credit to SuperWooper:
Top 32 15+ National Championship 2005
Bold = Trip
Mostly confirmed...
1. Tom D (Dolezal, TankEngine)
2. Lars S
3. Matt G (Gillespie, Snowball21)
4. Eddie M.
5. Mk C.
6. Luke R (Reed)
7. Michael P (Pramawat, SHPanda)
8. Will H (Hung, willhung53)
9. Jordan H. (Hill, FlipsAreCool)
10. John S (Silvestro, The Sniper)
11. Jimmy B (Ballard, BANGINBOX)
12. Shawn G (Ghettys? Winner, Prof Cup)
13. Ryah R
14. Frankie D (Durso)
15. Levi C (Canfield, Monkeyman8889)
16. Stephanie B (Barlock, cookieqween)
17. Jacob B (Burt, Dendrobatida)
18. Seena A ((typo, I think) Ghaziaskar, The Ghaz Factor)
19. Jordan D (Dupuis, Whicker)
20. Eric P
21. Chris B (Bianci, Krayzie)
22. Kyle S (Sucevich, Pooooka)
23. Ben K (Krupa)
24. Trent C
25. John W (Wetz, YoungJohn06)
26. Stephen S (Silvestro, Squirtle)
27. Kathy S
28. Jim F (Ferrel, Gymbo)
29. Greg S
30. Steve P (Palumbo or Perruca)
31. Ben D
32. Chris S (Schell, Professor Chris or Silver, TRUK)
Hope this was helpful! =D