Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Staying Fierce and a Lesson in British Antics [AZ Masters 7-1]


New Member
Ok so first of all, I'd like to inform you all that this report is rated FF(Fiercely Flawless) so be warned. Today started off with confusion to the maximum. So I'm like a super impatient person and a dumbie and ask several people for rides in case one says no and in the planning I forgot to get in touch with one of them and thus confused them badly. T_T sorry John! Well it's about 9ish and I'm done with my deck and Ashley's deck which I made some fixes to. I meet up with my ride and we head to the event. Since I filled out my list before the tourney started and I had nothing to do, I went over to BK for coffee and a Whopper Jr. which really woke me up. Afterwards, Ashley finally got there and me and her test played her Zone. Well, let's just say my fierceness frightened her into playing Dusknoir, lawl. But it was a good choice imo just because of consistency issues and the works. Just so you guys know, I'm playing a SUPER FIERCE MACHAMP. Pretty much 9/10 times I had Machamp T2 or something super close, having no bad starts whatsoever.

Round 1 vs. Another Ashley w/Basics
So she was pretty chill. Me and her talked before the tourney and she seemed nice. Though I had 2 Machamp going with 2 Claydol and she had nothing but basics. I swept her and got all six prizes before she got any.


Round 2 vs. Deidra w/Cherry Bomb
So I played against this deck last weekend and I don't like playing against it because I don't like it. lawl. She gets T2 Scizor combo going, though I respond quickly with Machamp and miraculously flip all 4 heads for Hurricane Punch and then KO her Cherrim and Chatot for a quick but entertaining game.


Round 3 vs. Travis w/TorterraTile
So I got setup super fast with a T2 Champ. He got kinda setup but not really and I pretty much took early control too fast for him.


Round 4 vs. Jeremy Maron w/Magnezone
So I kinda know him from this one year where we traded randomly at Worlds for like my game system thing for something, haha I forgot. But he's really cool and I respect him a lot as a player since he won and then got 4th consecutively. This of course intimidated me, though my setup was simply amazing, as was his. Though I don't think he knew I ran a 1-1 line of Dusknoir DP and he setup a 4th benched pokemon. I remember in one turn i Dark Palmed a charged Zone on his bench and then OHKO'd his active Zone. This pretty much killed his setup, though his Palkia X proved to be a nuissance during most of the game. He started making a comeback, though I eventually took it with some key energy placements and overall smart playing with Stark Mountain and Champ X and his Strong Will.


Round 5 vs. Dustin w/DusknoirBronzong
I'm not really too intimiated by this matchup simply because Dusknoir is slower than molasas on most occassions which I don't like too much which is why I didn't play it today. My hand was SUPER FIERCE. I had 3 Drawer, I searched for another with the two and I was pretty set with everything I needed. I think he fought back though, but my constant Champs and his inability to setup too much handed me victory.


Round 6 vs. Jeremy Jallen w/Magnezone
Ok, Jeremy was once someone I really respected as a player since he was like 2 in the Nation or w/e. But it's games like these that make me want to take a stapler to my face. I'm not mad or upset, I'm just dissapointed, srsly. Nevertheless he couldn't setup and I had the T2 Champ. SOTG kthanx.


So I'm pretty happy since I'm the only Masters undefeated and there's Top 8 which means my good ol' buddy Ashley could make it in with her 4-2 record which I'm really happy about. Considering she's never touched a Dusky deck, she did well with her matches and played some tough rounds which can be won in the future with a little bit more experience. So me and her go to this UNFIERCE thing called 'dunch' which reminds me of the name of a stool softener and eat but it's of course the merging of dinner+lunch. We ate at BK, went on a rant and called up our peeps who couldn't be there and had fun. Everything was fierce and I was pretty excited since my other Cities showings weren't too impressive. I found out Ashley didn't make it though, which sucked but I was proud of her and my good ol' friend Julie in Ohio who got 4th at her cities today.

Well the rounds started and I was playing against some new person who was pretty cool I guess.

Top 8 vs. Timm w/T-tar
Game 1: Pretty lopsided imo. He got some things out here and there with a Togepi active most of the game. Though I got setup and I proceeded to KO everything he sent active, he couldn't get a single T-tar set up to KO, though I was prepared if he did. Ok here's the thing. I think he didn't understand Pokemon that well or just made an error since he got to pick who went first, he picked himself to go first.
Game 2: We draw, he passes. I go Machop, 2 Drawer, Candy Energy, Game. gg yo


Top 4 vs. Chris w/Dusky
Game 1: It was pretty weird this game of ours. All I remember was I played 4 tails with Hurricane Punch against his Mewtwo Lv X with Champ X active, which lost me the game.
Game 2: Time was called and thus, I lost. But it was cool since I got major points anyway from my other wins and I lost to a guy who was pretty cool overall and who deserved Top 2.


