Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Spiderman 3 (Possible Spoilers)


Active Member
I just got back about 20 min ago from seeing Spidey 3. I thought it was very good. The special effects were amazing. The movie was awesome imo.

I'm gonna be seeing it later today, looks sweet, but foisy said it was good, so I dunno :tongue:
I thought it sucked BAD, should be named: Spiderman 3: The Musical.

I peronally found the whole movie to be very good, however there were some really shaky parts for me. However, I thought Bruce Campbell was awesome in the Movie as the Maitre d. Very funny.
My friend told me it was sold at for the whole weekend at the theatre we go to. So I won't be seeing it until next week..
Its sad how he dies in the end.

I dont think he is dead. I just have that feeling. I read somewhere that for Spiderman 4 (When/If Made) a main character who "dies" in Spidey 3 will end up not actually being dead.
That could be false, but I always find that in Superhero movies that nobody is ever really dead.
I saw an advanced screening on thursday, it was pretty good, but peters goth haircut/scary dance moves were pretty bad.
I thought the movie was very very good! It wasn't X-Men 3 but very good nonetheless. As someone said earlier, the dancing/emo/evil/punk Parker was strange. Everyone in my theatre thought it was really funny. I was waiting for it to get back to the good stuff(which there was plenty of)

Seriously, Venom was so flippin awesome! That shriek sound he made was crazy. Definitely the best of the 3, despite the corny parts.
It was, well, meh.

Punk Parker just didn't fit, emo parker is even worse.

Oh no, I am sad, my suit is making it worse, I BECAME EMO!!!


Venom was sweet, but Doc Oc was still better =*(

It was just so predictable.
I thought this one was the best in the series. My favorite part in the movie is when Peter was doing lots of stuff while wearing his Black Suit.
It was bad because Venom only appeared for like 10 minutes. He'd better not be dead or else itll be stupid.

And we found it more funny than good because we were yelling stuff out during the movie.

The funniest part was when the butler guy said to Harry: "I loved your father". The whole theatre laughed.

Oh, and the place we went to the tickets dind't sell out fast at all. Me and my friends took up almost the entire back row and it was empty when we got into the theatre like 20 min before the show started.
OK, since it's already been spoiled, I see no need to keep it out of everybody's hands.

Two people died in this one who really should NOT have died. The first should not have died because he's the one holding the entire movie series together. The second should not have died because he is the BEST VILLIAN EVER!!!.

I also hated about 90% of the dialogue in the flick. Peter has *never* seemed so awkward as when he was emo hitting on every chick he could get within 20 feet of. Also, that stupid little dance outside the clothing store was pathetic. The part in the jazz club was just too kewl, though. Didn't know Toby could play the piano like that!

Best fight scene happened only about 15 minutes into the show. Peter vs skateboarding Goblin? In a 2 ft wide chasm? What can be better than that?

The last fight scene was FAR too predictable, especially if you know the comic book series even remotely well enough.

BTW, Venom should NOT have died!!!
He didn't die. He never dies. He always finds someway to come back. Come on its VENOM we're talking about.