Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Sam's Weekend in Mississippi with Gengar (Masters)


No spectacular wins this time folks, just a quick, short report.

Day 1

I'm playing Gengar with a couple techs including spiritomb and relicanth and Gengar AR, but only a 1-1-1 Nidoqueen line.

Pokemon: 27
4-2-3-1 Gengar X (2 Gengar SF/1 AR)
1-1-1 Nidoqueen
2-2 Claydol
3 Spiritomb
2 Crobat G
2 Unown G
1 Uxie
1 Azelf
1 Relicanth

Energy: 10
3 Call
6 Psychic
1 Fighting

Trainers: 23
4 Rose
4 BeBe
4 Rare Candy
4 Poketurn
2 Looker
2 Warp Point
2 NM
1 Luxury Ball

~Round 1 VS Carlos with Dialgachomp~

I'm keeping up most of the game, though he plays pretty slow so I'm worried about time. in the end time is called on his turn so he does win because he's one prize ahead of me. I should have KO'd his Claydol really early on in the game though, but I decided to KO his Dialga instead. That was my misplay.


~Round 2 VS PokeMom with Speedrill~

She never gets out a Claydol, and is attacking with Twineedle. She does however get 2 Heads, 2 Heads, and then 1 Heads. I eventually win by 3 Prizes though.


~Round 3 VS Chris S with Luxape w/ Weavile Gs~

He starts with Bronzong G, and I capatalize on that. I Pitch Dark turn 1, and Get up a Spiritomb T2. I just keep setting up while keeping his Bronzong G stuck Active. He doesn't pull a Supporter and Only 2 Energy. I end up Attacking with Shadow Skip switching into Spiritomb as much as I can, until he BeBe's for an Infernape X and uses Intimidating Roar. I stay ahead though, and I also dump 3 Poketurn in one turn. I hit heads on the only Fainting Spell, and win by 3 Prizes.


~Round 4 VS Louis T with Luxape~

My start isn't great, but Louis's isn't either. I end up getting out a Spiritomb and setting up. I have a full bench, including a Nidoqueen. He drops some stuff, and an Uxie, to get 4 cards. Then he plays a Rose to get out an Azelf, attatches a Rainbow, and lock ups my Spiritomb for NO DAMAGE after Nidoqueen. So basically he tells me he's going to do this til time and then snipe with Garchomp G for the last prize. Then I say ok and draw pass as fast as possible. If he's going to play like this, I can just deck him out. So eventually he sends up something else, and I shadow room his Azelf the turn that he lets me out of that stupid lock. It comes down really close, and he misplays by not KOing my Gengar. I win by one prize and by being one energy attatchment ahead. Good game Louis.


~Round 5 VS Kevin W with Palkia Lock~

Kevin is the only undefeated, but if I lose, I don't make the cut, so the pressure is on. He has me power locked, but I have Spiritomb so I'm setting up. He is hurt by the fact that he can't power spray while Spiritomb is active, so I end up getting in the lead by just a bit. In the end, I'm saved by Nidoqueen. Ruthless Tail FTW.


So I'm playing Kevin in Top 4. Yay me.

~Top 4 VS Kevin W with Palkia Lock~

Game 1: I start with Spiritomb, but he KO's it really quickly. I get out a Claydol, but he Hydro Shots it around turn 4. I only saw one Energy and 2 Supporters the entire game. I prized 4 out of 6 Psychic Energy.

Game 2: I get a somewhat better start, and much better prizes. He Hydro Shots my Nidorina sometime in the game right before it can evolve though, which hurt. It comes down to 2-2 Prizes, and Time is called on his turn. He damages my Gengar with a Toxicroak Promo after getting out Palkia G X. I know he has a Power Spray in his hand because he had Cyrus'd for it, so I do whatever I can to try to get him to use it. He didn't Power Spray a thing. I did Level Down his Palkia though. Then I play my last Crobat and he Power Spray's the flash bite. No! That was my winning ticket! I Shadow Room his Mesprit. He can't get out Palkia G X to win, so he play's wager. I have to win Rock Paper Sissors to maybe win this game because he has like 9 cards left in his deck, so I know he'll get the Palkia G X. I win with Paper. He can't win, so I KO his Mesprit next turn.

