Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

Trailer for the best movie of the summer released.

I'm what you would call a "religious" person. Of course I disagreed with the story, but that doesn't change the fact that the book was awesome. Religion or no religion, the movie was terrible!
Ones who vote for the oscars seem to review movies no one in all of Earth has ever heard of.

Oscars is nothing more then a reward to juice up movies that no one cares for or never heard of.
Ones who vote for the oscars seem to review movies no one in all of Earth has ever heard of.

Oscars is nothing more then a reward to juice up movies that no one cares for or never heard of.

You're right...

Who has ever heard of Titanic?
Man that one movie was terrible...what was it? I can barely remember what it was because it was so bad...oh yeah... Gone With the Wind
I don't believe in pirats.

The first one was okay, the second one was not so good, how do I know this is not gonna be even worse?