Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

T8 St. Louis/ MS Valley Masters, Regionals Report


New Member
So yeah, I wasn't going to go this at all. I was kinda bummed about my performances at states, and with some recent upsets in my financial situation I've opted not to attend league since then. Anyway, Carlito M. decides to call me, and I'm like okay, cool, I'll go. So I went up with Carlos, David Coat, and this cool kid Cody. We spend the night at one of Colin's friend's house, and we discuss religion, and throw stuff at each other for hours, and eventually we see it's 6AM, and we sleep for an hour. We wake up and raid the kitchen, eating taquitos with ranch dressing, samoas ice cream, and sour cream and onion chips for breakfast.

Anyway, I decided to play my Palkia Lock deck (the same list I'd used at states)

1 Palkia G Lv X
3 Palkia G
4 Mesprit
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
3 Crobat G
1 Bronzong G
2 Spiritomb
1 Giratina

4 Cyrus
4 TGI Energy Gain
4 TGI Power Spray
4 TGI Poke Turn
4 Roseanne's
4 Bebe's
1 Premier Ball
1 Luxury Ball
1 Night Maintenance
2 Warp Point

4 Call
9 Water

R1: Nice pregnant lady w/ Togekiss Salamence
I'm like "nice free win". Anyway, I win the flip (unfortunatly) so I draw, energy, pass. She draws, plays rare candy, evolves her Togipi, and gets like 5 energies on the field. I'm freaking out, but I draw into a cyrus, and am quickly able to set up a Palkia G X, and KO her Togikiss, and then snipe the Shelgon she was powering. She draws dead for a turn or two, and I procede to win.


R2: Nice lady w/ Macheap + Gliscor
She gets a Machamp out pretty quickly, so I do some fancy plays with Splashing turn, while sacrificing Crobats, and stuff, until I get it near KO range. Then I bring up a Uxie, and hit it for 50 for the KO. She brings up a Gligor, and I KO it next turn.


R3: Carlos M. w/ Regigigas
Dang it; his Regi has something like a 70-30 on me with the list he plays. We both start off fairly well, I'm going second, so I have an imediate advantage. I had a Mesprit lock going for quite a while, tradeing prizes here and there. Eventually he gets a Regi X out, and iirc, I power spray his sacrifice, and then KO the regi. I can't really remeber the rest of the game, but it was fun.


R4: Good Poke'Dad w/ AMU
Well, AMU is an easyish matchup for Palkia. Throughout the game, I used lost Cyclone to limit his bench, and through combo's of Crobats and Hydro Shots, picked off the pesky Mesprit X's. The game took forever though, and I eventually win on time (iirc 2-5 in prizes).


R5: Jesse w/ Gengar
Gengar is a pretty even matchup for Palkia, so I'm not sweating it too much. I go first, and call for some stuff. He procedes to Mesprit lock me for the next two turns, while setting up a haunter, and a claydol. After he breaks the Mesprit lock, I explode and do a bunch of stuff, pretty much fully setting up, and Mesprit locking him. I'm able to do enough damage all over and take some prizes before he can draw into a Gengar, so he concedes. We looked through the next couple cards of his deck, and about the next 7 were just dead draws. Sorry bud. GG.


R6: Big Chuck w/ Kingdra + Crobat + SSU
Chuck! I'm so excited, I never get to play good people. Anyway we both set up really nicely, and things get going. About T4 or so, I begin locking him and Power Spraying his Cosmics. He's always discarding so he can do the extra damage, and eventually he has only 1 or 2 cards in hand. I KO his active kingdra. On the field he's got a Claydol at 10 and a Seadra at 10. He promotes the Seadra and does something to KO my Palkia X. I bring in a Palkia, and Roseanne for a Spiritomb and Mesprit. Basically all I have to do is use Premier Ball to retrieve my X, use Lost Cyclone to clear 2 spaces, play Mesprit, and let him play out his last 2 turns. But no. I realize I'm supposed to play Mesprit, but I at that same time I'm looking for a way to KO the Seadra. I see that I have a Poketurn, so I use it to pick up a Crobat, and play it, flash bitting the Seadra for 10. Then I procede to play Spiritomb and put it at a total of 30. I'm like "SCORE" I can totally KO the Seadra and finish a turn early. Then I realize I didn't lock him. He perks up, draws, and Cosmic powers, he pull out some stuff, and he's able to pretty much set up again. He hits all kinda of SSU flips to do fancy plays with BTS and Double Claydols. After a long time we both have like 8 cards in our deck. I use splashing turn like 50 times bringing in Crobats and junk, while he does the same with Horsea. We go at this for about 4 turns until I draw my Night Maintenance, and shuffle the X, and some Crobats or something back. Anyway, I'm fully set up and he's got next to nothing, so he concedes. Great Game.


