Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

The Poke Gems (The Awards Show: Nominations Open)

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Woah, this is pretty neat, lol :D. Must say I'm flattered!

Why should I (John K.) be voted as best United States player?

First, I feel that I play the game well: I make the absolute best effort to not just make "good" plays, but perfect plays. This includes the finer points of the game that many of you recognize, such as deck thinning, prize searching, etc. Like everyone else, I'm not immune to making a misplay or two, but a strong attempt is all that's asked of anyone, and I consistently try my hardest, even with little fits of abysmal luck every now and then. This will be emphasized in my third point.

Secondly, I feel that I'm an even better deck builder and deck theorist. I have yet to show much this season (except that Infernape is still viable), but there are _many_ projects I've either contributed to, or made all on my own. Here is an abbreviated, incomplete list of things I either directly or indirectly contributed to:

-Gatrqueen and variants
-Super Stantler
-Banette (minor role: pushed strength charm and cyclone energy heavily, and was one of the first to play them)
-Speed Spread (<b>very</b> minor role: I just added a couple tiny elements that would ultimately appear in later
standard lists)
-Infernape/Delcatty! Many who were there when the deck began to develop can attest to how critical I was to shaping this into what we have today. Running pluspower or using a giant Delcatty line wasn't even heard of until I pushed it, and with the help of several good internet friends (Scizor, SHPanda, Krayzie, etc), who helped improve it even _more_, it became a force. The deck was so good that people had to play tons of Cursed Stone, Empoleon, Cessation Crystal, and Lunarock tech just to shut it down!

Ironically, Ape is why America lost worlds: we pushed the metagame "too" quickly, and in countering each other, Europe just came in with their decks/our older decks, and ultimately swept the finals. Regardless of that there are a few people that'll always be associated with this killer deck, and I'm one of them.

-Flygon ex LM: Again, while all of the United States (bar a few people) thought that this was a joke, I understood how fast and powerful this could be in the right Metagame. Michael W. (Rokman) and I did a whole lot of different things to our lists, and by states we were surprised to find out we'd both been working on the same thing. The only difference is that he chose to play it, and I didn't. However, I would eventually find my preferred metagame for the deck: Worlds 2007. If my luck was a liiiiittle bit better in any of my last three games of worlds, I could've been there instead of/alongside Steffen From.

Overall, I've worked very hard on my deck theory, and it shows. Hopefully it will show even more as this season goes on.

Now that brings me to my third point: consistency. I'm a very, very consistent player at all levels, being one of only a handful who's been to every Nintendo Worlds. Last season in particular, I was tied for most tournament wins, went four of them undefeated, made worlds, and didn't do half-bad (23rd place: top of the 3-3's) when I got there! Among those wins was one of the nation's harder regionals (and easily the largest, with almost 90 players in the Masters division): the Southern Plains.

Point four: I try my hardest to be a good personality in this game. Ever since its birth I've severely disliked the term "Spirit of the Game" because it's trite and corny, but its goals, such as friendship, player improvement, and respect, are good things. Points on how this applies to me are:

-I appreciate what almost all of you bring to this game, and as a result I have many friends in many cliques. I'm just as much a Pokegymmer as I am a Team HB'er, or Lafonte'er. I'm also the most available of anyone nominated (indisputable) for all kinds of discussion. I share everything but secret lists, freely talk strategy, etc.

-I really try to be tactful. In tournaments you'll see me being very calm/collected about judge disputes, and in tense top cut games you might even see me have a couple laughs with my opponents. This is part of my overall attempt to uphold the CONCEPT of SotG (again, I HATE that expression :X). Sometimes it may not seem like it, and sometimes I may seem like I have hot air, but just keep in mind that there's always a process of me genuinely attempting to be a better person. As "they" always say: Who gives a "*******" if you're good at Pokemon when you suck at life?

So that's my entire shpeel. I hope you enjoyed my speech, 'cause I sure enjoyed writing it. Even now it's making me think about how much _more_ I could add onto this season, and makes me thrilled to be a part of this TCG. :)
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I'm Kant S. and this is why I should be Rookie of the Year:

This is my first year playing this game, and I came out of the gate slow top cutting every cities except one and starting the season 32-9, with only 1 win. As dissapointing as it was, I decided to stick with the game because I beleived I could eventually win and it's hard to win knowing nothing about the game.

As Cities ended and the game went to the States season, thanks to the help of great friends who also happen to be some of the top players and classiest players in this game, I improved my game so much in the 1-2 months between Cities and States that it was apparent my skill at cities was merely a shadow of what I was about to become.

Quickly, I dominated States, plowing through it undefeated, winning my first major tournament. I was robbed of my chance at winning regionals as in the top 8 match, my opponent took an extra prize on me causing me to lose that game, and not letting me take a shot at cupcake matchups (Metalix vs Flygon) for top 4 and top 2.

