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T3: TriAttackHax's Trade Thread {LONG} - Updated 8.22.08 - New Legends Awakened Cards

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I'm intrested in:

-Glameow promo
-Mime Jr. promo
-Pachi, Prinplup and Chimchar BK promo cards (1 of each)
-Weavile DP (RH)
-Empoleon Lv.X DP (if not the error one)
-Gallade SW
-20 Glaceon
-20 Glaceon (RH)
-18 Espeon
-19 Flareon
-23 Jolteon
-24 Leafeon x2
-POP 6 Gible
-POP 6 Pikachu

And since I've got sooooo many things from your wants (haves here, by the way), I am intrested in the following if you want more than the value of the forementioned list.

DP01 Turtwig holo
DP03 Piplup holo
DP04 Pachirisu holo
DP06 Buneary holo
DP17 Dialga LvX
DP20 Magmortar holo

Additional to everything in my haves, I also have a nery nearly complete LM set (not including RHs).
Would you be interested in a NM-MINT BASE MACHOKE and a BASE Imposter PRof OAK in NM-MINT for a Mint
#11 Black star WoTC eevee promo?
Hey! Interested in your:

Bronzong x2 MT
Scizor x1 MD
Weavile x1 SW RH
Metal Energy BASIC x6
Dark Energy BASIC x6

My: Armaldo delta HP
Cradily delta HP
Kabutops delta HP
Ampharos delta DF
Feraligatr UF

PM me about this!
Hello, everyone. I appreciate all the trade offers and am of course always eager to finish off my collection. :thumb: I did do a massive update to my list just a few minutes ago though (Majestic Dawn booster packs, MD Empoleon, MD Kabutops, Porygon-Z Level X, and a ton of others), so you may wish to recheck them to see if there's anything that's changed, and then resubmit your offers. Also, I'll be out of town from Monday the 14th to Thursday the 17th, so I won't be able to reply to any offers until then.
Muscovy Level X: I checked your list and of course there are plenty of cards there I need. Go ahead and make what you feel is a fair offer then, since I'd prefer to trade the Empoleon Level X for a Level X. I'm not really sure if it's the misprint or not, but this one says it has a :ppowr:, not a :pbody:.

Cardkeeper: Honestly, no, not really, but I do appreciate the offer. Thanks anyway. :thumb:

Dudeman1993: I sent you a PM about this, but here's a formal reply; I don't have the Basic energies you want to give to you. :frown: You might want to recheck my list and see if there's anything I added that interests you.

SuperStar: I checked your list. The only two cards I saw immediately right off the bat that I need are Leafeon Level X and Venusaur ex. I need Magmortar Level X as well, but I have one that's in played condition decked already, so I'd be wanting one that's mint for my collection. I had already bought one off of eBay that turned out to be a fake (thankfully I was able to get PayPal to issue me a refund), so I've got a bitter taste in my mouth from that deal. :mad:

empoleonperson: Not really sure. How many do you think is fair?
Muscovy Level X: I checked your list and of course there are plenty of cards there I need. Go ahead and make what you feel is a fair offer then, since I'd prefer to trade the Empoleon Level X for a Level X. I'm not really sure if it's the misprint or not, but this one says it has a :ppowr:, not a :pbody:.
First off, are your LM wants for regular, RH, either, or both?
And the Empoleon is the one I'm looking for.
empoleonperson: I'll counter at 4, and are they mint? If they aren't, I'm not interested.

Muscovy Level X: I want one of each card to complete a set. I don't mind if they're holo/reverse holo/not holo. (However, as with the older sets, I will need duplicates since the cards are differently numbered).
Muscovy Level X: I want one of each card to complete a set. I don't mind if they're holo/reverse holo/not holo. (However, as with the older sets, I will need duplicates since the cards are differently numbered).
I'll check mine against yr list, and see how many I have.