I came in 3rd and got 4 packs, out of those 4 I pulled Rai X and shiny Voltorb.

After the amazing tourney I went off into the corner with Ashley and we did hot things, haha jk jk. We watched this movie called Atonement with Keria Knightley and James McAvoy. Basically the movie was SUPER FIERCE but it made me SO MAD MAD MAD cuz of the stupid british scenarios in the film. UGH. Dumb children and their misinterpretation of things. UGH. After that me and Ashley made FIERCE phone posts on LJ and laughed super hard while Top 2 was going on, Chris was our ride home, what a nice friend. Overall I had a blast except for like the negative nancies that polluted my airspace with revoltingness and bad karma.

Ashley for going 4-2
Me for 7-1 overall, and technically my record is better than the 2nd placer with 6-2
Pulling FIERCE Raichu X and Voltorb Shiny from 4 packs.
John for being nice
Daemon and Deidra for giving me a ride
Jacob for being a good friend and a nice person
Julie for getting 4th in Ohio
The word FIERCE for describing me in every way
Champ for being amazing
PokeDrawer, a card that should be in every deck
Ashley for being almost as fierce as me
Me for being pretty much a celebrity round these parts, lawlawl
Ling-Ling and NutMeg for being cool beans
Chris and Sean for being nice people and letting us ride in Chris' car
All the judges for running a smooth event
The Spirit, Silken Floss posters for being kickbutt and amazing
HOT N COLD!_+!!&#(@&@(44569080=a47975806*)^%$(*%^$)@&#+^_@

Jacob for not making top cut last week or this week, awww D: we'll fix that buddy!
Ashley for being this close to top 8, next time chica!
negative nancies who think that they can't beat certain people/decks
whiny cry babies who can go explode
the disease known as 'elitism'
Heroe's Comics for being far away
AZ for being cold again
Things I have forgotten..like, alot!
Lol, I couldn't even mount a comeback, if you could even call it that. Evil Machamp :p

Congrats for 3rd.

Nah, you were goin' places. I think I just rushed you too much which kinda haulted that.

Thanx yo, see ya next weekend if you go.
Nice report Mr. Fierce! :) Congrats on 3rd, It was a good day...hopefully we shall see you for the last one next Sunday.
haha, congratulations Robert, you super fiece sexy berry buddy!

oh oh oh, remember when we got dunch at BK and I made you order everything all SUPER-FIERCE with the word "sassy" in front of everything?


I hope we can finish watching Atonement, though. you're seriously not going to like what ended up happening in the end and what happened with that ginger girl...
good report robert but mean that you didnt put in props lol and sorry for being a negative nancy lol i wasnt that down

lol i wasn't really talking about you as a negative nancy.

congratz on your win dustin, i really believe you earned that one.
Great report, it's fun to hear how things are going back in Arizona. Haven't played out there in almost two years now =o

Can't believe you slopped Arizona for being cold. It was like fifteen degrees today here in Kentucky!
Yay robert! Go Team Watermelon! it was an awesome day for us all! You took 3rd, I was 4th and ashley did well too! :D
Wish i was there, it sounds like so much fun! i miss you guys!
And that's soo cool that you pulled such awesome stuff from the 4 packs you won. The 4 packs i won i pulled Bronzong and Mismagius and stuff, nothing that great.
We should make a new Watermelon tradition: Chew watermelon gum before or during the tournaments. Seriously, it gave me good luck. It had to be the gum xP

Just a quick question though. I wasn't too familiar with Machamp decks until today, really.
Today a machamp deck took me out. They warped and palkia'd all my basics out, and KOed them. They got my Cresselia LV X out, and used Take out, which killed it in one hit.

Top 4 vs. Chris w/Dusky
Game 1: It was pretty weird this game of ours. All I remember was I played 4 tails with Hurricane Punch against his Mewtwo Lv X with Champ X active, which lost me the game.

I'm seriously not trying to be rude, just curious, You used Hurricane punch against mewtwo, who is basic. Why didn't you just do Take out?
I'm seriously not trying to be rude, just curious, You used Hurricane punch against mewtwo, who is basic. Why didn't you just do Take out?

Lol, it's because he had Unknown G attached to Mewtwo, which prevents all effects of attacks, ie Take Out is null and void.
lol thanks robert im happy i won and man did my point sky rocket lol and for some reason when i played against the ywo jeremy i was listening to katty parry hot n cold in my head lolololol IT really helps haha
Nah, out of town for the holidays, so I'll miss the last one. Good luck to you all though.

ah, well have fun and happy holidays to ya.

as for everyone else, i'll see you all next weekend at AZ's last cities for the year. =]]

merry X-mas, happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, etc.