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Str8 Lutions

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4-2-2-3-1-2-1 Espeon/Umbreon/Glaceon#7/Glaceon X/Flareon/Jolteon
1-2 Omastar MD
2-2 Claydol


3 Rare Candy
4 Super Scoop Up
1 Warp Point
1 Roseannes Research
2 Master Ball
2 Celios Network
2 Stevens Advice
2 Night Maintenance
2 Lake Boundary
1 Windstorm
2 Helix Fossil
1 Team Galactic Wager


4 Double Rainbow
3 Multi
1 Darkness SP
2 Fire
3 Water
2 Scramble

Stradegy:Eevee Start,yea ure thinking 6 basics and 15 evos,yea but u never play all the lutions in one game, PLay the Lution to your matchup. Glacy for Mag/Ape Flareon to Speedrill/Turne(if played)/Scizor Jolty to Emp/Gatr Leafeon to accel and for Fossils Umby for Banette/Dusknoir Espeon for GG. No Vappy since I have Glacy to do a better job and has a X that cna shut down powers . Claydol is for Draw and Omastar is for the drop when something to big comes into play and you need to get rid of quickly. So please suggestions and fixes.
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Do it, Flygon!!! I like this deck, but TOO Many 1-1-1-etc. You need to focus on 3-4 Eveeloutions all together, to make this deck More consistant.

I like the Omastar Tech, Nice dude!!
ok.. look. you have 1 card attacker lines. that's like a GG running 1 Gardy SW, 1 Gallade, a Gardy Ex d, a Gardy PK, etc. all because they are different.. in theory Lutions MAY work, but it is too slow and clunky to work with all of them together. now, Glaceon is a good card, and Leafeon is a good card, but they don't combo well together. same goes for Jolteon, and flareon. throwing all of them into the same deck does not allow for them to shine in their unique ways.
Lol The deck is a theme,its not for them to shine,its a FUN deck,thats why I made the deck,and it works. CLUNKY it isnt since most of the time I get the Lution I wanna get and works the way its supposed to. Yea alot of 1-1-1-1-1 but if anything they would be like Techs with the same line. Glacy and Leafeon arent supposed to work together since u never play them in the same game at all.

Exp is like when u have Lake Boundary in GG,u dont EVER drop it when u play against Banette,only against mirror matches or for Gallade against Blissey.Thats how Im doing it.
playing all but one eevee evolution seems pretty bad to me, u need the exact energy cards, right evolution and u cant do it just like that. play like, glaceon and leafeon and umbreon and espeon. all just seems pretty useless unless u play furret.
What exact energy,if I get one DRE its usually enough since I only setup Umby and Espeon on the bench. Espy can move energy and Umby can auto confuse which forces them to retreat or play warps. I dont need roseannes,but for you I will put them in how many do u want me to put in??
ok.. look. you have 1 card attacker lines. that's like a GG running 1 Gardy SW, 1 Gallade, a Gardy Ex d, a Gardy PK, etc. all because they are different.. in theory Lutions MAY work, but it is too slow and clunky to work with all of them together. now, Glaceon is a good card, and Leafeon is a good card, but they don't combo well together. same goes for Jolteon, and flareon. throwing all of them into the same deck does not allow for them to shine in their unique ways.

QFT to that, and hey Robbie, it's NUGE!
Try Felicity's Drawing or TV Reporter so you can discard the extra Eeveelutions. This deck may be fun to run with a ball engine, Felicity's Drawing to clear the excess cards, and Claydol to keep the deck moving.

Good luck,

Edit: OOPS, I meant Felicity's Drawing, not TV Reporter.
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