Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Scizor/Cherrim for BRs

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Active Member
Hey Gym. I'm running Scizor/Cherrim for a BR coming up, and I'd like some feedback and comments on my deck. Right now I have draw problems with it, though...


4 Scyther (2 SF 2 UD)
4 Scizor SF
4 Cherubi SF
4 Cherrim SF
1 Chatot MD

T/S/S (31)

4 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Warp Point
3 Expert Belt
2 Volkner's Philosophy
2 Pokemon Collector
1 Luxury Ball
2 Cynthia's Feelings
2 Looker's Investigation
4 PlusPowers
1 Palmer's Contribution


10 :grass: energies


Standard Scizor/Cherrim strategy. Scizor as main hitter, Cherrim as backup attacker + tech.
Try to get a belted Scizor up T2 to start hitting for massive damage. Accelerate for KO to be invulverable next turn.

Note on Scyther choices: I run 2 SF Scizor's because they have better attacks, but 2 UD Scizors because they have higher HP, and thus less chance to be donked.

Anyways, comments + help is wanted!
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I prefer SF Scyther for its free retreat, but actually the PL reprint of Jungle Scyther is probably even better. 70 HP, -30 Resistance and free retreat.

DCE can be good for a quick Accelerate.

Your Trainer line lacks consistency. Generally, if a card is needed to help your deck run well, run 3-4 of them

As in

3-4 Collector
3-4 Communication
4 PlusPower

Lookers and Volkners are dubious choices. Cynthia is very good in Scizor as you get big draw when Scizor gets KOd (and with 100 HP it will quite a lot). Otherwise PONT is a better choice.

1 Quick Ball is a bit useless. Again, go 3-4 or none. You could cut 1-2 Warp Point as well.
Scyther choice: I know, but I also only own 2 of them...

DCE: I only own one, but good idea. I might try it.

Trainer line: I have a 3rd BTS, so I'll add it back in. I only own two of each of Collector and Communication, sadly. It turns out I dont use Collector much, however. As for the PlusPowers, I'll put in another one.

Drawpower: I can take out the Volkner's for 2 Cynthia's and a 4th Looker's, if that is a good choice. I don't have any PONT's, but I think I can get a hold of some at league. How many is recommended?

Quick Ball: I'll remove it.

Warp Points: I run 3 because of bad starts, so I can get my active out of there for Blaze or Scizor.

so I'll add in 1 PlusPower and 1 BTS - what should I take out?

And should I still add the DCE in? I'd be lucky to draw into it...
Ok, bearing in mind what you have, I would . . .

-1 Quick Ball
-1 Warp Point
-3 Volkner
-3 Looker

+1 PlusPower
+1 BTS
+2 Cynthia
+1 DCE
+1 Chatot MD (great card in Scizor/Cherrim. Nice if you get a bad start/get hit by hand disruption/need a free retreat Pokemon)

The most urgent trade thing is to get another 2 Collector in there. I guess you don't use it cos you only run 2 and don't often draw into it early. A T1/2 Collector filling your Bench with Scythers and Cherubis will improve this deck more than anything. If you get them, drop Pokedex for them.
Hmm... I'll try to get a Chatot.

At the moment I can throw in the Plus Power, BTS, Cynthias, and DCE.

Considering the cards I have right now, I'll do...

-1 Quick Ball
-3 Volkner's
-1 Looker's

+1 PlusPower
+1 BTS
+2 Cynthia's
+1 DCE

I'm a little wary about putting 2 more Collectors... but I will add in another one if I get it.

Thanks for the help, and any more ideas?

Your scyther should be all md. I ran this last year, and md works best. Also, an interesting tech would be erl because you run no powers
I would run MD Scythers, but I dont have any, and I prefer the SF Scythers for the free retreat.
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EDIT: I got two PONT and a Pokemon Communication today, so I removed the Pokedexes and a Looker's for them.

I also removed the DCE for another grass because not once in all my playtesting have I used it. But maybe later i'll put it back in if I need to.
Ok I got a Chatot. Really helps the deck. I played this deck at league and I did decently. I played LuxChomp, took a few prizes, but I lost. I then removed the blazekin line and the fires for two more grass, a Chatot, and a Looker's. I then played a Healix deck and lost by one prize. I played a BlastGatr and swept (I took all prizes, he took none). Then I played Torterra and won. Anyways, this deck is pretty good.

I put in two Volkner's as well, removing the Cyrus's.

And the DCE is back in there.

I updated the list at the top.
Ehh, I'm a little sketchy about the lack of Cyrus. Fetching energy + supporter is amazing, even in non SP dex.

Other than that, great job on a simple Scizor/Cherrim (gosh, when are we going to get a nickname for that lol) :biggrin:!
Around 2, maybe 3.

But if you have no problems with energies, then I guess it's not really necessary, now is it? :biggrin:
Yep! But thanks for your help. I might decide to put them in anyways (if my playtesting shows I should)
did you try teching in a vespiquen sf line and a shaymin sky form line in?
I would also up the energy to 13, i find it difficultto believe that you dont have energy problems when your main attack needs 2 and you have nothing to search out energies.
Only rarely will I have energy problems - if so, I will attack with Cherrim instead. But the BR has already passed, anyways... I got second.
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