Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

The Beastly Octopus

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New Member
I got bored so I went through my Card Box and decided to make a red face powderish deck.I noticed that today's metagame shifts towards Pokemon that use little to no energy (SPs, Gyarados, Machamp, etc..) and I came across Octillery from Platinum and was amazed by his first attack.

"Water Vein (no energy cost)
Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. Flip a coin for each Energy card you find there. This attack does 50 damage times the number of heads. Shuffle the revealed cards back into your deck."

It could potentially do 250 for nothing! :eek:

I made this list and it has been very consistent. Please help me improve it :thumb:


4 Remoraid (Platinum)
4 Octillery (Platinum)
4 Sableye (Stormfront)
2 Pachirisu (Great Encounters)

2 Roseanne's Research
4 Bebe's Search
1 Night Teleporter
2 Broken-Time Space
2 Time-Space Distortion
1 Palmer's Contribution

ENERGY (34):
4 Call Energy
4 Recover Energy
4 Dark Energy (Special)
4 Warp Energy
4 Health Energy
14 :water:


*The ideal start is with a Sableye. If you do start with a Sableye, use Impersonate OR attach him with Call Energy (It depends on the cards in your hand. If you already have a Remoraid in play by turn one, Impersonate for a Bebe's and search for Octillery. If not, attach a Call energy to him and get two Remoraids OR Impersonate for a Roseanne's) If you find that you could donk the Defending Pokemon with Sableye, it's your choice whether or not to do so :thumb:

*Pachirisu and Farfetch'd are there to serve the same purpose as Sableye.

*Try to fish your deck for as many Pokemon, Trainers, Supporters, and Stadiums as possible. This increases the probability of you flipping more coins with Water Vein. Don't aim for a Donking Octillery, but aim for a Set-Up Octillery.

*Don't make any unnecessary energy attachments. This reduces the probability of flipping more coins with Water Vein.

*Recover Energy is there in case any of my Pokemon becomes affected with Special Conditions. In this deck, Recover Energy is more important than Unown G because of Water Vein.

*Broken-Time Space is there for faster Octillerys and for when Octillery gets KOed (use TSD to hopefully get two heads and evolve into a new Octillery) Again, don't aim for the donk but stall while setting up for as long as you can :thumb:

*You can manipulate the rest of the energy in the deck. Health Energy is there because of personal preference, and Warp Energy is there coz' I don't wanna put Switches and Warp Points, but you could use other Special Energies as well. (or even replace some of the :water: energy)


Floatzel GL and LV.X

Floatzel GL and its LV.X are interesting cards for this deck. The basic form has an attack called "Incite" which searches your discard pile for 2 supporters and puts them in your hand. This attack is really useful in this deck because the entire deck's speed relies on a lot of supporters. The LV.X helps recover fallen Octopi (even more if BTS is in play) and it has an attack (Energy Cyclone) which combos well with Octillery.

Dialga G and LV.X

Dialga G LV.X can be teched in if there are a lot of Shiftrys and Mr. Mimes in your area. Those 2 cards, Shiftry and Mr.Mime, gives this deck a lot of problems (Shiftry even stops Water Vein cold). If you tech in this card, you could modify your Energy Card list to add in some Metal Energies.

Luxury Ball, Night Maintenance, Switch/Warp Point, other trainer staples

These cards functions are staples in other decks but these are outclassed by some of the Special Energies in this deck. Adding these cards depends on your play style. Try them out if you want to :smile:

Suicune SW

Suicune form Secret Wonders has a Poke-Power called "Aqua Recover" which fishes your discard pile for up to 3 :water: Pokemon. This could replace your other recovery cards (TSD, Pokemon Rescue, Palmer's, etc..). It's also a Pokemon so it can easily be searched. But, if SPs are common in your area, beware of Power Spray.

Lapras GE

Lapras from Great Encounters is another starter you could consider because of its attack, "Carry In". If you don't have any Sableye, you could use Lapras instead (if you could afford to lose Overeager and Overconfident)

Super Scoop Up

Super Scoop Up is a superb card in this deck. If you there's a BTS in play, you get to heal your Octillery instantly, since Octillery doesn't need any energy to attack.

Please help me improve this deck! Feel free to add in more techs and more comments. :smile:
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it looks fun :) ...

but if i'll try it, where can i find 2 time-space distortion cards?

try adding 1 lookers investigation to shuffle hand if it is full of energies
I really like this. Except it only has 40 cards in it.

