Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

UK league seasons

Sorry, but what do you mean by "uploads" and "no material sent"?

I know that NoPoke has been telephoning/emailing everyone connected with the League material, and as yet he has no concrete evidence that anything has been shipped to us.

As far as "uploads" go, did you mean doing the league reporting, or else the TOM bits after your BR?

There is currently no new league material in the UK. I wish there was but there isn't.

League schedule for the UK will be reset. I'd rather just do this the once when it is clear that the materials are due and can be shipped out to the UK leagues.
There is probably going to be a problem with doing the report in that it will throw out Ian's admin when it comes to resetting leagues and making sure that material is sent out correctly.

That said if you don't report your league gets turned off and players looking for a local league may think you have closed down. Perhaps Ian can give us more of a steer on this?

It really does need Nintendo and Play! Pokemon to get the situation sorted out and for the UK Distributor Hobby Games to be pushing for this to happen. The fact that we have only 5 seasons of league for 2010-2011 is interesting; as it looks like more change maybe on the way. The fact that we are now two seasons behind and still no sign of any materials makes me nervous and we could end up closer to the end of the 2010-2011 league season before we see anything here and based on what happened under WotC any delay in UK League has been and could be very disturbing indeed!
I don't think reporting will cause a problem. Though all such reports are likely to be discarded when the schedule is reset.

We are not two seasons behind, we are just about to become one whole season behind the USA. Not a happy situation I agree, and certainly a problem I'd rather not have. My league could do with the new materials too.


As long as you have play times scheduled then you should show up on the locator.

FWIW the only way to allow leagues to schedule play times was to start the UK league season even without materials :(. Dammed if I do and Dammed if I don't was the position I faced. Starting the leagues seemed least worst of the two courses.

I'm not Wotc. The materials will be sent out when they arrive and will not languish in a warehouse.

None of this is the fault of Esdevium.
I'm not Wotc. The materials will be sent out when they arrive and will not languish in a warehouse.

None of this is the fault of Esdevium.

We know that you are certainly not WotC :thumb: but if you are not getting anywhere with Play! Pokemon then what are we all to do :confused:

As for Esdevium well I would hope that they are pushing for League Materials as much as you have been?? But based on past performance by them I would not count on it..

I know I am not the only UK League Leader that feels concern about this and we really do need to know that someone is fighting for us and our leagues. How much longer can we keep telling the players we have nothing new we can give them and no we do not know when the new material will arrive?

Okay we have 11 days to go before the second league season ends but there is still no sign of any materials and that has to be concerning, doesn't it?
No league kits in Bournemouth either.

Is there not anything we can do.

I assume that we are waiting for material to be supplied from the USA, but surely after two months - has someone not chased this?

Please let us run league as it should be - with the correct promo items for the players. Most of them have access to the internet now and know what they should be getting at league. It is very disappointing to keep telling them that we have none of the league kits and we do now know when they will be arriving.
I strongly aggre with the fact telling the players we have no new stuff i have been asked every well since the new season started when we geting new promo's
...Okay we have 11 days to go before the second league season ends but there is still no sign of any materials and that has to be concerning, doesn't it?

11 days till the end of season 2??? Even in the USA season two doesn't start till Nov 8th. I'm not trying to belittle the issue but to inflate the problem with incorrect information does not help.


As to what to tell your players then tell them the truth: that league materials are not in the UK, that I don't have a confirmed arrival date. Do make sure to tell them that no one will miss out as a consequence of the delay. I'd much prefer to be able to say that materials are here and will be sent out shortly but that would be untrue.

---------- Post added 10/21/2010 at 12:23 PM ----------

Is there not anything we can do.

Not that I can think of. The problem has been identified and is at the USA end. Esdevium are not involved.
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11 days till the end of season 2??? Even in the USA season two doesn't start till Nov 8th. I'm not trying to belittle the issue but to inflate the problem with incorrect information does not help.


As to what to tell your players then tell them the truth: that league materials are not in the UK, that I don't have a confirmed arrival date. Do make sure to tell them that no one will miss out as a consequence of the delay. I'd much prefer to be able to say that materials are here and will be sent out shortly but that would be untrue.

---------- Post added 10/21/2010 at 12:23 PM ----------

Not that I can think of. The problem has been identified and is at the USA end. Esdevium are not involved.

oops my bad on reading the season start and end times there :( I stand corrected.. but I still remain concerned..

However to say Esdevium are not involved does seem to simplify the situation too much, they are the UK's distributor and OP Provider and surely they have the most clout with the US and will have been discussing with them the how and the when with regards to delivery of Play! Pokemon in the UK?
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Actually Esdevium are not the UK's OP provider. I don't think they have ever been OP provider for Pokemon in the UK. I know that from the outside it looked like Esdevium were OP provider at least in the very early days of POP. What Esdevium do is to import the materials for OP, and after ThePlaceForGames left the scene took up the responsibility for dispatch of league materials too.

