Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Thoughts of Hitmonchan (The Closing Chapter)


New Member
Chapter One
Thoughts of Hitmonchan​

Hitmonchan was in the middle of one of his more intense work outs.

“Why bother old friend?” Asked Scyther. “You know, our time is done. We had more than our share of wins. You crushed many dreams in the first turn without your opponent even drawing a card. Sure, it was fun for us, but have you ever considered how all those others felt?”

Hitmonchan stops and looks at Scyther. He looks at himself in the mirror. “They were losers.” He says.

“They were trainers just like our trainer.” Said Scyther. “They worked hard to come up with their decks. They practiced. They bought cards. They paid their entry fees. And you and I slew them like sheep.”

“Like the sheep that they were.” Said Hitmonchan.

“So, no remorse?”

“Only over the fact that the haymaker’s days are over. Now it’s that stupid thunderchicken ruling the roost.” Hitmonchan continues his workout.

“I wonder if Blazekin ever thinks about us?” Asks Scyther.

“Why would he think about us?”

“Because we used to be him. We used to be just like him.”

Hitmonchan stops again. “We were never like him! We were fast, we were strong, we relied only on ourselves and the skills of our trainers. We didn’t need to evolve in order to win!”

“But we were like him in other ways. We dominated the tournaments then as he does now.”

“His days are numbered. I could take him out.”

Hitmonchan punches the speed bag, 50 - 50 - 50 - 50.

Dunsparce pops out of his pokeball.

"Blaze Ex?" Dunsparce laughs at Hitmonchan, "Hah! He can one shot you while you're still on the bench. What do you think that you can do to him?"

Scyther goes back into his pokeball.

Hitmonchan stops punching his bag and looks Dunsparce solomley in the eyes. "Not me alone. No, not alone." He says. "But I can see into his soul. At his soul he's just a Tochic."

Dunsparce wisely chooses to remain silent.

Hitmonchan goes back to punching the speed bag, 50 - 50 - 50 - 50, his fist as hard as rock, and thinks about the Ancient TM his trainer showed him today.

Hitmonchan smiles.
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Chapter Two
Hitmonchan Takes a Break​

Hitmonchan leans back and smiles as the smoke runs out. “So he let his anger get the best of him, again.”

“That’s a nasty habit you know,” said Scyther, “You, being a fighter, should know better.”

Hitmonchan takes a long draw and smiles.

“Yeah,” says Scyther, “He said the wrong things about the wrong person, but he did apologize and try to set it right.”

“Apologies are cheap.” Says Hitmonchan.

“Still in all, it was a fun time, wasn’t it old friend?” Asks Scyther.

Hitmonchan thinks back on the past week. Lots of cool people, lots of cool sites, lots of good battles won and lost. He smiles. “Yeah, it was one great time.”

“Did you see?” Asks Scyther, “He even shook hands with an adversary from the Gym? Tried to bury the hatchet I guess?”

“I saw,” says Hitmonchan, “Five years ago he would have just buried the adversary and been done with it.”

“Times change old friend. Time, people, and play, it all changes.”

“You know,” Says Hitmonchan, “He showed me the new unlimited deck he’s working on.”

“Back to the haymaker style?”

“Yeah,” Hitmonchan answers, “but don’t get your hopes up. Were not in it. He’s using that stupid clone. An EX Pokemon. Hah! I guess he's the EX and were just the ex.”

“That stupid clone can swing for 60 on the second turn.”

“Yeah?” Says Hitmonchan, “So can you!”

“Times change old friend, times change.”
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Chapter Three
The Dark Specter of Magic the Gathering​

"They cancelled the tournament so that they could give away comic books!" The trainer shouts to no one in particular. He takes apart his Haymaker Mewtwo Ex / Fossil Ditto deck and files away the cards, "And I was all set for some fast wins. Mewtwo swinging for 60 on the second turn, Ditto sucking up the double colorless on the bench..."

Hitmonchan stretches and starts to limber up for his long nightly run.

Scyther watches him in the mirror. The lights are turned down now, the evening air is cool.

Hitmonchan catches Scyther's eye in the mirror. "A tournament cancelled just days before it was to be held. Another blow to Pokemon." He says. "Did you notice him walking around the Wizards area in between rounds at Nationals?"

"Sure," says Scyther, "What else was there to do? The delays were terrible."

Combusken struts in followed by three Torchics.

"How long do you think it will be before he picks up his old black library again?" Asks Hitmonchan.

Combusken shoots Hitmonchan a disapproving look, nodding toward the Torchics.

"It's called a deck, not a library!"
The first Torchic says, "And there isn't any black, but there is dark! I saw a dark..."

