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Science Project


New Member
Well, it turns out that I have a science project for the science fair due in two weeks and, guess what, I need adice. I've done a lot of these before, but it seems my scientific creativity is a little worn out. I do have a few ideas though:

-Which type of bread molds faster
-Does the amount of sunshine affect plant growth

yep. That's pretty much all I got right now. Any advice or suggestions on what I could do would be pretty cool. Thanks.:thumb:
oh ok, well what i did in 8th grade was What type of material stops the flow of magnetism best. Or something like that lol.
In 7th grade i also did a sci fair project on what kind of hovercraft works best, and i made toy hovercrafts. Back in my middle school we had to try to go above and beyond because i was in the science magnet program. Good luck to you.
Well, it turns out that I have a science project for the science fair due in two weeks and, guess what, I need adice. I've done a lot of these before, but it seems my scientific creativity is a little worn out. I do have a few ideas though:

-Which type of bread molds faster
-Does the amount of sunshine affect plant growth

yep. That's pretty much all I got right now. Any advice or suggestions on what I could do would be pretty cool. Thanks.:thumb:
I wouldn't do the second one. A plant won't grow without sunshine, that's where it gets the energy to perform photosynthesis from.
I wouldn't do the second one. A plant won't grow without sunshine, that's where it gets the energy to perform photosynthesis from.

Well, I would give it sunligt, just not as much as the others. I'm leaning toward Mold or the magnet thing mentioned by Chromecatz. Heres another: Does the different type/brand of fertilizer affect plant growth.
Bread mold is easy, though if you only have 2 weeks, you won't have that great of a result.

A classic one is a hot dog cooker using foil and stuff.
Hi Kabutops 141,
I love science projects!

I think the plant project with sunlight and/or fertilizer has been done before. The bread project sounds good, like something Lous Pasteur would have done. Maybe take it a step further and try and prevent mold growth. . .

What type of fair is this? I mean, do you just write up your findings in a poster board format, it this a "hands-on" fair or do you need to demonstrate something?

My son did a project on tornadoes. He made lots of models of tornadoes in a jar to demonstrate the vortex. That was fun for hands-on. Another he made a model of the human fore-arm. You raised the arm with a pulley action to demonstrate that muscles pull, they don't push. Another time a fun one with static electricity. He shocked a lot of people that day. These were all ideas for a hands-on fair.

The internet has tons of ideas. Are you out to win a prize? I'd suggest something in a branch of science that may not be as popular. Thay may catch a judges eye--like genetics or chemistry or something.

Good luck and let us know what you decide!
Hi Kabutops 141,
I love science projects!

I think the plant project with sunlight and/or fertilizer has been done before. The bread project sounds good, like something Lous Pasteur would have done. Maybe take it a step further and try and prevent mold growth. . .

What type of fair is this? I mean, do you just write up your findings in a poster board format, it this a "hands-on" fair or do you need to demonstrate something?

My son did a project on tornadoes. He made lots of models of tornadoes in a jar to demonstrate the vortex. That was fun for hands-on. Another he made a model of the human fore-arm. You raised the arm with a pulley action to demonstrate that muscles pull, they don't push. Another time a fun one with static electricity. He shocked a lot of people that day. These were all ideas for a hands-on fair.

The internet has tons of ideas. Are you out to win a prize? I'd suggest something in a branch of science that may not be as popular. Thay may catch a judges eye--like genetics or chemistry or something.

Good luck and let us know what you decide!

It's pretty much a write your findings down on a poster board format. Great ideas everyone!
Hot Dog Cooker? Explain plz.

I dunno how to explain it really, but basically it's a solar hot dog cooker; you basically get some foil or something and arrange it out in the sun so that it'll cook hot dogs. It'd be best if you asked someone else, I personally never actually assembled one, but I've seen it around all the time.
Cool. That gave me an idea. : On which do hot dogs cook better/faster on, glass, plastic, metal, or cement.
How's this one?
That's cool, but I think I have decided what I'm going to do it on. I'm going to do: Which grows mold faster, fruit, veggies, bread, or cheese. I'll put each item in a jar w/ a damp paper towel and put it in my closet.

Thanks everyone because w/o your ideas, I wouldn't have thought of this one!

Well, just make sure you keep each environment essentially the same, otherwise your results are gonna be flawed...and make sure to creep everyone out by throwing the mold on them at the end :tongue: