Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Thought of an interestic mechanic


New Member
Manectric70 HP:lightning
Stage1 Evolves from Electrike
:pbody:Lingering Static
When Manectric is brought from being your active Pokemon to the bench, all of your opponent's active Pokemon are now Paralyzed.
:lightning:colorlessElectric Throat 20
If your opponent's active Pokemon retreats on your opponent's next turn, the new active Pokemon becomes Paralyzed.
Switch Manectric with one of your benched Pokemon. Move all :lightning energies attached to Manectric to your new Active Pokemon. Return Manectric and all cards attached to your hand.

Retrat Cost::fighting::fighting:

What do you think? : - ) The retreat cost is supposed to be that way. I've always wondered why they only use colorless for retreat costs.

Post any other interesting or unique moves/mechanics you can think of.
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I thought of this first, actually. No offense, I just wanted to point it out. Check GreenZangoose's New Concept contest if you don't believe me.
It's fine, I believe you lol. He can retreat if you have fighting energy in your deck, and attached to him. o_O

Also the whole retreating to damage your opponent is the main mechanic. The colored retreat is just a side mechanic. : - )
Oh, nice to see you in the CaC forms! :thumb:

Although there are thoughts that energy specific retreat cost would be cool, it just doesn't work. :rolleyes:

I can understand why Flare Blitz needs :fire: energy or Hydro Pump needs :water: energy but why would you need anything but :colorless to run away? :tongue:

I do like the Lingering Static effect though, add in a retreat cost of 2 :colorless and it would be hard enough to retreat it. Nice card altogether! :thumb: