Come Play At Your Local Pokémon League

Unbelievably Late States Report (OK State Champion)


New Member
Alright, after a little more than 2 months after the tournament, I will probably get quite a few things messed up, so please bear with me (or, if you know, correct me).

So, I decide to run (Surprise, surprise) GAG.

Round 1 vs Blastoise/Venusaur
I bring up Gardevoir, start using his TV Reporters like crazy, and dominate him!
W 1-0

Round 2 vs Inferncatty
I Ralts start, he T-3 Ape's. Long story short, I get dominated.
L 1-1

Round 3 vs Blisscatty
I Absol start and discard like a mad man. I get a T-2 Gallade, and bring him out next turn. After about 4 KO's with Gallade, he finally KO's it, but it's too late, as I have another one ready to go.
W 2-1

Round 4 vs Magmortar/Typhlosion/Delcatty
Well, to make things sweet, I Psychic-Lock him to death!
W 3-1

At this point, I realize I could Top-Cut at my first States if I win out!

Round 5 vs Blissey/Darkrai/Weavile
I get T-2 Gallade, no chance!
W 4-1

Round 6 vs Mirror
My opening hand is 2 Celios 1 Psychic 2 DRE's 2 Candy and 1 Ralts. Ah, what a hand!
W 5-1

WOO-HOO! I'm the 6 seed, so, yeah...

T-8 vs Banette/Lucario
Game 1-
I get out to a 4-0 prize jump, but after a couple misplays, he takes the game.
Game 2-
I get a Gardevoir and Gallade T-2, much to fast for him to respond to.
Game 3-
Time is almost up, and I get a Gallade out fast enough to get enough of a prize jump to win on time.
W 6-1

T-4 vs Banette
Game 1-
An incredibly long game. In the end, though, I finish off his Banette swarm for Game 1.
Game 2-
After another pretty long game, I'm up 4-2 on prizes. He Mentors and accidentally discards a Shuppet, and can't recover from the misplay. I Warp Point, he brings up Latios ex d, and I Psychic Lock FTW.
W 7-1

Oh yeah, baby! I'm in the finals.

T-2 vs Magmortar/Typhlosion/Delcatty
Games 1+2-
To put it simply, critical discards from Absol and Mars he just can't recover from lead me to victory!
W 8-1

Oh yeah, State Champ!

-Obviously, winning the State Championship
-Roy on an awesome tournament
-Picking up a little over 100 points

-Getting up at 4:30 to get to Norman, OK
-Getting home at 2:30