Hitmonchan cuts him off, "Not in Magic, Chicken Little. Over there they call it a library. And they don't play with Pokemon, they play with summonsed creatures. Creatures that fight to the death, not just a KO." He leans in closer. "Monsters that look like they come right out of nightmares." Hitmonchan bends down so that he is inches from the, now frightened, Torchic's tiny face. He says in a whispered voice, "Sometimes they even sacrifice some of the smaller monsters just for more energy!"

The Torchic trembles as Hitmonchan looms over him menacingly.

"Enough!" Combusken jumps between them and pushes Hitmonchan away.

Hitmonchan steps back and takes a fighting stance. Scyther flies in between them, facing Hitmonchan, staring into his eyes until he backs down.

The third Torchic speaks up, "They don't call it energy, I heard them call it manna! Someone kept saying he was manna screwed all day!"

Combusken backs down and waves the Torchics to the door. They all start chattering at once.

"If he starts playing Magic, what will become of us?"
"We'll play Magic too!"
"You don't think he'd sacrifice us for manna, do you?"
"Not me, but he might sacrifice you if he was manna screwed!"
"I saw him looking at his black shirts in the closet after we got back from Ohio."
"Those Magic trainers look scary!"

"They don't call themselves trainers," Hitmonchan shouts, "They're called Wizards!"

Combusken glares back at Hitmonchan.

"Any time Feather Duster," Hitmonchan says, "Anytime. You and that Thunder Chicken both."

Combusken just smiles and ushers the Torchics out the door.

"Why scare them like that?" Asks Scyther, "What does that do for you?"

"They should be scared. But of Magic itself, not it's summonsed monsters. They run a few more fiascos like Nationals, cancel a few more local tournaments, and what do you think he'll do?"

"Don't be silly. You know as well as I that he tried Magic once before. The cheating was rampant, the people way too serious. He didn't like it and neither did his kid, so he came back to us. Besides, they never forgot us, even when they were playing the Wizards."

"Cheating is picking up here too. You saw those fake trainers at Origins. And his kid's no kid anymore either. You think he'll be fooling around with those Torchics once his kid gives us up?"

Scyther is taken aback, "Gives us up?" He sits down and the couch and looks at the floor, his voice goes quiet, "Why would his kid ever do that?" Scyther glances at the volumes of Magic cards lined up in twelve old dusty binders on the shelf.

"Things change, old friend, just like you said, things change." Hitmonchan takes off for his run.
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Oooh cool.How dare Chan scare the young Torchics like that.How rude indeed...I wonder if he will realy actualy play Magic...Don't fall for it trainer!DON'T FALL FOR IT!
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Wow, this is so awesome! It's a fanfic seen through the eyes of Pokemon Cards. Wow. And I can relate to the comment about checking out the wizards area because nationals was too slow :rolleyes: .
Chapter Four
Scyther dreams​

Within his pokeball he tosses back and forth.

Hitmonchan’s words echo in his mind.

“You think he'll be fooling around with those Torchics once his kid gives us up?"
“…once his kid gives us up…”
“…once his kid gives us up…”

Scyther sees the volumes of Magic cards now open on the floor, the trainer, dressed once again in black, sitting in the middle reassembling his old dark library. The trainer's face is solemn.

Trolls, Goblins, and Horrors dance in dark circles gibbering to each other in a language that Scyther cannot understand.

Scyther looks for the kid, but the kid is gone. He notices pictures of the kid on the wall.

Twelve pictures.

In the last the kid is wearing a black robe and a funny square hat with a tassel. At first Scyther thinks that this is a picture of the trainer, but then he sees the sparkling blue eyes and knows that this is indeed the kid.

He sees the plush toy Pokemon now gathering dust on the shelf.

He blinks and tosses back and forth in his pokeball, unable to wake from the dream.

Now it is he, Scyther, who is in a dusty binder on the shelf.

He calls out to Hitmonchan.
He calls out to the trainer.​
He calls out to the kid.​

No one answers.

He has never known fear, not even in defeat. He has never been afraid. The summonsed creatures dancing around his trainer do not scare him.

Again he hears Hitmonchan’s words.

“They should be scared. But of Magic itself, not it's summonsed monsters.”

He is not scared. But he realizes that he is alone.

He feels as if he is flying, flying higher than he ever has before, looking down on himself in the old dusty binder.

His edges are starting to fade. His thoughts are starting to fade as well.

He wonders if the trainer or the kid even remember him anymore.

He whispers as if in prayer, “Satoshi, is it over?”

Insect pokemon can’t cry.


