Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

The Jadester's 3 cities report - 1st, 3rd, 1st with KINGDRA


Active Member
cessnock : 1st
brisbane : 3rd
Sydney : 1st

best match : adam (w/ abomasnow/lanturn)

favourite part of all citys : sam judging brissie cities.

prizes : only two good ones - uxie lv.x (cessnock) and regigigas lv.x (sydney).

judging : was good

jason : err... i'm jason. lol.

so : pj finished 2nd at cessnock and sydney.

cool : adam losing to kingdra.

lame : broc r (alan j's brother - finishing last losing ALL of his games without even trying to win.

pro : jared for defending the title for the 3rd year in a row.

noob : broc r - 0-4. not cool.

props : sean, aaron, jared, sam, alan G & J,

slops : all pe's not premier tagged yet... hurry up croftminster, answer those email now!. :/

this : is a weird report

my decks used : were ALL kingdras with 4 VMs and the ENTIRE deck is reverse foil.

lesson : plan your trip well and keep it cost effective. fyi: going to both cessnock and sydney cost me only $270 (7 games), compared to melbourne $300 (4 games).

my record : 10-2 in all cities.

my bros record : 7-1 in 2 cities.

pro people equals : sean, aaron, jared, sam, alan G & J, steff, james, etc.

lame people equals : shaun for not wanting to trade me charizard sf.

to be: continued?

the : end?

thanks : ?

dotdotdot ?


actually a better report comes right...now. Lol..

= = = = = = =

First off: Cessnock.

Before you ask. There is still no SF released here...

So yeah, for the last week and a bit, I was considering coming down to Cessnock to give Kingdra one last epic run before Stormfront release and mind you, I really love playing with Kingdra.

For the last few days, I was struggling trying to get the list that really suits me the most as well as getting the 4th VM I need for the deck. All is done.

I got these cards just in time before I head out to Cessnock - a bus journey, a long train journey, a 4hr layover at a train station before catching a bus to cessnock.

Ah well, here are the report.

I am playing Kingdra, as you know it.

Round 1 - Vs a newcomer
Both games, I completely benched him after turn 3 or 4,

Round 2 - Vs Steff with AMU with a lone Mewtwo tech
Game 1 - It went crazy and I made a misplay with my retreat/warp point combo but I managed to pull out a win after many intense misplays from her such as didnt even use Recover to stall out my Kingdra and the lsit goes on.
Game 2 - I think it was only like 2 mins left on the clock and she went first. She with a Mewtwo start and a baltoy benched. I have a really god hand (except for Uxie start), managed to go through my deck (with Victory medals and Pokedex) to get a Unown Q to get out of a Uxie start to get kingdra going T1 and I luckily topdecked a Warp point which took the game for me.

Round 3 - Vs PJ with Gardelade/Uxie/Azelf
Game 1 - T1'd his lone ralts.
Game 2 - This is longer than before but I managed to hit all of the key cards to get everything I needed and took the win after some beatdown with Kingdras vs Gardelades.

So yeah, I won all 3 rounds, 6 games, 6-0 as in undefeated.

Got Uxie Lv.X in prizes. Yay, after someone stole my one 2-3 weeks ago. Epic win, I must say.

Not just those stuff but I had more epic win stuff before I came down to Cessnock:
When I was reorganising my trade folders on the train, a chick was staring at me and I asked why, and she really loves Pokemon which leads me into a great conversation. Many thanks to Jasmine for making my day. ;)

Props goes to:

James for the tournament, and all of the stuff. Also thanks for letting me borrow the Uxie Lv.X after somoene stole my one at league a few weeks back. Enjoy your Giratina red sleeves ;)
PJ cause he's PJ.
Sean cauz he's Sean and the one who finetuned my Kingdra list which turned out to be a beast.
Alan, cauz he's Alan - the Tasman kingdra sweeper.
Tom, for the much needed VMs. Many thanks man.
Steven, Alan, Sam, PJ, and everyone else who sent me SMS - Thanks all :D

Mewtwo GE MD - I hate you.

= = = = = = =

Next is Brisbane. Being flooded with many deck choices - mainly Torterra, Kingdra, Regigigas, and several others. However with like 10 minutes left until registration closes, I decided to play Kingdra over Torterra. Same list as I used for Cessnock but like 4 card difference.

I was amazed that the judge is no other than Sam, so the environment here is much better.

Round 1: vs Jason J, a newcomer borrowing someone's deck (MD Leafeon starter deck)
Game 1: I won and smashed him easily.
Game 2: I always try to keep myself ahead in prizes but it went to prize on 3-3, therefore since I won the first game, I take the win for the round.