Both TPfG and D&A Games considered themselves to be the UK OP provider. From my position I'd say that the role of UK OP Provider no longer exists, at least not in a single entity. OP provision is in reality down to the many leagues and organisers out there. As such it is in all of our interests to cooperate and work with each other.
If Esdevium are importing the materials for OP and are also the importers of the cards then surely it would be in their best interests to try to get the OP running in a more efficient manner as the more players we can recruit and retain the more cards they will ultimately sell. Could they not take over the role of OP provider so that everyone had one reference point?

I only see it from a players point of view, but I'd imagine it must be so frustrating for the shops who are trying to run leagues - I've watched our local store work hard to recruit new players and now they're having to postpone the pre-release for a week as the cards are late arriving. For new players this is just the kind of thing that will lead to them not bothering to keep on (particularly the younger players where parents make arrangements and then get fed up with having to change them, or worse still, turning up to find out the event isn't happening). It would just be so good if we could have one point of reference, where we could find out all the information about what is happening and when in the UK, particularly in terms of things like Battle Roads, States, City's etc. Any suggestions, anyone?
Liz all companies make an assessment of effort vs reward, factored into the amount of effort is if the tasks are core to their business. I have no issue with Esdevium acting as OP provider but it is not an activity they have ever done in the past and is not core business for them.

The UK already has a single point of contact. You can email, phone, PM, and I will do my best to respond, this applies weekdays, weekends, evenings, when I'm on holiday, not quite 24/7 as I still need some sleep but it is currently unusual for me to be unavailable. [Note that this has to change in future.] The recent delay with Triumphant was a direct result of material arrival at Esdevium being delayed: the shipment would arrive in time for release at the shops but not in time for pre-release events. Esdevium warned me of this last Thursday and I contacted all those running events. The option to shift the events was given to all organisers: some were able to shift and others had no option but to hope that the additional materials that Esdevium would import to cover the delay would arrive in time. Not a happy position for anyone to be in.

As to information this was sent out to the active leagues and organisers on September 16th
Hi all....

This years OP calendar will look very like last years.


So this means

From now until the end of October Battle Road Autumn events will take place. If you have a venue and players then I encourage you to consider running one of these events. Now as every league ought to have both players and a venue there are a few extra restrictions but nothing too awkward.

  • BR Autumn events can be expected to take between four and five hours. So in all but the most exceptional of circumstances they have to take place at a weekend.
  • You need players. Odd as it sounds this one is often overlooked! The minimum number of players for a sanctioned event is eight. However as there is free prize support which will be putting free product into your local area and thus potentially displace sales I would suggest that 12 is a more sensible minimum. evidence of players is required.
  • You need to be a tournament organiser or know one. I would not advise running a battle road as your first steps into the tournament side of organised play.

So if interested, and I'm sure many of you will be, please contact me as soon as possible. My first question is going to be date and anticipated attendance if you don't indicate those in the reply. So you may as well have those figured out before replying.


November 3rd : Street date for the next set HGSS:Triumphant

Which means pre-release events from the afternoon of Friday 29th October through to Tuesday 2nd November
Launch Party events from Wednesday 3rd November through to Monday 8th November.

The minimum number of players for a pre-release or launch party is 4 but obviously that doesn't create much of a buzz so more is better.

Most of you know the drill by now: please let me know number of events anticipated attendance dates and venue.


City Championships December through January (this is based upon the assumption that this year is like last year)


Nationals Sunday 29th May at Wicksteed Park. (same venue as last year, Monday 30th is a bank holiday)


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@liz - To be honest, having a single point of contact is a good idea and the UK is lucky enough to have this in Nopoke. Historically, pre releases have always had these problems, which are outside of everyones control, and most stores/TO's and players kind of expect this. League problems "seem".....strange but will all work out probably - even the best laid plans get tech issues sometimes :) .

@Nopoke - "One that does answer phones and respond to emails - this has not always been the case in the past" - Yes distant past, tpfg so before our time I hope and not a dig :)
No it wasn't supposed to be a dig. I was trying to emphasise that players should not assume that because they may have had difficulty in the past that they should expect to have difficulty now or in the future. Some players have very long memories and I know that Liz has been involved for a long time.
Blame for what Freddy? The delay to league materials?

Blame isn't a particularly useful way to spend time as it generally doesn't resolve problems. Still if you want to blame anyone then blame me.
No it wasn't supposed to be a dig. I was trying to emphasise that players should not assume that because they may have had difficulty in the past that they should expect to have difficulty now or in the future. Some players have very long memories and I know that Liz has been involved for a long time.

Fair enough :thumb:

Just as a suggestion, is there anything other information on what the delay is on the US side, as you say some people have been around a long time and maybe giving this info (perhaps not over a public forum but by email?) will alleviate some fears of the ones who have been around a while?
I've done this a couple of times using the mail-blaster but the emails aren't getting through. Last attempt was a couple of days ago and the mass mailer failed again. So I'm now assembling the list manually from the website - but this is a much slower process. Its very easy to miss someone off the mailshot :(