Scyther wakes up and immediately pops out of his pokeball.

“You’re up early old friend!” Hitmonchan says, already starting his morning routine. “You look like you had a rough night. Didn’t sleep well?”

Scyther glances at the shelf. Twelve dusty volumes filled with Magic cards sit, undisturbed. On the floor is a plush Teddyursa. He hears the laughter of the kid in the other room playing Pokemon Coliseum with the trainer.

“Just a bad dream.” He says to Hitmonchan.

Scyther shivers, then flies off to watch the kid and the trainer playing.
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Chapter Five
Hitmonchan vs. Blaziken Ex​

Combuskin smiled as though Hitmonchan was making a joke. "You? Take on Him? Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Talk is cheap Feather Duster, you want to set this up or are you just a chick," he paused, "oh wait, I guess you are either way."

"Ok," said Combuskin, "You want to fight Him, it's your funeral. Just name the time and the place."

Now Hitmonchan smiled. He had been wanting this match up for some time. He knew that the trainer didn't allow his Pokemon to fight without his instruction. But he also knew that, being old school, he would never get the chance to face off with this Thunder Chicken that now ruled the tournament scene.

Scyther pops out of his Pokeball and sees Hitmonchan and Combuskin shaking hands. "This can't be good." He thinks.

"Let's do it tonight, in the gym." Hitmonchan said. "But we go by the rules. Even though the Trainer won't be there, we still play by the rules."

"What are you two up to?" Asks Scyther.

Combuskin smiles and says, "See you later, loser. Your going to be toasted tonight."

Combuskin ignores Scyther and leaves the room to go tell Blaziken Ex to get ready for the fight.

"What was that all about?" Asks Scyther.

Hitmonchan smiles and starts his short workout. He glances at the clock, just three hours to go.


Midnight at the gym. Blaziken Ex and Combuskin are standing by the ring. The room is dark.

"He's not going to show." Says Blaziken Ex, "He's not that stupid."

The lights come on and Hitmonchan walks straight to the ring and climbs up through the ropes.

"What did I tell you?" Asks Combuskin, "These old school Pokemon are all brawn but no brains." He turns to Hitmonchan, "No plus power is going to save you tonight old man."

"Talk is cheap Feather Duster. Let's see what you got."

Scyther appears in the doorway as Blaziken Ex starts to get into the ring.

"Hold on!" Scyther shouts. "I thought you agreed to play by the rules?"

"Yeah, so what?" Says Blaziken Ex.

"So," Says Scyther, "You have to start with a Torchic, then evolve into Combuskin, then to yourself."

Combuskin gets up and struts toward Scyther.

"Wait," says Blaziken Ex, "He's right. Let's do this right and show these two oldies what the new breed are all about." Blaziken whistles and a Torchic pops out of his Pokeball.

"Wow!" Says the Torchic, "I've never been up this late! Is this some secret meeting? Are we going to learn a new technique? Where's the Trainer? Is he going to let his kid stay up this late too?"

"Just get in the ring," Says Blaziken Ex. He helps the little Torchic up into the ring. "We're just going to put these old guys in their place. This is a fight."

The Torchic takes on a serious look and walks to the center of the ring. Hitmonchan looms over him, the little Torchic looks up and tries a Singe attack, but the attack doesn't go off.

"My attack didn't work. Do I get to try again? Why didn't it work?"

"Hold on," says Blaziken Ex, "You have to gather energy first."

"My turn," says Hitmonchan. He gathers energy and strikes out with a jab. The little Torchic is rattled, but bravely stands his ground.

"Here," yells Combuskin, "eat this." He tosses a Rare Candy into the ring and the Torchic quickly gobbles it up. In a flash he is replaced by Blaziken Ex.

Hitmonchan steps back.

"Didn't expect to see me for another turn or two, did you?" He laughs.

Blaziken Ex gathers energy and smiles at Hitmonchan. "Ok, let's see another one of your famous jabs old man."

Hitmonchan gathers his second energy and cocks back his right hand for a jab. Just before he punches, he slips a Plus Power in front of his glove. The punch lands solid and blackens Blaziken Ex's right eye.

Blaziken Ex looks down at Hitmonchan in anger. "Now you burn old man!" He gathers his second energy and lashes out with a Blaze Kick that sends Hitmonchan to the canvas in a gout of flame and smoke.

Hitmonchan slowly struggles to his feet. His whole body is smoldering. Smoke rises up from his blistered skin. His gloves are burned. He tries to speak but coughs hard as the smoke fills his mouth and nose.

Scyther raises a white towel and looks sadly at Hitmonchan.