Sudden Death: I start with Ghastly, him with Uxie. He damages me for 20. I know that all he would need to win would be a crobat next turn, so I retreat for a fresh Ghastly and pitch dark. He does 20. Then I swithc to a Crobat G with Trick Gas. He plays Roseanne, gets out a Crobat, Flash Bite, SSU, Heads, Flash Bite, Poketurn, Flash bite for the KO on my benched Ghastly for game. Nooo! I had rare Candy Gengar energy next turn for game. Oh well. GG Kevin

Day 2

I change my deck up a bit. I saw only one other Gengar in the tournament, so I figure it would be safe for me to take out one unown G for something more consistant. I also take out a Rose for a second Luxury Ball, which was also a bad decision. These 2 cards would have helped me so much in this tournament. Oh well. I also nixed the Spiritomb for a Stronger Nidoqueen line.

Pokemon: 25
4-2-3-1 Gengar SF
2-1-2 Nidoqueen
2-2 Claydol
2 Uxie
2 Crobat G
1 Relicanth
1 Unown G

Energy: 10
4 Call
5 Psychic
1 Fighting

Trainers: 25
3 Rose
4 BeBe
4 Rare Candy
4 Poketurn
2 Looker
2 NM
2 Luxury Ball
2 Warp Point

~Round 1 VS Demarco with Spiritgar w/ Metagross Tech~

My start isn't great, but I have an Uxie, so I dump a bunch of stuff and Uxie for 5. I get crap. While I try to set up something more than a haunter, he sends up Spiritomb and starts setting up. He gets set up better and faster than me, but I pull ahead after a bit. I KO his G'd Claydol with Relicanth, and that hurt him. In the end I win by 1 Prize, but I had the game planned out a couple turns ahead, so it really wasn't that close. Good Game though man.


~Round 2 VS Brent S with Gengar/Spiritomb/Relicanth~

I've heard that Brent is really good, so I was looking forward to playing against him. We both are pretty even for the first 5 turns or so. I set up a Claydol, while he uses Spiritomb for a couple turns. I plan to G the claydol the next turn, but then he pulls out the Gengar and double Crobat drop to KO it. I have a Nidoran with one energy one the bench for a while, because I prized my Nidorina. I had the Nidoqueen in hand. I finally pull the Nidorina, evolve, and then he Does 2 Crobat Drops and Shadow Room to KO it before it can evolve (It already had 30 Damage). I never draw any energy, never draw any supporters, and I attack with the single Gengar most the game. I finally pull a Looker, Drop everything I can, play it, and don't draw anything helpful. In the end it was 1-1 Prizes, and all I needed was a Rose or a Fighting Energy for the game. I whiff and draw a Rare Candy. Ahh well, I think I did well getting 5 prizes with just that one Gengar and for having only played 4 Supporters the entire game (3 BeBe, 1 Looker). Good Game Brent, you're a great player and a cool guy. All around good person.


~Round 3 VS Chas M with Gengar~

Good God, I'm playing against ANOTHER Gengar? Don't I miss that Unown G now. Neither of us do too well for the first couple of turns, both attacking with Psychic Balance trying to draw a supporter. I take a slight lead, and Relicanth plays a key part in this game. I KO his Claydol, but he's keeping up. At one point in the game, he retreats his Gengar with 60 Damage for the one with no Damage and the Unown G attatched and uses Poltergiest for the KO on my Gengar. I flip heads on the fainting spell, and then I shadow room his other Gengar for the KO. That was pretty much game right there. I KO a Crobat G for the last Prize.


~Round 4 VS Pokemom with Venesaur/Tangrowth~

It is surprisingly difficult to KO a Venesaur with Gengar. I end up getting out a Nidoqueen with Unown G so no Special Conditions, and Run through her entire field. At one point she does KO my Nidoqueen with a Bulbasaur though. Lol. Nice to meet you Ms. Lin.


So, today was a day of tough breaks. Three of my opponents were good players, they just had bad luck. My opponents went 0-4, 1-3, 2-2, and 3-1. So This of course just kills my Resistance, so I get 5th with a Top 4 Cut. This is too bad, but there was nothing I could have done. I played well and there's still next weekend. Thanks for Reading!

*Seeing Friends
*Making Friends
*Playing against some great players, and winning or at least Holding my Own
*Top 4
*Back Yard Burger
*Swimming at the Hotel

*Not Winning
*Going back to school today
*4 Rounds instead of 5
*Prizing 4/6 Psychic Energy
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I didn't say I would lock up till time. I was Building a force behind my lock I 1 shotted you Nido after I broke the lock.