Personally, I'd add in more energy to bring it closer to 20, and then maybe some Energy Pickup or Energy Restore.
No doubt it's a fun type of deck.

My daughter and I ran the following Octillery decks for states last season. We had flip - flop results. I was 2 / 3 and she went 3 / 2. When it works, it works.

Pokemon (11)
1x Lapras GE
2x Suicune SW
4x Remoraid PL
4x Octillery PL

Trainers (15)
1x Night Maintenance
2x Luxury Ball
4x Great Ball
4xQuick Ball
4x Bebe's Search

Energy (34)
18x Water
4x Call
4x Cyclone
4x Warp
4x Recover

Basic Strat......Get the Octillery out. Use Laparas to get Bebe's, Use Suicune to get your knocked out pokemon out of you discard pile.........Have fun......That's what it's all about.
What about adding a few night teleporters to dump those energies that will accumulate in your hand back into your deck? Plus, you can grab a luxury ball with it and then use that to grab a pokemon. You put energy back into your deck and pull out a couple non-energies to improve your odds on the next Water Vein.
Or skip the lux ball altogether to save it, yes I understand that it's more likely to discard it and less of a chance to do more damage.
But sometimes it's best to save it when you need it to add on, NT works well in this deck.

I think I'll make this deck again..
Well, you know, I confess I hadn't looked very closely at Floatzel Lv X. You're right Calypso, it tandems very well with Octillery, and its second attack really performs a NT function with the added benefit of hitting for nice damage. Add that to the free retreat and it's a great synergy, well called. :thumb:

I don't know about the sableye and pachy...I wonder whether you're better with 2-1 or 3-1 Floatzel line instead to grab Bebe's and just taking a mulligan or two now and then when starting.
Delcatty helps. tRY HIM.

It seems like an obvious partner to this deck, but I wonder though...it seems like more trouble than it's worth. You're not really dumping energies into the drink with this deck and the kitty is just another thing to set up and to take away energies. With the ~30 energy build, you're already probably seeing 3-5 energies every attack, not sure Delcatty doesn't just ruin the flow. You might be right though, haven't tried it myself.
Has anyone considered adding...Claydol to the deck?

Cosmic Power gets rid of extra energy you draw, and Water Vein shuffles them out of the bottom, basically keeping the deck stocked with energy. I know, how Farfetch'd! Add Claydol, like that'll make the deck more consistent or something.

I did hear about an Octillery deck playing 4-4 Claydol at this year's Worlds though.
It looks good, and you can do a max damage of 250, BUT you can also have 5 times tails, and do 0 damage...

So it can be good, but i don't like lucky decks...
Well, to me this deck is all about having just enough to get your octilleries out (4-4 Octillery line, calls, bebe's and balls) and a way to get energies back into the deck and resurrect knocked out octilleries and maybe do some damage in an alternate way if your opponent is able to shut down your flips (e.g., shiftry). The Floatzel X line does that last bit really well.

Simply put, I think adding claydols just removes 4+ cards that could be energies. You could use claydol to put energies in, but you'll probably just draw them out again with Cosmic power...no benefit there. This deck wins when you draw at least 3 and hopefully 4 energies every attack. Then, odds say you'll hit for at least 50, often 100, and sometimes more (sure, sometimes you'll get 5 tails, but what are the odds of that...like 3% of the time? The same odds allow you to hit for 250! It's definitely flippy though spastman! I like those decks sometimes, and this would be a pretty simple deck for a newer, younger player to try out and have fun with...and probably win with often enough to become encouraged to try harder decks.
I did hear about an Octillery deck playing 4-4 Claydol at this year's Worlds though.

I have only recently started playing, but I went to Worlds with an octillery build that had 2-2 floatzel X and 2-2 claydol. I had not considered running sableye, I ran an intensely trainer-heavy deck, with pokedex, pokedrawer+, ect. and mostly Special energy cards including warp, health, cyclone ect. It actually did quite well, except for the luxray matchups. Even though Octillery is flippy, you make up for it by providing it with lots of chances to flip. My favorite moment was when I would knock out a Flygon lv.X for no energy.:biggrin:
The play is with Palkia G lvl.x and possibly Upper Energy with Energy Gain, Cyclone Energy, and Warp Energy and Call. I have not tried Sableye yet though. Abomasnow can be decent depending on the Metagame... Tentacruel (Legends Awakened) can be decent sniping. Turtwig GL also works alright. Palkia G lvl.x lets you snipe as you pile energies onto it while you attack with Octillery.
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