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The real G deck

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Kingdra, Rampardos and Machamp are the only things that match these decks in speed. Kingdra is the middle one out of the tree in terms of difficulty. It can do consistent damage, but Skuntanks Poison kills it. If you play HQ, that is 20 or 40 damage just to evolve, so the poison becomes 30 or 50. 60 from Toxicroak=90 or 110. Next turn Kingdra is dead.

with Unown G, Machamp is easy for a few turns. Rampardos is the hardest one.
Ok I must reply to this.

I have been testing T-G for a while now.

Now I'm not saying this is THE build, pokemon wise, but there are some pretty ridiculous lists going around

3 crobat? really? why on gods earth would you waist bench space on more then 1, when you can scoup them?
i agree

2 I could see incase 1 gets prized, but not 3.

Multi? seriously? Basic NRG FTW (you can rosans for them when you need them)
again i agree

Snowpoint? G-HQ? Moonlight? why not all 3 (in moderation) Honchcrow gets what you need
im saying g stadium is the best play

Uxie? seriously? what do you do once its on the bench? waist of bench space, claydol is the play (god I hate the "trendy" switch to uxie all of a sudden) it has its decks, and I dont think this is one of them
dont be a n00b, you run an all basics deck, and if need clayol to stay sustained then you need to revise your list

No G-Dialga X? seriously? ok.. well... then you can lose to mewtoo LV.x if you like (not to mention all the other bodies you can shut off)
gialga g is staple

lets see ... what else....

honchcrow? why would you only run 2? its your ideal starter, which dictates 4
yup, honch ftw

ok ok, heres my pokemon build (im not revealing my trainer build)

4 honchcrow G
2 Skunktank G
4 Toxicroak G
2 Crobat G
1 Dialaga G
1 Dialga G - LV.X
1 Baltoy
1 Claydol

this isnt a great build, you dont need 4 toxicroak, and you should play 1 weavile seriously.

you were doin well, then you said no to uxie, which imo is the wrong play
i can ensure you guys something 1 crobat no claydol 2 uxie no dialga g 2 honch thats the play. trust me.

Sorry but, 2 crobat. 0 Claydol, 3-1 Uxie, 4 Honchkrow.

Dialga G is a MUST. I cannot stress this enough. Mewtwo DESTROYS you without it. Without Mewtwo you are going to need 4 Crobat, 4 Poketurn and 4 Super Scoop Up.

Every SINGLE G deck needs Dialga.
Sorry but, 2 crobat. 0 Claydol, 3-1 Uxie, 4 Honchkrow.

Dialga G is a MUST. I cannot stress this enough. Mewtwo DESTROYS you without it. Without Mewtwo you are going to need 4 Crobat, 4 Poketurn and 4 Super Scoop Up.

Every SINGLE G deck needs Dialga.

lol definatly not. i play 1 uxie and never have a problem with my hand size
Bippa201; lolganium

i would be willing to test uxie if you could answer 1 thing for me.

what do you do about your bench size? what do you do if you need to drop more then 1 uxie?

you are already going to have


which is 5

drop 1 uxie

thats 6

then what? what if you use 2 early game to get setup? then there stuck there wasting bench spots.

do you attack to send them back to the deck? and push up what to take the free hit you are giving your opponent? seems like a waist of an attack to me.
Crobat is never on my bench. I use its power only when it is needed for a swift KO or to soften something up (example, put 1 counter on a Poisoned Pachirisu, pick Crobat up and attack with Toxcroak).
Crobat is never on my bench. I use its power only when it is needed for a swift KO or to soften something up (example, put 1 counter on a Poisoned Pachirisu, pick Crobat up and attack with Toxcroak).

