Pokémon TCG: Sword and Shield—Brilliant Stars

UK Midlands Regionals 2nd Place report


New Member
Hello All,

Before I send my report I would like to ask the person who hacked my account last night and has given me multiple Infractions to get off my account, Apparently I have posted random comments in the International section like sldgsjdgshdhshdshddushdushdudsh or djdjdhjdhffashdsuhasuihauhafufs when I was sleeping at my dads Saturday and all of today and he dosen't even have internet :nonono:. So anyway onto my report.....

I walked into Pheonix Games knowing that people from all over the country would be there so I wasan't exactly the most confident person there. I walked up the stairs and saw Alex "Magic Umbreon" who lent me some cards (thanks alex!) and Luke "The Machampion" which was a good experience meeting some new people IN PERSON! Anyway, there were some big names there such as Fares+Sami and Freddy K!
I was peering over looking at games including Donezator v Machampion. So I wrote my list and sat there focusing when disaster strruck for Alex, his cards he needed for Redhift hadn't arrived! But eventually the guy with the cards came (sorry Iv'e forgot his name), So the tornement began. There were 12 Seniors with 4 rounds best out of 3 with a top 4 cut.

Round 1= Luke Birch with Magmortar

Game 1- Well, I had never played a Magmortar in a tourney but I had known how to beat it. I was left with 1 prize card at about turn 10, but I made the fatal mistake of letting him charge up his Magmortar and it was downhill from there onwards :( In the end I WON WITH KIRLIAS TELEKINISIS, LOL. Because I had nothing left and I used Ralts confuse attack and got his Mag lv.x confused. He had no energy on any of his pokemon and gambled an attack and got tails. I evolved to kirlia and Telekinised his benched Baltoy. He gambled an attack again and got tails AGAIN. So I telekinised his Baltoy again and that was game!


Game 2- After such a tense game he was tired, so was I. I just got Gallade and Pychic cutted his Mag by flipping 2 prizes with a pluspower... LOL.


Round 2= My brother "Deck Box" with Eeveeloutions

Game 1- I felt really annoyed because I had to play against thge only person IMO who wanted to win as much as me! I knocked out his pokemon fairly quickly with Gallade and he couldn't get anything exept energies!


Game 2- Pretty much the same as the first game


Round 3= Storm Jones with Magmortar

Game 1- Errrmmmmmm I beat her turn two! She had Magmar I had Ralts, I went first attached a psychic and got the heads and confused her. She attached a fire and ended her turn. I pulled wager and won the RPS and pulled a Gallade a DRE and a candy so I just evolved and dominated lol!

Game 2- Well slightly different to last game only she got Mag lv.x really quick..and I had to send Gallade after Gallade till I killed, lol she had this crazy i dea that you can burn a benched pokemon:lol: and we had like a 15 minute arguement... anyway I remember winning by Using Gardy lv.x's "Bring Down on her benched Magmar. Phew, a scorching game, lol?


So, we had luchbreak and me and Alex tested our decks when this guy asked if i would sell my chomp lv.x for a tenner and two rares when these people had an arguement whether it was a fair trade, personally i wasant sure, was it a fair trade? Anyway the shop nextdoor HAD NO SAMOSAS!!!!! That ruined my day :nonono: well, lunch was over, time for the final round

Round 4= Fares Sekkoum with Empoleon

Game 1- well, It beat my expectations but I think it was Fareses fantastic build that won him the game, i mean he always had perfect setup so I kept sending everything out but it was too powerful


Game 2- LOL exactly the same as the first game......


Well, This was the T4 cut

1st Fares
2nd Me!
3rd Luke A (The Machampion)
4th Jak
5th Luke Birch
6th Angus (My Bro) playing his spare deck LOL
7th Storm Jones
8th ?????
10th ????
11th ??????

Semi Final=Jak with GG

Game 1- Well he got no Supporters AT ALL so I won the first game easily peasily


Game 2- Exactly the same


Final= Fares with Empoleon

Game 1 -Well the first game I got 6 basics and a DRE....ENOUGH SIAD


Game 2- I got a decent hand but with his perfect use of call energy and Scramble he won the game
Congrats Fares

Donezator won juniors btw


Everyone else- ermmmm HI


1st- would of been good
The nextdoor shop- NO SAMOSAS

So 2nd Place, well not too bad we will have to see about the Nats next week! It will be good and it will be fun and it will be hard, very very very hard!


(Alex: I found your Deckbox after you'd left!, i'll give it you at the nats next week)
Wow, Olly Ure Such A Kool Person, I Thuaght Becuase We Were Having A PM War a lil while back. But Ure A Good Player And Im Looking Forward To Getting Pared with You At Nationlas Where, I Will Have My Good Deck Which I Havent Wanted to give out. It Was Really Nice Meeting You And A Nice Report It Waz.

U Did Well

PS. Dont Forget to put the To Much Gas Kid whokept ruining are Top 4 by farting in the slops section. Lol

Thanks Pheonix Games For Making Me Feel AtHome and Ollie For Being A Good Mate And Doing some good trades.

Luke xD

Back to back posts merged. The following information has been added:

PS. Apparently Im Quite Forum Famous. lol If I Am. I am Now Going To Be Refered To as The Machampion From Now On

Thanks Man
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ARRGHRGHRHGRRGH U reminded me of that horrible kid!!! Where did he get all the GAS FROM!?!!?!? He was like farting every 5 seconds! At 1st it was funny but it startexd turning into a real annoyence >=( and Chris thought we were being funny and stuff but he was being a SERIOUS PAIN

Congrats on 2nd place Ollie! I'm the guy who traded the Chomp with you. Good luck at Nats next week, cya there!:biggrin:
I can't yet because all the Photos are saved onto my dads computer, which he is curently working on. Therefore, I am using my Laptop which doesn't have the photos!
Good report, Ollie, and well done.
When Luke was telling me about the tournament on MSN in the evening it did seem as if the highlight of the entire day was the kid was the volcanic bowels. I assumed he'd been dancing on tables lighting aerosol cans, the amount of emphasis Luke put on it. Although I suppose that'd get you a warning, wouldn't it? Hmm... off to ask about that in Ask The Masters.