Round 2: vs Sean B (Tyranitar/Sableye)
Game 1: He started with Sableye, used Roseanne. I have horsea start, with RC, 1 kingdra, 1 water, 2 other cards in hand thus donked him T1.
Game 2: I started first with horsea, did 10 dmg, I forgot what else, but I knew I dragon pumped twice then used Warp point to KO his only 2 pokemon in play (a Tyranitar and a Darkrai Lv.X)

Round 3: vs Jared I (AMU/Palkia/Breloom)
Game 1: I almost had the start to donk but bad starts and dead draws screwed me.
Game 2: Same but a bit better...but still lost.

Round 4: vs Ashley L (Steelix/Togekiss)
Game 1&2: Got T1 Kingdra out both times, swept his field with damage and discarding water energies to use Aqua Stream ftw.

Round 5: vs Hosea (Garchomp/Togekiss)
Game 1: Smashed him and ended the game T3 with a T1 kingdra as usual. lol.
Game 2: That game tooks long but I managed to get fast Kingdras and swept the game while poor Ho(r)sea couldn't get anything he need as most of what he needed was prized (incl. Garchomp Lv.X)

So all in a great day, I ended up 3rd.

Sam H, iloveyoulongtime. Great job on judging.
Jared I, for 3 peating Cities. Congratz man.
Shaun M, for winning 3 cities in 4 years. Cooliez.
Charlie P, for umm...playing AMU and great trades. Thx mate.
Hosea C, for being a cool guy during the day.
Great turnout with 34 people, 15 of them are in Masters. WOOT.
and everyone else that I forgot.

Heat, it was so hot - 37 degrees celicus(sp?).
Bad pulls in boosters.

= = = = = = =

So yeah, I went home, get ready, leave home at 4.30am to catch flight to sydney, took train, arrive at GG Burwood for sydney cities. Played the same list as the day before but 1 card difference. Chilled with LV, St John and Chris G before it starts.

Round 1: vs ??? with Hypno/Darkrai
Game 1 & 2: Easy sweep, at least Unown G saves some trouble.

Round 2: vs Adam F with Abomasnow/Lanturn.
First of all, I am really looking forward for this match, knowing that how much he disliked the deck I was playing (Kingdra). So yeah, here we go.
Game 1: He starts first, Farfetch'd, fury cutter, 3 heads, Donked. Rofl.
Game 2: Seeing that he was pleased about his donk, I am trying to keep things under control by ensuring that I am one prize card ahead of him at all time, and alot of the time - it was really intense. Abomasnow was giving me some bit of pain but I managed to pull out a win in the end by carefully planning things out to get my last 2 prizes. As this match was really long, I mainly forget what is going on easily.
Game 3: With 5 mins left on the clock, Adam went first, used Call energies, get his stuff. I got Horsea start but whiffed on Kingdra (methinks) but during my 2nd turn, I managed to pull out 2 Kingdras and hit a VM to get an important warp points to bring out the Claydol. On his last turn, he whiffed on Lanturn then I managed to take 2 prizes for the game. That was a really intense game out of all Cities I have played... Good game, Adam - and you better not to throw your imaginany(sp?) noob pies at me. :p

Round 3: vs Peejay with Gengar/Dusknor
Game 1: I had the best hand ever, ready to donk until I was forced to start first which screwed me big time and I lost 2 turn later after many god luck from him which sealed the game for him. I scooped to save time with 20 mins left on the clock as I know I couldnt win the first game.
Game 2: Worst start ever. And I keep on drawing dead the whole time but still trying to keep in balance but lost to time as I couldn't KO his Gengars...Or dusknoir. Bah.

Round 4: vs James with Torterra/Sceptile
Game 1: He have energy drought and I managed to get kingdra out T1 and get the dragon pump sweep going which is went downhill for him because of the energy drought... He scooped the first game to save time.
Game 2: He starts first with Treecko and CFF for a Baltoy (i think). My turn comes and I have Unown G as starting hand, I warp point out to Horsea, RC, attach water, do stuff like uxies, pokedexs and vms, searching like crazy to get a much needed Pluspower to secure yet another T1 donk. So yeah, I did.

Thats all of my cities so far this year - with a record of 10-2, which means I should be in 2nd place for ratings, barely behind Alan Guy (who went 10-0 in BRs and 7-1 in cities with the same deck, not too many cards difference).

LV, St John, and everyone else in Sydney - thanks all.
St John - For finishing 4th.
Good games Burwood - AMazing venue, much better atomsphere than previous owners, yet still same props like that Pokemon banner that you see when you walk up the stairs...
Not going to GG Melbourne, as I heard they were unorganised after Frank left...

LV's place - what a huge mess.
Rotten luck vs Peejay.

That's about all

Now I gotta wait to see what would be my rating going to be like from all of those cities in australia...

Have a nice day.

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Eeveelover: Canada doesn't play 2/3 until top cut. I think it would be best to say North America plays single rounds in swiss and then 2/3 in top cut when needed. I have no clue about Mexico though...
yes Detroit358 - we all play best of 3 games in Australia.
And kingdra16 - your post is spam... Reported to a mod for deletion. :/