Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars


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4 Sableye
2 Mantine HS
3 Unown R
2-1 Uxie
1 Unown Q
1 Azelf
2 Dialga PL #5
1 Regice
1 Shaymin UL
2-2 KGL

2 Bebe's Search
2 Sage's Training
3 Pokemon Collector
1 Engineers
1 Palmers
3 Pokemon Rescue
1 Luxury Ball
1 Warp Point
4 Legend Box

7 Water
4 Rainbow
1 Warp

Strategy: There are two different ways to go about this, and both can be used as recovery methods once a KGL goes down.

The first method is to gather the pieces of KGL with Sableye and Mantine while attaching energy around your board, then using Shaymin's Celebration Wind to move the Energy to KGL and begin Mega Tidal Waving. This should allow you to have a KGL out on T3 almost everytime.

The second and more aggressive method is to search and discard the pieces of KGL with Sage's and Regice while acquiring a Dialga and Legend box in your hand. Once both pieces are in the discard pile, you can then use Dialga's Reverse Time to place both legend pieces and an energy on top of your deck, GUARANTEEING you a successful legend box.

Unown R and Sage's serve as a deck thinners, Engineers is an option for drawing extra cards early on with Sableye, since you often open with more than 1 energy in your hand.

If you happen to get 2 Rainbow on KGL and want to use Massive Eruption, Dialga can feed you a guaranteed 300 damage with its Reverse Time Power.

Pokemon Rescue serves double duty as a deck thinner with Unown R, and recovery if your legend goes down.

Depending on which way you go about getting your first legend, recovery is rather quick as long as you allow yourself the bench space. When a legend goes down, you need one space for the new legend to go into and one space for either Dialga or Shaymin.
If there is no bench space, your deck is usually thin enough by this point that a Palmers+Legend box should suffice.
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how do you get the energy fast enough on the second KGL? i like this, it's very interesting and original. but i'd like to see all the kinks worked out of it.
Assuming you have the bench space:
Play down a fresh KGL from your hand and Celebration Wind any extra energy you have on the field to the new Legend.


Use Dialga Reverse Time to put KO'd KGL on top of your deck and use Legend Box.

If you DON'T have the bench space:

Assuming your deck is sufficiently thinned of Mantines, Unown Rs, Sableyes and Uxies, you can play palmers and put in a legend+energy and then play legend box and hope for the best.
So in my testing so far I've found that this deck likes to go off on turn 2/3 pretty consistently. Regice has proved important against Gengar/Vileplume, to push early tombs out of the way and to discard damage inducing trainers. This deck has 6 "Good" starters(Sableye and Mantine) and 7 "OK" starters(Anything that isnt Regice, Dialga or Unown Q).

Anyone have any help or is the general consensus that this deck is perfect?
I think that ppl aren't posting because they don't have much to say, myself included. We can't offer help or otherwise known as criticism, because we haven't played it. I wouldn't call it perfect, no deck is. But it's not bad, i just think it might struggle against a power spray or a trainer lock. have you played dialga sufficiently to say you can beat it consistently? That and sablelock are what i see to be your biggest threats.
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