R7: Newman w/ AmphyTrick
Ughghgh, bad matchup. Something like 4 turns into the game he's got a couple powered amphy's and I concede after being decimated. I sit around for like 60 min. Hungry.


R8: JaYson H. w/ Dialga G + Techs
We both have garbageish starts, but he's able to pull out some interesting stuff with Houndoom G. I just lose.


So, I make top16 in 7th place. The only bad matchups for me are Jake and Jayson with Dialga, and Newman with his Amphytrick.

T16: Jason Fischer w/ Gyrados + Rampardos + BTS
G1; We both put up a good game, but I'm pretty wierded out by his discarding magikarps and stuff. He gets a couple Gyra's going and he's swinging for like 60 a turn. He starts SSUing stuff, and bringing in Rampardos. I bring it to 3-3, but I've got nothing on the field, so I scoop to save time.

G2; We've got something like 25 min left, and after seeing game one, I know I've got to kill stuff before he can SSU it. Both decks play out like they should, and we trade prizes. I make some pretty big misplays late into the game, when I'm up 3-4 on prizes. He's always got some low HP stuff on the bench, so I begin to focus on Sniping them to take a couple prizes. Eventually I realize time must be low, and I start speeding up, as I hate winning or losing on time. I'm able to KO a Sableye with a Crobat putting me a 2-4. He KOs something of mine. I promote Palkia, and time is called on my turn. I'd taken 4 prizes so we go to Sudden Death.

G3 SD (not sudden at all really); I open Spiritomb to his Sableye. Great. Anyway, he impersonates something and gets his set up going. I attach call, and grab a Palkia G and Bronzong G. He impersonates Felicity's and fully sets up by discarding some Karps. I retreat and bring in a Palkia to avoid an instant KO. He attacks me forever, and I just play around with Splashing turn from Palkia to Palkia. He maxes damage at 90, so he can't ever OHKO any Palkias. We go on like this for about 10 min, until I am able to pull out some crucial draws into a couple Cyrus's. I'm able to stall out long enough with Splashing turn to get an energy, and an energy gain on a Palkia, with another energy in play. His turn, he plays a couple SSU's and hit's one of them. He picks up his damaged active, not realizing I could never KO it anyway. Instead he should have focused on SSUing his benched Sableye or Lunatone. My turn, I play a cyrus, Poke turn my Palkia X, Galactic Switch an energy up, Lvl up, attach and then use Hydro Shoot on his Sableye for the game. 12 min long Sudden Death. Sudden my foot.


T8 Jake S. w/ Dialga G + Techs
Eh, one of the 2 decks in left in the top I have trouble with.
G1; we both do well, trading prizes and stuff. Eventually he puts me in a posistion where I have only a Giratina and a Palkia out. Palkia is active and he plays warp point. I'm forced to bring in Giratina, after which he procedes to deafen. Two turns later I scoop to save time, as he'd deafen-atly win.

G2; He's gets a Dialga G X going a bit faster than I can, and he starts to tank it. I fight for a while, but get bored. I play night maintenance, pick up my Discard and place it on my deck, and then procede to shuffle my prizes in with my field. GG


So, yeah, I had a great time for an event I didn't even plan to go to. I opened my 18 packs and pulled a Shaymin X (the good one) and a Hitmonchan. Whatever.

Carlos for calling me up.
Colin, and his Friends for their graciousness.
Ness, Chuck, and Alvis, for being great, comedic guys.
Going 6-0.
Cyrus's Conspiracy.
Coates for missing the cut for once.

Dialga G.
Bela's turn of events.

Thanks Mr. Baker :) Major congrats to Chaz by the way!

Don't worry Ty, we'll be playing in the finals at Nats :0