Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

The Protagonist in a RPG


New Member
I need help deciding on a name for the main character in the RPG I'm making in my RPG maker for PS One. I had Flash in mind, but that kind of lacks originality. I need something that hasn't been used before and sounds courageous. What do you all think?
Asking for something that's never been used before is too much. Also, this is in the wrong place.

My recommendation: Yuki.
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My suggestion is: Ikuy

This is the wrong place, and it is too much to ask for a name that has never been used before.
Seconded. Also make sure that he uses the boost to get through.
Yep, and make sure he trys hovering!

But I gotta be honest with you, Peppy is courageous, and that is a quality you are looking for. I mean, he tells Fox what to do. That takes some guts.
As long as you don't name a smart character Lloyd, you're probably good with anything.
Way to tell us absolutely nothing about the game in question, thus making any suggestions complete shots in the dark because we don't even know the basic setting.

Name him something heinously wapanese for all I care.
I'm sorry if I put this thread in the wrong place. I didn't know where else to put it. And if this is a poll, I didn't mean to make it a poll. Thanks for all the ideas everybody(I liked the Peppy thought), but I finally decided on a name. His name is Airo, pronounced Arrow. It's original and has a heroic quality to it, don't you think?
Be prepared to acknowledge that you're the only one who's ever likely to pronounce it that way. Trust me, I've had people pronounce the names of some of my characters in interesting enough ways to know that a counterintuitive spelling is liable to never catch on unless your game has routine voice-overs.
Are you pronouncing it ahrrow? I have heard some people say it that way.

The air-o makes sense though...