Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Slow Start POD #6 Deck

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New Member
Here is my deck word for word that sent in:
And My score: 168. ChaosKnuckles 8/10 3/5 3/5 14/20

Slow Start is the name of the my deck and that’s how its played too. I decided to make my deck using Regigigas(#15) without Togekiss, because I do not think that’s very creative IMO. It would just play very similar as Skittles, but slower. So I had to think of a different way to play Regigigas. The best I could come up with was to trick your opponent into thinking you had a bad/slow then come out of nowhere and attack with Regigigas.

Slow Start


3x Regigigas(#15)

4x Absol(SW)

3x Rotom(MD)

2x Poocheyna
2x Mightyena

4x Pluspower
3x Warp Point
4x Energy Pickup
4x Snowpoint Temple
4x Buck’s Training
4x Professor Oak’s Visit
4x Roseanna’s Drawing
3x Cynthia’s Feelings

4x Fighting
4x Metal(basic)
4x Water
2x Dark(Basic)
2x Dark(Special)

Strategy: As I said before this strategy is based on looking like you have a bad start. You want to start with Absol, but anything except Regigigas is fine. Starting with one of them(except Regigigas) is fine, as they will help to make you look like you have a bad start. Starting with Regigigas will be a pain and will have to warp out of. If you start with Absol you do the only think you can do with Absol, disrupt your opponents hand. You keep doing this until your opponent has taken 2 prizes, then you are going to want to bring up a Rotom(don’t play on your bench unless you know you are going to use him next turn). Play Regigigas and Duel Trans. Next turn your opponent should KO or you can setup multiple Regigigas.

He’s your main attacker.

He’s your starter. I picked him because most people will want to eliminate him quickly.

Use him to charge up Regigigas.

This guy’s in here so you won’t get walled by Mewtwo Lv.X. He’s also a good attacker if you need one, can hit up to 80 damage.

Pluspower and Buck’s
In here so you can 130, the magic number to KO most stage 2s.

Warp Point
To help with Regigigas starts, can be changed with Technical Machine TS-T2 for more disruption.

Energy Pickup
Sometimes you just need one extra energy attach to power up, save these until critical moments.

Snowpoint Temple
Makes Regigigas a 140 HP beast.

Felicity’s and Cynthia’s
Your draw cards and to get energy in discard.

Roseanna’s Drawing
Only use this when you absolutely need a basic/energy, because you use this your opponent will see what you’re doing.

To power up your pokes.

Final Thoughts: Before you take away my points for not playing Bebe’s or something. Let me just say using certain cards like Bebe’s and Roseanna’s at the wrong time will give away what you are trying to do. Which is to fake having a Slow Start. I only play Roseanna’s because it can search for my main attacker and should only be used to get him out.

Just under 500 words :p

Looking back I think Togekiss would have been better for the deck, but I didn't think it would get me the points I needed.
3 Things. 1, would I be able to win a BR with this deck, and 2, you mean Roseanne's Research, right? 3, you should go -1 Rotom OR -1 Warp Point and add 1 more Regigigas. Like the deck!
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