An 80HP pokemon probably would have served as a better example, as poison+toxicroak is already 70 damage)
Bippa201; lolganium

... attack to me.

yeah, 3-1 uxie is a really extortionate amount in my oppinion. but then i only play 2 toxicroak, maybe i'm just really reserving when i play

food for thought: i've lost 1 game out of about 8 with the g deck (an that was after a phat mis-play and i cba to play it out) and not once so far have i got out dialga ... just thought i'd throw that one in there
yeah, 3-1 uxie is a really extortionate amount in my oppinion. but then i only play 2 toxicroak, maybe i'm just really reserving when i play

food for thought: i've lost 1 game out of about 8 with the g deck (an that was after a phat mis-play and i cba to play it out) and not once so far have i got out dialga ... just thought i'd throw that one in there

I said this in another thread, but I'll reiterate it here:

This deck probably doesn't even need Dialga G. What is the deck afraid of? Sceptile? Shaymin? Slow and slow. Tyranitar? Dead due to weakness and the threat of Dialga. Amphytric, the deck should never do well- I dont know if adding in dialga to counter this is worth it. It shouldn't really see play because people shouldnt go to a tournament with a deck that autoloses to a simple tech.

Oh, a mewtwo tech? Who even plays mewtwo. I saw it a small amount to tech vs regigigas, but with dialga out there, people won't be using mewtwo to counter basic pokemon.

I could definitely see someone doing well without dialga in their toxicroak deck. I don't run one in mine and have had a-mazing success without it.
Hi folks,

Ryanvergel is correct. Use a tech Diagla G line in case Scizor is common. The others mentioned are too slow. At least break even on Toxicroak G and Weavile G since a single Weavile G could stop this deck in a second. It cannot be poisoned by Skunktank G and Toxicroak G's base damage is absorbed by resistence. No Uxie or Claydol in case you use Weavile G since those two do not tend to get along very well for obvious reasons. Resort to plain draw. Worked in Scizor and works in this deck too or even better.
The matter is that there will always be those who don't want to believe the decks such as Amphy, or techs like Mewtwo won't work. So it is likely that they will show up somewhere some time. I will most likely run the 1-1 Dialga in my Toxi G deck because I feel it is an acceptable tech (keyword being tech, which are cards that you put in you deck JUST IN CASE).

This would have been an even better deck if the would bring back Goop Gas Attack, haha.
I said this in another thread, but I'll reiterate it here:

This deck probably doesn't even need Dialga G. What is the deck afraid of? Sceptile? Shaymin? Slow and slow. Tyranitar? Dead due to weakness and the threat of Dialga. Amphytric, the deck should never do well- I dont know if adding in dialga to counter this is worth it. It shouldn't really see play because people shouldnt go to a tournament with a deck that autoloses to a simple tech.

Oh, a mewtwo tech? Who even plays mewtwo. I saw it a small amount to tech vs regigigas, but with dialga out there, people won't be using mewtwo to counter basic pokemon.

I could definitely see someone doing well without dialga in their toxicroak deck. I don't run one in mine and have had a-mazing success without it.

its jus not worth the risk imo... ive it bad practice to run risk like that. there is a card in the format that kills your deck and a card that nulify's that risk ... i think that it would be an obvious answer to not run that kin of risk. but i see where you're coming from...
this dek doesnt even win man remake it with a better pokemon lines like drop half of what you got

It would definitly help if I could truly understand what you were saying, but that is beside the point. Yes this deck is a formidable deck, not to say that it is the best, but you have to be able to acknowledge good synergy and structure. Example being: it is incrediblly difficult for a Machamp deck to beat this one. Not impossible, but difficult.
again,a 1-1 Palkia line has really worked well for me. All of your Pokemon can have free retreat due to Moonlight, which you would run with it, and you can scoop them up with Poketurn. the only thing Dialga helps with is Mewtwo, which ryan has said, really isn't going to be played. with Palkia you can drag up claydols and KO them with a crobat drop.

I think the point was how often do you plan on triple attaching to Weavile, unless you ALWAYS do that when facing D-noir?

my strat for dusknoir is really just to single attach to Toxicroak fo the first 2 easy KOs, aftr that inital Attachment, start attaching to weaviles, so that when they begin to night spin you can bring up weavile and bash hem for alot, and if you plan accordingly, your KO can be off of poison so that they X never hits the stadium.
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