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Tommy's Gun A Rock-Lock Needing Fixs

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Tommy's Back

New Member
3 Larvitar (Fury Attack)
2 Dark Pupitar (Explosive Evo)
3 Dark T-Tar (Sand damage and 1 Spinning tail)
2 Mareep
1 Dark Flaffy
2 Dark Amphy
4 Dunspooce
2 Pidgey
1 Pidgeotto
2 Pidgeot

1 Mr Briney's Comp
1 Rockets Trickey Gym
2 Desert Ruins
3 Celios (No More Sadly)
4 Rare Candy
4 Rockets Pokeball
2 Crystal Shard
2 Copycat
3 Steven's Advice
1 Warp Point
1 Pokemon Retriever
3 ATM rock (Sadly i have no more than 3)

2 Lightning
4 Fighting
4 Dark (Whoops forgot to add this one :rolleyes:)

So far this deck has done well but 3-0 isn't really sayin much so if any one has any suggestions please give them as i would greatly appriecate anyone's 2 Cents Besides, i plan to play this at states this weekend if it is completed.

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DUDE, it's only 57 cards.

With the large amount of pokemon in the deck, you have to take out from other areas, but thanks to the rock being used so much, 16 energy isn't needed. But I feel 8 might be too little aswell. This is how I would do the deck:

23 Pokemon
3 Larvitar (Pop Series 1)
2 Dark Pupitar (Explosive Evo)
3 Dark T-Tar (2 Sand damage and 1 Spinning tail)
2 Mareep
1 Dark Flaffy
2 Dark Amphy
4 Dunspooce
1 Jirachi HL
2 Pidgey
1 Pidgeotto
2 Pidgeot

25 Trainers
4 Steven's Advice
4 Rare Candy
4 Celio's Network
1 Mr Briney's Comp
1 Rockets Trickey Gym
1 Desert Ruins
3 Rockets Pokeball
1 Crystal Shard
1 Strength Charm
1 Warp Point
4 ATM rock

12 Energy
4 Darkness Energy
5 Fighting
1 Scramble Energy

Your welcome to use one of my Rock's Matt, same for any other card you need to borrow for the tournament if you choose to use this card for the SC SC.

Good luck.
Thanks dude!!! Ok that list looks nice i'll do that though i'll have a little borrowing to do but like you said i can rely on you. :biggrin:

I'd fix your deck TB, but then you would have my deck and then I'd have to kill you. I like you too much to snuff you out ;)

Um ok, so any advice?...At all? Plus, i'd like it if someone would help me with this i seriously am gonna play this deck for states.
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Ok, so the draw engine is 2 copycat and 3 stevens? I have that exact draw engine...and the energy engine can be easily fixed. So, anyone else have any tips, advice etc.
Celio is a DRAW card? (o_O) I must have slept too long last night. But i play 3 celios because dat is all i got and four stevens is ok but 3 copycats i cannot do
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pokeball. lol

You definetly need a 4th celio. They sell em in the FRLG theme decks (not sure which one). That deck also comes with a pidgeot I believe. You definetly need the 4th celio though.
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