I continued my dominance at Battle Roads winning 3 and getting 2nd at the last of 4 BRs I attended. At nationals, everyones heard of the major dissapointment I suffered in top 4, as many peopel already expected me to win or place 2nd at Canadian nationals because of my track record (Yeah a rookie favored to win a nats =/). After this devastating loss, I quickly rebounded by playing a solid match against one of the world's best players in Gordon, a player who I have the utmost respect for and it was tough for me to have to play a good friend and a good player with so much on the line. I earned my trip to Worlds. Worlds was a huge dissapointment as bad prizes and some great topdecks for my opponents made me lose even though I (and many other people) believe I had made a great deck choice for that metagame.

I finish the season with a 76-18 record - an 81% win percentage - which is good even for a long time players standards. I had also top cut every single event I played in except for 2 in which I needed devistatingly bad luck not to top cut.

Also, many great players will tell you that my deck theory and play skill are absolutely off the charts for a rookie (as are Zach's, as I have alot of respect for him too). Also, I help new players at league and generally am really nice and give deck advice to anyone who asks me at events.

This year, I'm quick out of the gate with a 22-2 record and I'm not planning to slow that down.

Long story short:

-76-18 record - 81% win percentage
-22-2 record so far this season
-Made quite possibly the toughest worlds to make in my first year
-top cut every single event except for 2 (one cities, worlds)
-good deck theory and in game skill for a rookie
-help kids at league, help people who ask me for help

How Chad (Scizor) turned a nobody like me into a Worlds level player in 1 month is beyond me, but he did it and I'm glad that he did.

PS: Zach and I should be CO-ROOKIES OF THE YEAR!
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Hey I am Steffen E. (Denmark)

Why you should vote for me as the most improved plyer.

(my english is not super, so look out for mis-spellings :)

I have been playing this game for a bit more than 2 years. I feel that I have improved myself from being a pretty bad player, to be a lot better player in my eyes. When I started this season I told myself that this was the year, were I sould prove, that I could get far at this game. I heard about the new ranking system were you could win a trip to Hawaii and play at worlds. Cool, lets give it a try.

I tried to bulid new decks and tried to surprise my oppenents by playing a different deck each turnament. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it did'nt. The first deck I won a turnament with, was my Delcatty ex/electabuzz deck. Soon I got a lot a 2nd places with different deck, and my ranking was looknig ok. Later on I won 2 regionals, and it was there when I saw my chance to get to worlds, so I decided to play more "safe", by playing only 1 or 2 different decks, just to make sure that they worked.
With a 3rd place at the danish nats and a lot of battle road victories I saw that my ranking was good enough (2058,44 wins:89 losts: 30) Yes!! Hawaaii here I come.

I came to worlds with absolutely no expectations of winning a single match, but when I won my first and then the 2nd match I was felling like wow, but then I lost to John K. in the third round. I ended up going in the T16 with a score on 4-2 and then I lost to Diego. 12 place wuhu. A lot! more than I expected.
In my last season I lost nearly everything, I only won one CC with a lot of luck and it was not even my own deck :tongue:

So I would say that I have improved myself so much, that I think you should vote for me as the most improved player. From beeing a noob to be 12th at worlds theres a long way.
I have improved myself a lot as player, but I have never gone all that way alone, so thanks to all who helped my become that player I am today. I hope, that I can help new players in the future like they helped me. :smile:
I agree with Kant. I'd GLADLY share the honor with him (ONLY HIM). Kant's AMAZING at teh pokemanz we deserve it bro!

Well what premire events have I won in past seasons................ NOTHING

What have I done in 06-07 season..................... I went 7-0 at a battle road and gained 158 points.....Talk about an IMPROVEMENT!!!!! Also I went 6-3, placeing 64th at the United States National Championships with an Infercatty deck with a 1-1 Blissy ex tech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT! 1-1 Blissy ex! Yep, I am so good!!!! Any ways placeing 64th at USA NATS means I placed in the 15th %tile out of all the masters who were there. Also I know you are asking I havent won much......blame my metagame.......FLORIDA!!! Yeah guys.... I LIVE IN THE BEST METAGAME IN THE WORLD, THE GREAT STATE OF FLORIDA!!!

BTW Guys don't vote for Omar...... how did he improve?
In past seasons Omar got top four at a regionals and he won a gym challege....
In the 06-07 Season he a Battle Road and thats it!!!!!
I see no improvement.

Also is this "Aaron Fisher" a real person? I've never heard of him? Is it a cross between Aaron Curry and Zach Fisher?
For the whole "Bored Lockdown" thing...

Aim me if you want the full story, but lets say that you had BETTER vote for it.

Chuck Norris commands it.
Thanks to those of you who've posted your speeches so far.

The original plan was to post a new Speeches topic with the entire nom list in it. As you can see that hasn't happened yet. Midterms and the whole shebang. Y'all should understand.

I still plan on doing that Sunday and I will be transfering all posted speeches so far (and any PMed to me) in the new topic. I also hope to get representatives to post on behalf of some of the decks and big news events and such.

See you Sunday! (also, please feel free to keep posting speeches).
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