than almost anything else, it seems extreamely succeptible to delta. thats the reason i brought the point up. yes, sally CAN beat it, but i just don't see how you can outspeed them when they shut down you energy acceleration.
Kenshin's Garde said:
ic how you delta draw sooooooooooo much faster than delta can. =/

o, i forgot crystal doesn't affect hose. my bad. =/

shinanigans! alright, if any delta deck is easy to get out quick, why does metanite set up around t3-5? ic how thats the same as delta's t2-3. =/

yup. mewtric didn't even beat it in the first place, its not going to now.

yes, i am right. =)
on more serious topics, i just don't see how sally can match the power of speed of other decks and pokemon in this format. since it relies on poke-power energy droppers more than almost anything else, it seems extreamely succeptible to delta. thats the reason i brought the point up. yes, sally CAN beat it, but i just don't see how you can outspeed them when they shut down you energy acceleration.
On statement #1, its an equal share. However, since sally will, more then likely, play more basics, it will delta draw more cards then you. On #2, I forgot how CC stays in play after you get knocked out and how you can instantly summon it from your deck when I can't hit a windstorm at all. #3, I meant consistantly. Obviously, a deck relying on getting out MASSIVE quanties of stage 2s will be slower then a deck that needs a few stage ones. #4, bull. Mewtric has a bad matchup against rai-eggs, but its not dead because of it. #5, again, because of 1 untested matchup in which rai-eggs beats it (why again??? most of the line doesn't have a body/power and sally has resistance to eggs), its automatically unplayable because rai-eggs is the best deck in the format??? Yeah, Okay.