Hitmonchan clears his throat of the smoke and says in a ragged voice, "Do not you dare interfere in this match."

"It's over old friend. You're badly burned and he's barely hurt." Says Scyther. "Sure you might land your Haymaker next turn, but it's just not enough anymore. It's over." He raises his hand to throw in the towel.

Hitmonchan snatches the towel out of Scyther's hand and throws it away outside the ring. He coughs hard again, more smoke coming out, and slowly says, "While I Still Stand It Is Not Over!"

Hitmonchan cocks his right hand back to throw the punch.

Combuskin breaks into laughter, "He didn't even remember to try and gather energy. The best he could do now is just another jab."

As his fist comes forward Hitmonchan pulls something from his smoldering vest.

Remembering his black eye, Blaziken Ex winces expecting another plus power.

Hitmonchan activates the Ancient Technical Machine Rock that his trainer showed him last week.

Blaziken Ex is teleported out of the ring and Torchic instantly takes his place. But with the damage already done, Torchic immediately passes out and is returned to his Pokeball.

Hitmonchan staggers and looks into the eyes of the stunned Blaziken Ex.

"He cheated!" Shouts Combuskin. "He's not allowed to..."

Blaziken Ex shoves Combuskin back and silences him with a glare through his blackened eye.

He turns to Hitmonchan, bows his head, then ushers Combuskin out of the gym.

Hitmonchan looks at Scyther and passes out, returning to his own Pokeball for a much needed rest.

Scyther, standing alone in the gym, turns out the lights. "I guess we're not the ex after all." He says to the empty gym and, allowing himself a feeling of a little old school pride, goes back to his Pokeball as well.
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Dave, I love your stories. Very entertaining. Love how you handled Blaze. ;)

Keep up the great work!
Wow, incredible work! I liked how there were pretty light descriptions, really allowing the reader to sculpt the world to his own imagination. Great, great work.
At least Chan sort of won. Proves once and for all that old school can come back and haunt new hype, even if it doesn't always win anymore. MP Mewtwo would have at least given him some real old-school beats, as would Blasty. (Yes, I know it's one on one with no trainers, which means they'd each lose badly, but...).
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Chapter Six
Hitmonchan Smiles​

Hitmonchan is still recovering from his battle with Blaziken Ex. He is rubbing some anti-burn ointment on his chest.

Scyther is sitting on the couch watching Pokemon on TV.

Hitmonchan speaks up, “So, the Thunder Chicken let him down at the Stadium Challenge huh?”

“He went three and three, that’s respectable.” Scyther answers.

Respectable?” Says Hitmonchan in a sarcastic tone, “When did you become so fluent in loser-speak?”

Scyther flies off the couch and stands face to face with Hitmonchan. Scyther speaks in a quiet, slow and measured voice, “Want to repeat that?”

There is a loud ZAP and the smell of ozone fills the air as Electrobuzz pops out of his Pokeball. He looks at Hitmonchan, shakes his head, and returns to his Pokeball.

Hitmonchan backs down. “Sorry old friend, sorry. I just can’t get past the old days.”

Scyther sees the pain in his old friend’s face. He knows he took a lot of punishment in his fight with Blaziken Ex. But he also knows that the pain he sees now didn't come from that Blaze Kick and won't fade away like the burns will. “I miss the old days too old friend. No trip to Worlds for us this year. But we did have a great time at the Stadium Challenge, did we not? Those first two battles were two of the best I've ever seen. He'll get the hang of this format with all it's evolving, supporters and such, you'll see.”

“It was a fun time. More than a hundred players. Six rounds, plus lunch and we still got home before dark. It was fun indeed.”

The trainer comes in followed by the kid, they are talking about an upcoming trip to Florida. The kid wants to fly but the trainer says that they are driving down to save a few bucks. The kid wants to know if he can bring a friend. The trainer tells him maybe. The trainer shows the kid the deck he is planning to play this Friday night at the Unlimited tournament. Scyther sees Mew Two ex, Ditto, Mr. Mime. The kid says he will play the old Haymaker. Scyther gets a warm feeling inside. The trainer files away his Blaziken deck from the Stadium Challenge and starts looking through the Pokemon binders. He tells the kid that he’s going back to creating a deck from scratch. Scyther watches as the trainer pulls out Bagon, then Feebas, then…

Scyther settles back on the couch. “So, looks like we’re going anyway.” He smiles at Hitmonchan. “One last chance to make it into Worlds.”

“Looks like we are old friend, looks like we are.” Hitmonchan smiles and then winces as he rubs some ointment on a particularly painful burn. “I think I’ll stay out of the sun though.”
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