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

These are my LM haves that you need:

1 Aerodactyl
6 Golem
9 Machamp
10 Mew
11 Muk
14 Wailord
15 Absol
16 Girafarig
17 Gorebyss
18 Huntail
21 Magmar
22 Magneton
24 Pinsir
27 Torkoal
28 Wobbuffet
32 Electrode
40 Misdreavus
47 Weepinbell
50 Chinchou
58 Magby
62 Sentret
65 Spheal
69 Wailmer
76 Power Tree
78 Claw Fossil
82 React Energy
84 Armaldo ex
93 Pikachu δ

I'd do these alone for

-Glameow promo
-Mime Jr. promo
-Pachi, Prinplup and Chimchar BK promo cards (1 of each)
-Weavile DP (RH)
-Gallade SW
-20 Glaceon
-20 Glaceon (RH)
-18 Espeon
-19 Flareon
-23 Jolteon
-24 Leafeon x2
-POP 6 Gible
-POP 6 Pikachu
DP01 Turtwig holo
DP03 Piplup holo
DP04 Pachirisu holo
DP06 Buneary holo
DP17 Dialga LvX
DP20 Magmortar holo

And you said you wanted a Lv.X for the Empoleon. I don't have a Lv.X from your wants, but I've got what's on my list, plus Gardy Lv.X, 2 Palkia Lv.X (promo), 2 Lucario Lv.X (1 MT, 1 promo).

If it's not enough, let me know and I can throw more in.
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I'll check mine against yr list, and see how many I have.

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

These are my LM haves that you need:

1 Aerodactyl
6 Golem
9 Machamp
10 Mew
11 Muk
14 Wailord
15 Absol
16 Girafarig
17 Gorebyss
18 Huntail
21 Magmar
22 Magneton
24 Pinsir
27 Torkoal
28 Wobbuffet
32 Electrode
40 Misdreavus
47 Weepinbell
50 Chinchou
58 Magby
62 Sentret
65 Spheal
69 Wailmer
76 Power Tree
78 Claw Fossil
82 React Energy
84 Armaldo ex
93 Pikachu δ

I'd do these alone for

-Glameow promo
-Mime Jr. promo
-Pachi, Prinplup and Chimchar BK promo cards (1 of each)
-Weavile DP (RH)
-Gallade SW
-20 Glaceon
-20 Glaceon (RH)
-18 Espeon
-19 Flareon
-23 Jolteon
-24 Leafeon x2
-POP 6 Gible
-POP 6 Pikachu
DP01 Turtwig holo
DP03 Piplup holo
DP04 Pachirisu holo
DP06 Buneary holo
DP17 Dialga LvX
DP20 Magmortar holo

And you said you wanted a Lv.X for the Empoleon. I don't have a Lv.X from your wants, but I've got what's on my list, plus Gardy Lv.X, 2 Palkia Lv.X (promo), 2 Lucario Lv.X (1 MT, 1 promo).

If it's not enough, let me know and I can throw more in.

It's a deal if SW Gallade is removed. As for Empoleon Level X, I can trade him for Gardevoir Level X if you want him.

I'm assuming all of your cards are mint, correct?
How about
3 MD packs
70 Yellow Utlra Pro SLeeves
2 scyther md if you can throw this in
1 eevee md if you can throw this in

Armaldo ex LM
Tyranitar EX UF
Latios HP Near mint like 98

PM if this works and we can both send tomorrow
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It's a deal if SW Gallade is removed. As for Empoleon Level X, I can trade him for Gardevoir Level X if you want him.

I'm assuming all of your cards are mint, correct?
Ok so remove Gallade, and I'm afraid I'd only trade Gardy for a big need. So also leave out Empoleon Lv.X.

And what off my list would you trade for your 3x POP 7 packs?
empoleonperson: I can do the Scyther and Eevee throw-ins but if I do, I'll only do two packs instead of three.

Muscovy Level X: Alright. I can trade the three POP packs for a rare holo, I'm not picky as long as it's one off of my needs list.

SuperStar: Deal. PM me and we'll exchange info.
How about
3 MD packs
70 Yellow Utlra Pro SLeeves

Armaldo ex LM
Tyranitar EX UF
Latios HP Near mint like 98
Transciever DS
Metagross DS
dual ball DS

Is that good?
Okay i take out the latios and you take out like 5 sleeves? Honestly i think im giving you a good deal b/c packs are like 4.25 each and 65 sleeves are maybe 7 dollars. and i know rotated exs go for like 10 each, And in japan you can still play holon transciever and metagross and dual ball.
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